Pastor Ralph Posted April 8, 2010 Report Posted April 8, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? Quote
pickledilly Posted May 15, 2010 Report Posted May 15, 2010 The Law required the perfect keeping of specific commands from God in order to remain in covenant with Him. It was humanly impossible to obey flawlessly. That very failure was intended to contrast the holiness of God with the unrighteousness of man and to display man's utter need for the promised Messiah's intercession/redemption. In composing my answer, I just realized something I've never heard quite this way. I think the Anointed One, Jesus Christ, personally internalized the Law, which had previously been only an external effort. Through the Spirit within (who descended on Jesus at His baptism - Mark 1:10, John 1:32), He perfectly kept every command and satisfied the legal demands for man's atonement - not as an outward work but as one from the Spirit within. He accepted in Himself our penalty of death, and as He was nailed to the cross so were all those demands/consequences. Every precept and truth of the Law remains, but are now administered in an entirely different way. The complete and perfect internal fulfillment of the Law meant that it was no longer an external work to satisfy God. Now it is the grace of God at work within any heart that places faith in what Christ has done and yields itself to Him. How merciful and glorious is our great God!!! The realm of evil spiritual forces has been defeated, first of all, because they are under the full authority of the Creator of all things. But more specifically here, their power to claim man in victory through death has been obliterated. The resurrected Redeemer has secured freedom from their right to accuse us before God and drag humanity off into eternal death. Evil no longer has any power over us that we don't allow it to have! The Sovereign King has won the war and all things are under His supreme command but, in God's perfect timing, the moment hasn't yet come for Him to step in to fully repossess His territory and exert His full authority. Just as believers are already seen in God's sight as righteous and seated with Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6), the evil spiritual forces are already seen as disgraced, defeated, and demolished! Quote
Marloes Posted May 15, 2010 Report Posted May 15, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? Under the Law, we should get the death penalty because we're all sinners. No man (exept for Jesus) has ever been without sin. Only God's forgiveness sets us free. With His forgiveness He nails the Law to the cross. This means that we don't have to suffer the everlasting punishment of second death. The cross didn't remove Satan's power on earth because that would contradict with our free mind. However, "they're out to get me, they won't catch me" (please forgive me for quoting Axl Rose in another context). This means that because Jesus died on the cross, Satan just can't catch us. Satan will shoot all his arrows and he will hurt us but he can't have our souls! Psalm 1:3 "And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper" Quote
pbrown952 Posted May 15, 2010 Report Posted May 15, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? The law is not done away with. The law was not nailed to the cross. The 10 Commandments are still in existence today. In John 14:15 Jesus says: If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS! John 15:10 KEEP My commandments! Matthew 19:17 says: If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. Rev 22:14: Blessed are those who do His commandments. Matt 5:17 teaches that Jesus did not do away with the law. Do not think that I come to destroy the Laws but fulfill the Law and in vs 18 Christ says Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or tittle will by no means pass from the law. Since the heavens and the earth are still hear according to scripture the law is still here. According to the covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai, the act of committing sin was what was taught. "Do not" In Matt 5:21-30, what Christ did was take the law to the next level. In these verses He said do not even think of committing adultery or murder, If the thought is in your heart then you are guilty of that sin. What Christ took away was the penalty of the sin. The slaughter or blood sacrifice was what was done away. If the law was done away, as you claim, then I guess it is alright to steal, rob, murder, lie with thy neighbor's wife, or bear false witness against thy neighbor, Right? If not, then the law is not done away with, and you teach a false doctrine. Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted May 15, 2010 Report Posted May 15, 2010 "Soft squishy law...": "legalism":akin to "fuzzy logic" and other present day, functional specifications, for something like artificial jurisprudence- that some poor future bozo may be able to purchase from a drive-thru-justice provider (if they can pay for it); a man-made adaptation of the Truth.God's law,in fact,The Word Of God Himself,was nailed to the cross,suffered the same death all flesh must (I'm not discussing Enoch or Elijah here,because I just don't know enough to make an all-inclusive statement,about this,yet)...and, yet, lives,in the person of Jesus Christ,in the hearts of all who love Him.All of us have fallen short of the glory of God,and yet,by His Grace,do not hide ourselves from the light of His Truth,but rather seek it...this is the power of evil,broken!It hides,we don't ! It is exposed,in it's nakedness,without the armor of it's lies,stripped of the power of it's illusion,without the power to invoke our guilt and cause us to turn from the face of our Lord and our God,who suffered the death of our sins to free us.Evil is mortally wounded,angry,aroused,dangerous,vengeful,in pain and despair,eager to devour whatever hope it may..."soft and squishy"...that's when we feel sorry for it...poor,injured sad for way!!!Glory to God ! Quote
pbrown952 Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 "Soft squishy law...": "legalism":akin to "fuzzy logic" and other present day, functional specifications, for something like artificial jurisprudence- that some poor future bozo may be able to purchase from a drive-thru-justice provider (if they can pay for it); a man-made adaptation of the Truth.God's law,in fact,The Word Of God Himself,was nailed to the cross,suffered the same death all flesh must (I'm not discussing Enoch or Elijah here,because I just don't know enough to make an all-inclusive statement,about this,yet)...and, yet, lives,in the person of Jesus Christ,in the hearts of all who love Him.All of us have fallen short of the glory of God,and yet,by His Grace,do not hide ourselves from the light of His Truth,but rather seek it...this is the power of evil,broken!It hides,we don't ! It is exposed,in it's nakedness,without the armor of it's lies,stripped of the power of it's illusion,without the power to invoke our guilt and cause us to turn from the face of our Lord and our God,who suffered the death of our sins to free us.Evil is mortally wounded,angry,aroused,dangerous,vengeful,in pain and despair,eager to devour whatever hope it may..."soft and squishy"...that's when we feel sorry for it...poor,injured sad for way!!!Glory to God ! Quote
pbrown952 Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 You claim you do not want legalism in God's law. But would you not want legalism in Man's law? If we are no longer bound by the laws of God, then what purpose does the law serve? If you do not want legalism, then what do you want? Illegalism! That is absurb! Unless your claim of freedom from the law has Bible scripture to back up your claim, your claim is totally baseless. If the Law is done away, the there is no sin, and if no sin, then what does the law serve? Read Romans 6:1-13, It says we are not to continue in sin, since sin exists, the law must exist, no law, no sin, Then we live like we want! Quote
pickledilly Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 The law is not done away with. The law was not nailed to the cross. The 10 Commandments are still in existence today. In John 14:15 Jesus says: If you love Me, KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS! John 15:10 KEEP My commandments! Matthew 19:17 says: If you want to enter into life, keep the commandments. Rev 22:14: Blessed are those who do His commandments. Matt 5:17 teaches that Jesus did not do away with the law. Do not think that I come to destroy the Laws but fulfill the Law and in vs 18 Christ says Until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or tittle will by no means pass from the law. Since the heavens and the earth are still hear according to scripture the law is still here. According to the covenant God made with Israel at Mount Sinai, the act of committing sin was what was taught. "Do not" In Matt 5:21-30, what Christ did was take the law to the next level. In these verses He said do not even think of committing adultery or murder, If the thought is in your heart then you are guilty of that sin. What Christ took away was the penalty of the sin. The slaughter or blood sacrifice was what was done away. If the law was done away, as you claim, then I guess it is alright to steal, rob, murder, lie with thy neighbor's wife, or bear false witness against thy neighbor, Right? If not, then the law is not done away with, and you teach a false doctrine. Dear friend, the Law and Prophets were given for specific purpose, which was completed and fulfilled in Christ. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished." (Matt 5:17-18). Jesus fulfilled the Law completely by living it out perfectly in His earthly life. As we are called to be like Christ (Colossians 3:10), the Law reveals the standards of righteousness God has set for us - standards that can only be achieved through Christ by His Spirit in us. NOTHING passed from the Law until all was "accomplished". When Jesus died on the cross He said, "It is finished.” (John 19:30) That included the human effort of keeping the Law. Jesus is "the end of the Law" so that everyone who believes can be made righteous (Romans 10:4). As I said before, "Every precept and truth of the Law remains, but are now administered in an entirely different way." Practically the entire book of Galatians deals with this concept. From 3:15-29: the Mosaic Law was given 430 years after God made His covenant promises to Abraham and his offspring, who was identified as the coming Christ (vs.16). This law was given because of man's transgressions, as a guardian of that covenant until the promised offspring came. It was to reveal man's sin and the righteousness of God (Romans 3:20-21). The law held man captive until the coming faith was revealed (Gal.3:.23). The law enslaved man and Paul called it the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2) and a curse (Gal.3:13). Jesus identified Himself as the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy that He was sent to proclaim liberty to the captives (Luke 4:18). Jesus Christ set man free from that captivity and said don't go back to it (Galatians 5:1). We are now considered dead to what held us captive - the Law - and are released from this "old written code" to serve in the new life of the Spirit (Romans 7:6). Our approach to God is not through Law, but through faith in Christ (Gal.2:16; 3:11-13). We would have to copy most of the books of Romans and Galatians here to comprehensively quote all the Scripture that says the Law had a purpose that was fulfilled in Christ and is now called "obsolete" (Hebrews 8:13; 2 Cor.5:17). That does NOT mean, nor do I say, that the truths of the Law are to be ignored. Without compromising any principle or truth of the Law, Christ completed the purpose of the Law and transformed the application of the Law. It had been an external effort that man attempted to keep through efforts of the flesh. Jesus expanded its concept and changed it to an internal work of the Spirit in the heart of man (as you quoted in Matt. 5:21-30). It is the heart and mind that matters now to God, not the works of the Law (Hebrews 10:15-16). It is in this sense that we are freed from the Law and are dead to it. We must consider what Jesus said in answering the question, "Which is the great commandment in the Law?" (Matt.22:36). Notice that He didn’t quote one single commandment in Mosaic Law when He said in verses 38-40, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." Jesus revealed the basis for the Law given to Moses - the Law of Love that is greater than the legal code. This is validated by such Scriptures as Romans 13:8,10; Gal.5:14; James 2:8, which expand on the "great and first commandment". We are to honor this higher code of love that governs from the heart. Now, what about Jesus' commands to obey His commandments? First of all, everything He commanded was based on that Great Commandment to love. When we do that one right, everything else just comes naturally. And then, according to James 2:14-26, the works/deeds of this obedience are the demonstration of our love for Him, the proof and evidence of our faith in Him, the validation of our claim to be called Christians. They are not works to fulfill the Law, which lacks any power to make one righteous (Galatians 2:16). The very suggestion that we imply that "it is alright to steal, rob, murder, lie with thy neighbor's wife, or bear false witness against thy neighbor, Right?” is completely off the mark, dear one. I will just let the Scriptures address that, as Paul spoke of the responsibilities we have in our freedom secured by God's grace. What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?… For one who has died has been set free from sin… So you also must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus… Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. What then? Are we to sin because we are not under law but under grace? By no means! But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:1-2,7,11,13-18 Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God (1Peter 2:16). Our freedom from "keeping the Law" does not give us license to do as we please. We are free to become all that Christ is calling/making us to be! One who is dead to sin and led by the grace of the Spirit to be like Christ cannot do the kinds of things you've suggested and have any peace about it. One who is governed by the supreme law of love simply cannot disrespect God or people that way with a clear conscience. This is quite lengthy, but there is so much more we could draw on from the Scriptures that I'm certain I've missed something important. My original answer to this lesson's question is not based on my personal wisdom or discernment, but on what God's written Word has made plain to me. I always approach study with the earnest prayer that the Spirit will teach me and correct any misinterpretations, especially if I have any influence at all in sharing/teaching others. May the LORD bless us as we seek Him and His truth with loving respect for one another. Grace and peace. Quote
iam4-1god Posted May 16, 2010 Report Posted May 16, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? The law can do nothing but expose our sin. When Jesus died on the cross, He freed us from the law, and united us to Himself, thus freeing us from sin and death. Now that we have died to sin, we are free from the effects of sin. However, we are at war with evil spirits. They are constantly trying to get us to deny our faith in Christ, or cause us to doubt our salvation. Ephesians chapter 6 says that we wrestle against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places. Just because we are saved, does not mean that the devil has given up on us! But, because we are alive in Christ, we now have protection to fight these evil forces! Quote
Elwood C O'Dell Posted May 17, 2010 Report Posted May 17, 2010 We are forgiven and out sins have been wiped away never to be remembered against us anymore. The law no longer has dominion over us for it is no longer our guide, the Holy Spirit living and dwelling within us is. The significance of the law being nailed to the cross expresses the fact that this is accomplished. Christ won the battle over Satan on the cross, he was weakened and the church was given power over him. Satan is not yet fully destroyed but that will be taken care of when the Master returns for His Church. Quote
masika Posted May 17, 2010 Report Posted May 17, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? Before we were saved, we were slaves to our sinful nature; but now we are free to live for Christ. God looks at us as if we had died with Christ. Because our sins died with him, we are no longer condemned. The significance of nailing the law to the cross is that the penalty of sin died with Christ on the cross. God has declared us not guilty, and we need no longer live under sin Quote
csreeves Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? The Law was replaced with Jesus sacrifice on the cross. When he shed his blood by choosing to die for us which released us from the Law and gave us forgiveness. The cross frees us from the Lawby not only his death, but mainly his ressurection which triumpted the spiritual forces forever. We are the lucky ones for we already know the end of the book. Quote
beeting Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? God mercy and grace... if without god grace and mercy, we still under the law... for the law is truth and truth without race is judgment. The significance of nailing the Law to the cross mean we been forgiven and we no more live in gulity but new live with God. * Binding the strong man. Jesus relates a parable that points to his overpowering Satan and taking his goods (Matthew 12:29; Luke 11:22). * Satan falling from heaven. Jesus alludes to Satan's fall from heaven when the 70 report their ability to cast out demons, but the time frame isn't specified (Luke 10:18). * Prince of the world driven out seems to be tied to Jesus' death (John 12:31). * War in heaven is a vision in Revelation, where Satan is thrown out of heaven when he tries to destroy the Messiah and the church (Revelation 12). * Satan is bound for 1,000 years, then released, fights the final war against the Messiah, and is thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 20). If Christ disarmed and conquered the principalities and powers on the cross, why do we still have to fight them (Ephesians 6:10-18)? We don't know fully. The decisive battle was won on the cross. Satan was weakened and the church given power over him, but Satan has not been fully destroyed. This is part of the "now and in the future" nature of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom is here now, but will come in its fullness -- and Satan will be defeated completely and utterly -- after Christ returns. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Forgiveness frees us from the law in that Christ died for us, and through His death, we are given victory over all evil forces in the spiritual as well as on Earth. We can't in and of ourselves meet any legal regulations....but through Christ....we are forgiven and through Him and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we overcome.....but we have to embrace Christ and be connected to Him. Nailing the law to the cross is symbolic in that Christ FULFILLED the law. When He was nailed to the cross the law was nailed with Him. We now have a new law. One of love. We can either strive to meet the "letter" of the law (which is impossible) and even worse demanding others do that too, or we can embrace the "spirit" of the law. Through love. If you really think about what Jesus said about the two greatest God above everything and love your neighbor as yourself....we really will obey all of the 10 commandments within those two! And we do so, not because of "requirements" but from our hearts because we truly DO love God and others! That is from The Holy Spirit and the spirit of the law. That is from hearts turned towards God in love and humble gratefulness and a willingness to understand and forgive the struggles of our fellow humans. To have compassion and forgiveness. To love, because He first loved us. Quote
Patriciaa Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? OUR SINS WERE FORGIVEN AND BLOTTED OUT WHEN JESUS DIED ON THE CROSS. WE DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE OUR SIN REMOVED BY WORKS. What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? THE LAW BEING NAILED TO THE CROSS SYMBOLIZES THAT AFTER JESUS Quote
Debbisu Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? With the forgiveness we are no more slave of the law and of sin caused by breaking of the law. Nailing the law to the cross means Jesus has fulfilled it, therefore the law is no longer our guide. At the cross Jesus purchased us from the bondage of the evil. Quote
taray Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? While we were "dead in [our] sins and in the uncircumcision of your [our] nature," God forgave us our sins and made us alive in Christ. He forgave us by disarming, which means shedding, taking away all externalities, all the "powers and authorities", that ruled our flesh; these "powers and authorities" included "the written code, with its regulations." Therefore what was nailed to the cross were all these external authorities that ruled our flesh, so that we may follow another, inner authority, Christ and the Father. The forgiveness comes with our faith in Christ, in our willingness to follow Him through the cross, baptism in His death and the death of all the externalities that were made spectacle, and finally uniting Him in the inner life. As we are alive with Him inside, the external written codes and regulations no longer have sway over us. We live by His light alone. Quote
Foofee's Nana Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 How did forgiveness free us from the Law? Forgiveness freed us form the law inthe sense that Christ paid all of the awful debt we owed. He did not abolish the law, but rather fulfilled it...made it come true so to speak. What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? Nailing the law to the cross shows the high price that has to be paid for it....Jesus bore all of our broken words, our hatred and all of our sins on pay the price of what the law demanded. What does this symbolize? The symbol is for His victory....His love , our freedom and forgiveness if we follow Him. A victor over the dark and evil throes of Satan. How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? Christ was the fulfillment of prophesy, and this set forth a momentum of the power of God over the evil spirtual sides. We do not just battle with the things we see of this world but rather of the powers of darkness. Quote
Vincent Paul DiMino Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 You claim you do not want legalism in God's law. But would you not want legalism in Man's law? If we are no longer bound by the laws of God, then what purpose does the law serve? If you do not want legalism, then what do you want? Illegalism! That is absurb! Unless your claim of freedom from the law has Bible scripture to back up your claim, your claim is totally baseless. If the Law is done away, the there is no sin, and if no sin, then what does the law serve? Read Romans 6:1-13, It says we are not to continue in sin, since sin exists, the law must exist, no law, no sin, Then we live like we want! Do you find my response to be double-minded ? When men go to court,in pursuit of their version of justice,for themselves,don't we select our representation on the basis of how well we believe it will USE the specifics of man's laws to our personal advantage ? If we could employ such representation before God,would we request the same service ? Who would You choose to present your case before the Almighty ? (The "most subtle of creatures",who could possibly try to bend the Law to your best advantage,or his own ?)...I think we're on the same point here,but we're having trouble speaking the same language (even in English).Jesus did not "do away with the Law".He paid the penalty,as "the wages of sin are death",giving us the option to repent and live,or remain in our sin and die.Paul (in Romans) speaks of the rule of sin as doing that which he hates.Sin isn't what we want,it's what IT wants,and is capable of proposing the illusion, that it, is what we want,just as we're capable of believing in that illusion,but,"The light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.". Quote
bower Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? Paul uses three figures to describe our state before our salvation: Spiritually dead. Uncircumcised, that is unpurified in the "flesh" (sarx).33 Unforgiven, that is, "in your sins." He uses three figures to describe the results of Christ's salvation: Made spiritually alive.34 Forgiven35 of all our sins.36 Freed from the law. The motivation changed the Jewish laws to the person of Jesus. Following Law their is no real relationship following our Lord we are in constant relationship with Him and each other. Things change and we seek Him always. Nailing the Law to the Cross is changing from obedience to love obedience. We obey the laws because we Love. The tree from which the apple was plucked generates thought of the Law surfacing as the interim solution. Because Satan thought he had won a victory the blood and the cross remind us of the victory and that this is not our war but God's and He has already won. Quote
Seeking His Face Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? Jesus was the sacrifice for the laws of sin and death for me. By His shed blood which He willingly gave at calvary. He paid my debt forever. Because without the shedding of blood I could never have communion with Christ. I would be eternally lost and evil would had had its way. But God!!!!! The toothless lion has lost the war. The devil and his helpers are forever residing in hell, Christ is victorious!!!. Like with Job nothing happens that my heavenly Father doesn't know about and give the ok for. All things work together for good to those who love the Lord, even when I don't understand the why's He does and I can stand on that. Quote
s8nfighter Posted May 18, 2010 Report Posted May 18, 2010 Jesus was the sacrifice for the laws of sin and death for me. By His shed blood which He willingly gave at calvary. He paid my debt forever. Because without the shedding of blood I could never have communion with Christ. I would be eternally lost and evil would had had its way. But God!!!!! The toothless lion has lost the war. The devil and his helpers are forever residing in hell, Christ is victorious!!!. Like with Job nothing happens that my heavenly Father doesn't know about and give the ok for. All things work together for good to those who love the Lord, even when I don't understand the why's He does and I can stand on that. There is thin ice here unless we continue on with the reading. "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day." What part of the law is Paul referring to. There are several categories of the law. The respect and honor we show for God, the respect and honor we show for others, and the respect we show for ourselves. Jesus tells us that the two things we must do is to "love God with all your heart, soul, and mind. And the next is like the first; love your neighbor as yourself." Then he says that all the law and all the prophets hang on these two principles. We have all been found guilty and forgiven. But for what purpose? To continue in sin? No!! We have been forgiven so that we have a new relationship with God and the family of God in respect to judgment. Darrell Quote
RodR Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? What does this symbolize? How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? The false teachers were trying to convince the Colossians they needed to return to outward observances of the law like circumcision. Paul was demonstrating that Christ's blood shed on the cross was all they needed for complete forgiveness. No longer would they need to rely on the blood of animals as an annual sacrifice for their sins. Jesus' blood freed them from all that. Nailing Jesus to the cross symbolically nailed the outward observance of the law to the cross as well. From now on, the law would be written on their hearts. (Jer 31:31-33 / Heb 8:8-10) The cross brings triumph over evil spiritual forces because of the resurrection. Satan thought he had won when Christ cried, "It is finished." However, Christ's sacrifice actually "finished" God's plan to bring about the destruction of Satan's power over mankind. (Gen 3:15) Quote
JanMary Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 2:13-15) How did forgiveness free us from the Law? Jesus' death on the cross, fulfilled the law so that we no longer live under the law. The law required sacrifice to atone for sin....Jesus is the sacrifice which cleansed all sin and unrighteousness. What is the significance of nailing the Law to the cross? When Jesus cried out "It is finished", He was declaring an end to the old convenant, and the beginning of the better, new covenant of life in the Spirit instead of bondage to the law. What does this symbolize? It symbolizes freedom that the blood of Christ purchased for all believers, once for all. How did the cross bring triumph over evil spiritual forces? The evil spiritual forces had freedom to do their work until the perfect Lamb, Jesus, conquered them through His death and resurrection, purchasing us back from the dominion of Satan, relinquished to him when Adam disobeyed God. They have been "defanged and defeated", and must now submit to the Authority of Jesus which we are empowered to declare in His Name. Quote
DrD Posted May 19, 2010 Report Posted May 19, 2010 Through forgiveness we have been made alive spiritually cancelling the regulations and requirements of the Law in that the Law has been fulfilled by Jesus - forgiveness establishes a relationship with Jesus thereby freeing us from the Law. . . The significance of the Law being "nailed to the Cross" is that at His death (which is the payment for our sins) - the demands of the Law have been fulfilled thereby disarming the power and demands of sin - giving is the victory over sin. . . Quote
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