csreeves Posted May 26, 2010 Report Posted May 26, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? We are together in this world both slave and free there are no longer any divisions for in Christ we are one thus it is so easy to pick up the sins of the flesh. They damage aren't just about him they damage Jesus reputation Quote
WALT39 Posted May 26, 2010 Report Posted May 26, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Colossians 3:8 - But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? When we get angry and emotions are not held in check, the tongue will get disconnected from our brain and then we may say the wrong thing. In James 3:4-6, it describes the danger of one's tongue. The Scripture is as follows: 4Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. 5Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. 6The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell. In what ways do they damage us and others? The damage is done to others by hurting them and possibility injuring them emotionally and mentally. For the one who is sinning, it will be damaging to one's reputation and also you will be separated from God. How can we break free of sins of the tongue? By confessing your sin to God and asking forgiveness from the people that you injured as soon as you do it. I know from experience, when I get frustrated and swear, I immediately ask Jesus for forgiveness and I am learning to control the 'wagging' tongue. Quote
OLD GARY Posted May 26, 2010 Report Posted May 26, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Sins of the tongue are easy to slip into as they are considered very worldly in our modern times. Some groups feel swearing and gray area truth are a sign of belonging. The damage to our stature as Christians and family role models is not doable without the virtues of the tongue. The ability to adapt and adopt these virtues make us trustworthy and family members to trust, believe, and respect as Christians. When we are under the spell of our tongue sinning we must pray for strength to stop this and change our habits. Quote
Delivered Posted May 27, 2010 Report Posted May 27, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? It is easy for an unregenerate heart to speak evil, hurtful words, for out of the heart the mouth speaks, but for the heart that is under construction, slips of the tongue should not come as easy as they once did, the reason being, we have the Holy Spirit and the Word that brings sweet conviction, construction, to the heart, we are not comfortable when those slips come, we want to speak words that come from a regenerated heart, words revealing the fruits of the Spirit. We should not be comfortable living in the old body. How can we break free of sins of the tongue? To break free we must mortify subdue our member the tongue, that spoke forth the lusts of the flesh. We must do it! it is called "obedience, faith put to action" Quote
Patriciaa Posted May 27, 2010 Report Posted May 27, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? It is so easy to slip into sins of the tongue as often we say things when we are angry and use words to put others down. When we do this, we not only damage ourselves by showing poor character but we also can damage the reputation of others. We are break free of sins of the tongue by prayer as we ask God to help us love all His children, by not saying things when in state of restrained anger and by striving to love others in all circumstances. We may not love their actions but if we truly love each other as God's children, we will not want to say hurtful things. Quote
SoiKosum Posted May 27, 2010 Report Posted May 27, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? One of the reasons is because almost everyone around us use foul and undignified language every day. After all, we are also led to believe that it is of no significance. While many of us will hesitate to lift a finger against another human being, we will not hesitate to give the person a tongue lashing, slander them or gossip about them. The only way we can break free of this sin is with the help of Holy Spirit. We must recognise that alone we are not powerful enough to break the sin. Every time we lapse into this sin, we must repent and ask God for forgiveness. After some time, we will be able to control our tongue and break free from this sin. Quote
JanMary Posted May 27, 2010 Report Posted May 27, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? Jesus said in Mt. 12:34 that "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks"....The tongue exposes what is hidden in our hearts....if evil, the tongue speaks evil; if pure, the tongue speaks praise, worship, encouragement, scripture stored up as treasure, and wholesome uplifting conversation, loving and kind words. Words can sound good but be meant to manipulate, control, hide true motives, promote evil agendas,....I can't help but think of this verse when I listen to politicians who are not statesmen/women commited to the good of the nation, but are trying to gain or hold onto power. Since we're works in progress going from glory to glory, there are parts not yet healed, regenerated, made new or which have not yet been brought to our attention as needing cleansing....and these come out in conversation, or bursts of anger when provoked. In what ways do they damage us and others? Proverbs 18:21 says "The power of life and death are in the tongue".....when the tongue spews forth words of death (malice, hatred, slander, gossip, vicious criticism, they bring "death" to the hearer. Words can "kill" relationships, marriages, strangers....whomever hears them. They can be apologized for, but not retrieved once spoken. It's been said it takes one hundred positive remarks to reduce the stigma of one negative and damaging one. Words of death damage the one who speaks them when that person's true condition is exposed, and never puts one in a positive light. Those words stay connected to the one who speaks them, like the stench of cigar smoke clings to the drapes.... A loved one humiliated me last night in front of dear friends by speaking cruel words. The friends were embarrassed for me, and I was stunned by the uncalled for remarks. Though an apology was given and I've forgiven, the sting is still with me this morning....It knocked the life right out of me and I've been weepy and confused today, wondering what on earth was in that one's mind to do such a thing, when love is also professed from the same mouth. A great picture of the question, "How can the same fountain spew forth both pure and salty water?" I'm feeling "the damage", mentioned in the question. How can we break free of the sins of the tongue? A verse I've memorized is Ps. 39:1 "I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle".....it comes to mind when I'm tempted to speak the negative words, and reminds me (most of the time) to ask the Lord to take control of my mouth. James said in 3:8 "The human tongue can be tamed by no man." Only the Lord has the power to do that, and requires our submission to Him and the desire and committment to have it tamed....a lifetime process. Quote
sylverd Posted May 28, 2010 Report Posted May 28, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? beause we get laxidazical when talking to others and they use this type of language. We sometimes do not correlate our speech in relationship to God we tend to seperate it. The tongue is to edify and not condemn when we use the latter it damages our spirit and thought process and keeps us always tied up in knots. But when we use the tongue to edify it brings forth a great peace and contement in our selves and draws us closer to our heavenly father! Breaking free of the sins of the tongue is something we must work out daily and once we begin to make the conscious effort we will become victorious! Quote
sylverd Posted May 28, 2010 Report Posted May 28, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? Jesus said in Mt. 12:34 that "out of the fullness of the heart the mouth speaks"....The tongue exposes what is hidden in our hearts....if evil, the tongue speaks evil; if pure, the tongue speaks praise, worship, encouragement, scripture stored up as treasure, and wholesome uplifting conversation, loving and kind words. Words can sound good but be meant to manipulate, control, hide true motives, promote evil agendas,....I can't help but think of this verse when I listen to politicians who are not statesmen/women commited to the good of the nation, but are trying to gain or hold onto power. Since we're works in progress going from glory to glory, there are parts not yet healed, regenerated, made new or which have not yet been brought to our attention as needing cleansing....and these come out in conversation, or bursts of anger when provoked. In what ways do they damage us and others? Proverbs 18:21 says "The power of life and death are in the tongue".....when the tongue spews forth words of death (malice, hatred, slander, gossip, vicious criticism, they bring "death" to the hearer. Words can "kill" relationships, marriages, strangers....whomever hears them. They can be apologized for, but not retrieved once spoken. It's been said it takes one hundred positive remarks to reduce the stigma of one negative and damaging one. Words of death damage the one who speaks them when that person's true condition is exposed, and never puts one in a positive light. Those words stay connected to the one who speaks them, like the stench of cigar smoke clings to the drapes.... A loved one humiliated me last night in front of dear friends by speaking cruel words. The friends were embarrassed for me, and I was stunned by the uncalled for remarks. Though an apology was given and I've forgiven, the sting is still with me this morning....It knocked the life right out of me and I've been weepy and confused today, wondering what on earth was in that one's mind to do such a thing, when love is also professed from the same mouth. A great picture of the question, "How can the same fountain spew forth both pure and salty water?" I'm feeling "the damage", mentioned in the question. How can we break free of the sins of the tongue? A verse I've memorized is Ps. 39:1 "I will muzzle my mouth as with a bridle".....it comes to mind when I'm tempted to speak the negative words, and reminds me (most of the time) to ask the Lord to take control of my mouth. James said in 3:8 "The human tongue can be tamed by no man." Only the Lord has the power to do that, and requires our submission to Him and the desire and committment to have it tamed....a lifetime process. JanMary My heart goes out to you! I have had similar experiences....do not focus on the why as this will keep you in a mode of unforgiveness..sometimes even when we say we forgive, we can not help but to remember the damage of what others have done or said to us....for me when I have been hurt by someone I love, I ask God to forgive them but I then ask God for the strength to renew my thoughts and by faith give me the ability to lay down my resentment and hurt toward that person and find healing. God Bless you my sister and know that you are worthy of all of God's precious gifts and I can tell by your words on this page that you are a loving and righteous woman! Thank you for sharing you have touched me today when I needed to be lifted up! Quote
Old Jerry Posted May 31, 2010 Report Posted May 31, 2010 The reason that the sins of the tongue is so easy to slip into is because a lot of times we talk before we think. When we hear this language all the time we have a hard time omitting it from our vocabulary. We have expressed our way before we became a Christian and it is still with us. With God Quote
Vaiden Rochelle Posted June 1, 2010 Report Posted June 1, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? The sins of the tongue are so easy to slip into because it is easy to let our emotions get in the way of sound thinking. Once we say something it's out there, and no matter how sincere we are with an apology, the intent behind the words are still there. Relationships are often destroyed or at least altered. The only way we can break free of sins fo the tongue is to continually earnestly pray for God to change our hearts into what He wants us to feel and to say only the things that are pleasing to Him. For many of us, this is going to take lots of prayer and practice. Fortunately, when we slip up and curse, The HOly Spirit will immediately speak to us about it, and we can ask for forgiveness, and God will forgive us. However, the key is to really want to change our lives so that we are living the way God wants us to live. Quote
linda bass Posted June 1, 2010 Report Posted June 1, 2010 Sins of the tongue are so easy to slip into because, too often we speak before we think. Sins of the tongue damage us because they damage the credibility of our Christian witness. I was on the bus awhile back. A couple of girls on the bus were having a conversation,both using quite a bit of foul language. Then one of the girls starts talking about how she has been trying to share Christ with one of her co-workers. If she was doing the same kind of cursing around her workplace,I can understand why her testimony would be tainted. Sins of the tongues damage others through the spread of gossip and slander. Once the words of gossip or slander have been spoken,they can never be taken back. We may later confess it as sin and ask forgiveness, but even so,the damage has been done the reputation of the other person or persons. We break free from the sins of the tongue by asking God to help us guard our thoughts and words,asking for forgiveness when we do slip up. Quote
janel Posted June 2, 2010 Report Posted June 2, 2010 Q3 When one talks too much problems will arise. Everything starts from the tongue. Words can be expressed in many ways. One should think before opening the mouth. If it is to edify then it is OK. However if one intends to correct and does not know how to go about doing it, it will eventually ends up hurting or damaging the other and this will later lead to further trouble. What goes in is not that important than what comes out. As Paul has said that should one wants to boast let him boast about the Lord instead of talking about others. If one's tongue is loose then one must try to break from this weakness by asking forgiveness from God and the person one has hurt. To ask forgiveness from God is easy but to the victim is hard but one must think how easy it is to say what you want but making amends is difficult. Seek the Lord for strength and help. Quote
Craig Posted June 5, 2010 Report Posted June 5, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Amazing enough, the tongue is hard to control and the sins of the tongue are easy to slip into. Slander, gossip, etc. are the way of the world and most people are engaged in it. Sometimes words come out before you even think things through. Seemingly, people can't help themselves when it comes to controlling the tongue. My observation is that many people feel they have to gossip and slander other people in order to fit in with their friends and co-workers. Additionally, people gossip and run other people down in order to falsely build up their own self-esteem. We can break away from sins of the tongue by being sensitive to it; praying over it; and exercising self-control. Additionally, when we realize our position in Jesus the Christ, that we are children of God, we don't need to build our self-esteem at the expense of others. Quote
Commissioned Posted June 27, 2010 Report Posted June 27, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? Because is comes as our defense against others. In what ways do they damage us and others? These slip of the tongue sometimes denigrate, defame, revile, denigrate, disrespect, and slander others. How can we break free of sins of the tongue? We csn break free of sins of the tongue by allowing the Holy Spirit to direct us, be obedient to His voice and consciously make every effort to clense our mouths watching we we say to and about others. Quote
Jen Posted July 19, 2010 Report Posted July 19, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Once again it is our sin nature at work. Unceaselessly, relentlessly it keeps on and on looking to drag us and everyone it can get down. Why do we do it? Maybe we are looking for attention and just heard a juicy piece of gossip, maybe we need to color the truth just a little so we don't look bad, maybe we are filled with rage and want to hurt and that we do. We hurt others and we hurt ourselves. We commit murder with our tongues, we sentence people to indescribably painful lives of isolation. The words uttered can never go away. They hang around dangling before victims like a noose ever present to cause embarrassment, to debase so that one can never hold their head up again. Only in Christ can this stop, only in Christ can the people feel God's total acceptance, one through repentance and forgiveness, the other through knowing Christ and His love demonstrated at the cross and forgiving as they have been forgiven. God is good! What a mighty God we serve. God Bless! Jen Numbers 6:24-26 Quote
saja3 Posted July 29, 2010 Report Posted July 29, 2010 Sins of the tongue are so easy to slip into because the average person is dealing with so many trying, difficult issues in this day and age. Health, family problems, finances, the list goes on and on. Sometimes the only way to release your anger or the pressures of every day living is to just scream (for some) and curse (for others...I'm guilty!)Whereas this might be satisfying for the individual who is reacting as such, depending on the situation it can be hurting to the individual if it is directed at them.Words have a way of damaging the spirite or lifting it up. Words penatrate far more that physical.Remember what it was like to fall down and hurt yourself just to have your mother pick you up and soothe you with her conforting words? Or haven't you seen people broken with words of anger or lies? And you've heard of the old saying, "a good tongue lash". But we can break free of the sins of the tongue by being Christ-like in all our ways and making every effort to follow that one little commandment Jesus gave us, Love thy neighbor as yourself Matt 22:39 Quote
Ramon Posted August 17, 2010 Report Posted August 17, 2010 Answer:The tongue was always characterized in the Bible,as the power that bring life and death,..through the Word spoken.It is through the Word spoken that the Whole world was created..and let there be Quote
AngelOnLine Posted September 18, 2010 Report Posted September 18, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? Sometimes we speak without thinking about what we're going to say. When we speak out of anger or stress,we will revert to using the bad language. In what ways do they damage us and others? You can't take back Quote
nurselaino Posted October 5, 2010 Report Posted October 5, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Col 3:8 But now you must also get rid of anger, wrath, malice, slander, obscene language from your mouth, and all such sins. To begin with I am going to ask for personal prayer. This is an area in my life that I battle with. For the first years of my life I lived a extremely worldly life. I took pride in being a tough player. Nothing could hurt me or at least make me show my hurting. To show this my language was salted with expressions that would "curl your hair". This was me. Now that I see me for who I really am I have to really concentrate on my language. This might seem hard for some to understand but like any habit it is hard to break. For many years I punctuated my speech with unflattering words. Speaking in anger is also something which since dealing with emotions is easy to fall into. It is done usually at a time of high intensive stress. To break ourselves of these destructive habits we again need to focus on heavenly things. With the help of the Holy Spirit all habits can be broken. If we do fall back into our old ways it is important to acknowledge our mistakes ask for forgiveness from the Lord any we have wronged and move on. Dont hold onto the guilt as it can be as damaging as the act itself. Quote
Highohfaith Posted December 12, 2010 Report Posted December 12, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Sins of the tongue may be something we grew up hearing.I know it was for me. My mother and father, and my mother still does(my father is deceased) cursed alot in the home. It became a "normal' way of speech for me growing up. As an adult ,I worked in a type of job ( on the backside of a racetrack - likened to a construction site where bad language is predominately and often used) which also exposed me to bad language.It became habit for me because I did not think of it as a sin,I had been exposed to it all my life.Awareness of God's will concerning my matter of speech was absent from my life. In my personal experience with foul and angry language I have found it to be most damaging to children who are of a very impressionable age.It is also most damaging in loving family situations where words of love and admiration should be exchanged, not foul words of anger and disgust with one another. Also In my personal life I have found foul word and anger directed at a particular race or culture to be very damaging. They demean and defiles others beliefs and customs and it is not part of God's plan! Awareness of God's will concerning manner of speech is the key to changing. When we use foul language, stop at that moment and ask forgiveness and substitute the word you used with a different,more respectful term, after doing this for a long time,we will eventually break this very bad habit.I have had to, and am still working to break this destructive behavior.God has done much for me in this area, but I still have "slips". I thank Him for working with me so diligently to break this habit.Thank you Lord! Quote
leihaynes Posted December 21, 2010 Report Posted December 21, 2010 Q3. (Colossians 3:8) Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? In what ways do they damage us and others? How can we break free of sins of the tongue? 1. Why are sins of the tongue so easy to slip into? When we are uneducated about what God says about the tongue it is very easy to slip into sin. But, once you are aware we can never claim ignorance. Practicing what we learn always helps. 2. In what ways do they damage us and others? We can hurt others and our selves by saying untrue things. We can hurt others when we don't stand up for what is right. etc. 3. How can we break free of sins of the tongue? Practice what we learn in the word of God. Quote
wifee Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 3a)sinful emotions of uncontrolled anger,jealously,gossip, etc come from our fallen human condition if it is not controlled. They cause us to lose control of our tongue, wrong language in a selfish often habitual way.The devil uses every opportunity to gain a foothold. No man can tame his tongue in his own strength James 3:8 B)We can say things that are untrue,make wrong decisions,discredit someone else, causing hurt. This harms us as people lose trust in us, our witness for Christ is harmed &our relationships are affected, It offends God,harms our soul &people are hurt.People attempt to cover up lies by more lies,stuck in trap of sin. C)Only with God Quote
wifee Posted March 13, 2011 Report Posted March 13, 2011 3a)sinful emotions of uncontrolled anger,jealously,gossip, etc come from our fallen human condition if it is not controlled. They cause us to lose control of our tongue, wrong language in a selfish often habitual way.The devil uses every opportunity to gain a foothold. No man can tame his tongue in his own strength James 3:8 B)We can say things that are untrue,make wrong decisions,discredit someone else, causing hurt. This harms us as people lose trust in us, our witness for Christ is harmed &our relationships are affected, It offends God,harms our soul &people are hurt.People attempt to cover up lies by more lies,stuck in trap of sin. C)Only with God Quote
jacquie7 Posted July 18, 2012 Report Posted July 18, 2012 Sins of the tongue are easy to slip into for many reasons such as anger, malice slander, gossip, abusive, etc., all which relate to our old self. It is easy to slip back into our old worldly vocabulary because we were in the world a lot longer than our transformation in the Spirit began. Our Spirit is renewed not our flesh. What we say can be damaging to us and others because words hurt, can determine our destiny, destroy, and defame. We must make a conscience effort not to slip back into crude language. If we go to Jesus, He will forgive and help us to be more aware of the language we use and what we say about others and ourselves. Quote
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