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Christ full divinty: means that God fully dwels in Him, not just partly. He is therefore one with God having all the qualities of God.

By being complete in Christ means we find our fulness in Him and nothing else. Praise the Living God for this grace.


that everything that God is, Christ is because God dwells in Christ in the fullness of who God is.It goes back to another question earlier who is Jesus? Jesus is the visible image of our invisible God. Sometime i believe our faith is not always what it should be.


Q2. (Colossians 2:9-10) What does verse 9 teach about Christ's full divinity? In what sense are we "complete" or "come to fullness" in Christ? What does this mean? Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness?

Colossians 2:9-10 - 9For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.

What does verse 9 teach about Christ's full divinity? In John 1:14, it states "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." This tells us that Jesus is God and He came to us as a person.

In what sense are we "complete" or "come to fullness" in Christ? As we learn more about Jesus, we will become more like Him and as Pastor Ralph wrote in his commentary, we will be gradually restored by the Spirit to our full glory .

What does this mean? If we believe, Jesus will be with us, now and forever. What a wonderful friend to have.

Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness? We hear the noise around and we let our guard down and we sometime fail to listen to our Saviour. Fortunately, we can ask for forgiveness and He will listen.


Q2. (Colossians 2:9-10) What does verse 9 teach about Christ's full divinity?

In Christ is the fullness of God, all that God is, is seen in the Son. The scriptures God gave to His covenant people the Jews, speak of Jesus divinity, Jeremiah 23:5-6 Behold, the days come, the LORD said, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

In what sense are we "complete" or "come to fullness" in Christ?

It is through Christ and our faith in the knowledge of who He is, that we have been given the Holy Spirit, making us complete in the Messiah.

What does this mean?

It means now that we have the fullness of God living in us, we are expected to act as if we have God living in us, showing forth the fruits of the Holy Spirit, which is righteousness.

Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness?

I think many don


Q2 Christ full divinity is that God dwells completely in Him. He is one with the

Father as Christ is the incarnation of God the Father in the flesh. Thus Jesus is

God in the flesh, deity in bodily form to have power and authority over all things

created in heaven and on earth.

In Christ we are complete in Him. For Christ came to love and redeemed us.

As humans we tend to depend on our own self and do not fully place our trust and

faith in Christ who has again and again stressed of His mission here for us. At

times we are swayed by the false teachings who have planted seeds of doubt in our



What verse 9 teaches of Christ's full divinity is that Spirit of God dwells in Christ the Messiah in bodily form.

We are "complete" or "come to fullness" in Christ in the sense that we find our fulfillment in Him alone. We don't need to add anything more. There are those who teach that one needs to get baptized,join a church,do good works,etc in addition to accepting Christ in order to be saved. This is false teaching. Christ proclaimed just before His death on the cross, "It is finished." Faith in the blood of Christ alone is enough.

I think sometimes we fail to understand this fullness because we too often let the world and our fleshly desires get in the way.

  • 3 weeks later...

Verse 9 teaches that God lives fully and totally in Christ. Once you have accepted Christ, there is nothing, nothing lacking. Because He is the beginning and the end; The Alpha and Omega; The Creator of all things. Because He is Love,I NEED NOTHING, I AM COMPLETE IN HIM!!!

  • 1 month later...

Verse 9,tells us that in Christ Jesus,the fullness of God was manifested,in all its glory IN BODILY FORM.Something physical,that people can see.A strong presence,very alive,living in physical human form

  • 3 weeks later...

Q2. (Colossians 2:9-10) What does verse 9 teach about Christ's full divinity?

Even though Christ lived on this earth in human form, he is still God.

In what sense are we "complete" or "come to fullness" in Christ?

We can rest in the sufficiency of Christ - we need nothing more.

What does this mean?

We are complete in Him.

Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness?

Satan leads us to believe that we need things of this world, and not Christ. We think we can do it on our own. :rolleyes:

  • 5 weeks later...

Since the Bible, including Paul, stresses growing in our "knowledge and depth of insight," it's easy to see why we would see ourselves as incomplete in a way. As far as our standing before Christ, we are complete--he has done all the work. However, we can still--and should--grow, not in order to earn salvation, but in order to reach a deeper understanding and love that will point back to God.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Q2. (Colossians 2:9-10) What does verse 9 teach about Christs full divinity? In what sense are we complete or come to fullness in Christ? What does this mean? Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness?

God is manifested through Jesus Christ, he is flesh, presented to us through his living son. He is SUPREME above all powers and authorities. He is the most high power. He is the creator of all and the head of all.His supremacy lives in Christ differently than it does in us because God is Christ in Living form.We can only be completed, but never match his supremacy,nor should we ever seek to, through Jesus Christ.

We are made complete and find fulfillment through God dwelling in us.Nothing can compare and nothing can complete us. We don't need anything else, but the love and redemption found in Christ. NOTHING of this world can compare.

We sometimes fail to understand this fullness because we are drawn into things of this world. We do not keep our focus on God and God alone, we allow other things to come before Him. We sometimes do not allow him to complete us because our priorities are not on Him and Him alone.

  • 3 months later...

2a)Jesus himself is God, God dwells in him fully, his divine character/nature, in super abundance & bodily through the incarnation. He has supreme authority over every power & authority. biggrin.gif

B)As we repent & turn to him, we have Christ in us through his Spirit joining to our spirit. We are complete in him & find fulfilment in him alone.We can grow deeper into him, adapting our motives desires, thoughts to be more like him. smile.gif

C)We can rest in Christ

  • 1 year later...

This verse tells us that Jesus is God in every form. He is divine in all aspects and is the fullness of God. We are complete and fulfilled in Christ meaning His love and redemption of us from sin allows us to rest in Him. We do fail to understand this because we do not have a full understanding of who Jesus really is and His work on the cross. We have lived in a worldly state for so long that anything different from what we think we know takes a while to grasp.

  • 2 years later...

Q2. (Colossians 2:9-10) What does verse 9 teach about Christ full divinity? In what sense are we complete or come to fullness in Christ? What does this mean? Why do we sometimes fail to understand this fullness?


In verse 9 Paul teaches that Christ is fully God!  Because God is in Christ, completely and fully than Jesus is perfect as God is perfect.  As John Calvin writes in his commentary on Colossians  "God has manifested himself fully in Christ." (kindle edition, location 668)The term lives implies dwell and is used in the Bible as a permanent dwelling. 


Paul's words are " "And ye are complete in him...."  (KJV) So  God is completely and fully in Jesus who " is head over every power and authority."  (2:10)Hence this power of Jesus which resides in Him because of the fullness of His divinity. This Jesus as the Holy Spirit  resides in us and we must be complete in Jesus as this fullness lives in us -as the Holy Spirit guides us in our sanctification.


We fail to abide this fullness because the cares of the world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful, (Mark 4.9)

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