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Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

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Virtues of Christianity are so important to Christ because they are His personal virtues and we are to be like Him.

They are important to the Church because we are Christ's Body on earth, the representation of His character to the world. We are to function correctly under His headship and accomplish His mission for us with proper health and unity. This can only happen if we have the same pure and genuine virtues in caring for one another that He demonstrates toward each of us as individuals.

They are important to non-Christians because they validate our claims to be followers of Christ - and the unsaved are definitely observing how people who call themselves Christians are handling life and treating each other. These virtues manifest who is He to the unsaved world - the only Jesus some will ever see.

They are important in our homes because our truest identity is lived out before our families. And our influence there has a profound and unique affect on generations to come in their perceptions of God, His character, and His love for us.

Certainly no Christian lives out Christ's qualities perfectly, but the growth of Christian virtues in us reveals/confirms the active work of the Spirit to transform our character from that of the flesh to that of genuine holiness and honest divine love.


Christ living in and through us, producing these Christian virtues, gives credence to our relationship with him and witness - testimony for Him. These virtues, bathed in love, are what bind us together in unity of spirit. These are the things that bring a harmony, a peace to our relationship with others and especially those within our own households or homes.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues are so important because they speak of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. No matter where we are, or what we do, we need to represent Christ-treat people how Jesus would treat them if He were still here. We now have His nature-soon we will appear like He is!

Having His nature is also a testament to us-we are children of God. I need to know this on a daily basis! I want to make sure that the Holy Spirit is still with me, and He lets me know when I do something wrong! Praise the Lord!


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues are important to Christ because the one who called us chose us to be Holy people He loves and He led us good example when He was on this earth.

It is important to the Church because we belong to one and the same church; we were all redeemed by the same blood, and chosen by the same grace, and that are all brethren, s.

It is important to non-Christians because when they see Christians with excellent character they will be won to follow Christ without even been talked to.

It is important to our homes because that is the Church begins, if we good family we have good church and good nations.


Our virtues that we display show who Christ is. We are made in His image and His likeness. Virtues are important to the church because it brings strong relationship among the saints. believe that in these days that non christians are looking for hope in all the wrong places so it is important that we as christians put on the fruit of the spirit and walk there in so that we can be a light and lead someone to salvation with our virtues.


Christian virtues are important to Christ because they reflect Him.

They're important to the church because it allows the church to work together smoothly and to grow.

They're important to non-Christians because they can become the magnet with which God can draw them to Himself.

They're important in our homes for the same reason as for the church--so we can work together smoothly and grow and help others to grow too.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Because they are all virtues of Christ and Christ want us to be like Him. God made us in His own image, and to be in His image, we must share His virtues

Why are they so important to the church? They hold it together.

Why are they so important to non-Christians? They lead them to Christ

Why are they so important in our homes? Same as for the Church, they hold it together.


Christian virtues are important to Christ because they reflect who He is and those virtues shown to others through us, represent Him to them. When people "see" those in us....they are drawn to Him.

They are important to the church, because they are imperative to holding the church together and in having the body of Christ functioning in love and purity towards each other.

Non Christians need to "see" Christ in us. If we live our Christian virtues, others are drawn to the love and acceptance and the kindness that will be evident in our lives. They will see a difference in the way we live and the way we think and what values we live by.

It is important in our homes for the same reasons. We reflect to each generation what it is to live in Christ. We live in unity and love, esteeming others as more important than ourselves and we show forgiveness and kindness to each other. When we live our Christian virtues in our homes consistently, we will consistently live them outside our homes also.


Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ?

When we show or exhibit Christian virtue we hone Christ Jesus by showing we are becoming more like Him. If we just stay as the former self what kind of testimony is that ??? We want to be more like our Savior daily.

Why are they so important to the church?

I think these qualities are important to the church, the body of believers because it will help keep us tolerant and not filled with only ourselves...it is sometimes difficult to break away from what we consider the norm and to act in a Christ like manner to the world.....to be full of love, kindness, peace.....

Why are they so important to non-Christians?

We show them the love of our Lord.....and hopefully they will want to experience this too !!!

Why are they so important in our homes?

It helps keep us centered and to live in a more harmonious home....we may not have the perfect life, but with Christ Jesus our world can be made whole.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues are important to Christ because they manifest the character of Christ we should put on. Three characters that are important to the church, the family and non-chistians are forbearance, forgiveness and love.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14)

Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ?

Why are they so important to the church?

Why are they so important to non-Christians?

Why are they so important in our homes?

We are one in Christ, and therefore we desire to please Him in every way. We do this, knowing that when we display His virtues we bring honour to our Saviour. Paul describes the Christian graces which we are to put on as a garment. Tender mercies speaks of a heart of compassion. Kindness speaks of the unselfish spirit of doing for others. Humility means lowliness, the willingness to be humbled and to esteem others better than oneself. Meekness does not speak of weakness, but rather the strength to deny oneself and to walk in grace toward all people. On top of this we are to exercise forgiveness toward others when we have been offended; and forbearance suggests our not taking offense. We will do well to remember Christ forgave us! Love is here spoken of as the outer garment which binds all the other virtues together in order to make up perfection. It holds together in symmetry all parts of the Christian character. It is possible that a person might manifest some of the virtues above without really having love in his heart. And so Paul is emphasizing here that what we do must be done in a genuine spirit of love for our brethren. We can see if we had to display most of these virtues there would be harmony and trust in our relationships with others in our church, our marriages, and our interaction with unbelievers. We might even by our actions bring unbelievers to salvation.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

The virtues presented to us in Christ show God's law internalized.They reveal God,as "hidden in Christ".The virtues are our blueprint for works in the Name of Our Lord and act as a guide for His church.We are advised that by these virtues we will know those who have His spirit.A tree is judged by it's fruit.

Non-Christians may become Christians,and in the process,even before they admit belief,they may admire and seek these virtues within themselves because they can see the results they achieve as "good".Our homes,our lives,our friends,our efforts in this world, can all be influenced by the Spirit that lives in us.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues are important to Christ because they were from Christ and his church.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christ is the boss so He makes the rules.

The church are His people, so we have to obey His rules.

Most of the rules are social skills usefull for everybody.

If we don't practice what we tell other people, we're hypocrites.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Love God and love one another inspires all the virtues; they reflect the love and grace. They reveal that we love Christ, they show Christ to the world through the church. They give us a chance to love our neighbour and members of our family.


Christian virtues are the character traits of Christians and are important because of the effect they have on us personally - as well as on others around us both within and without the community of the Church. These qualities build up the believer as opposed to tearing them down - make better any and every situation as opposed to them becoming worst. They have the tehdency of drawing people to Christ as opposed to allowing people to remain in a state or condition outside of Christ. . .

2 Peter 1:2-9 (NLT)

2 May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.

3 By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.

4 And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

We are Christ representatives, we are to reflect our Savior and show forth the changes He has made in us since we surrendered to Him as Lord. When so many people are under one roof they must have a way of getting alone. Everyone is different so we must so forth the grace we were so freely given. To the lost this should show Christ like attributes and draw them to Christ. It causes harmony to be everywhere in the home as well as the church


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues make us Christ like and emulate his way. Christ is pleased to see his followers make a conscience effort to be like him in our conduct of life.

The Church is built on the Christian values or virtues and it is imperative the members behave accordingly to assure the Church succeeds and flourishes as a happy and trusting community of believers- without the virtues the Church will fail.

Non Christians see the virtues of a Christian and know they are trustworthy and many Non Christians will respond and respect the conduct- they may even see how beautiful the Christian way is and convert.

In our homes the Christian virtues provide harmony and trust among the members. A home with such virtues should be a pleasant and happy home of beleivers.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? It is important to Christ because He loves us and does not want us to be destroyed by sinful living. When we received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, our old self has died. Christian virtues which changes us to be more Christ-like are an integral part of our new life.

Why are they so important to the church? It is important to the church because the Church is the representative of the Lord Jesus. These values hold the church together during good and hard times. It helps members to get along, bear with one another, work together for the good of the church and the community. The church is made up of individuals. When individual believers are changed to be more Christ-like, the church is also changed from glory to glory.

Why are they so important to non-Christians? Non-christians will experience who Jesus is through the church and the individual believers. Non believers are not likely (but not impossible) to pick up a bible and read it at random. They read the bible through us - the believers and the church. They see Jesus in us. If we do not possess such values, they will be turned away.

Why are they so important in our homes? It teaches us the proper way to behave at home and toward others outise our family. These values are especially important in this day where families and homes are being bombarded by ungodly virtues (adultery, cohabitation, drugs, etc) and many people are suffering from deep hurts. Christian virtues in our homes testify of God's goodness and mercy. Without these virtues and Jesus in our lives, our lives can easily come crumbling down.


Cgristian virtues ar important to Chirst because they bring glory to God. Clothed in these virtues (compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience and love among others), we will presnt God's image that we are. This pleases the Lord, brings peace and harmony in the Church, home and community.

When clothed in these virtues, the non- Christians will see us and be attracted to the Lord.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues are important to the church, to non-Christians, and in our homes because they are important to Christ. They are important to Christ because we are members of His body and He desires that we reflect His image to those around us.

In the church, His virtues build one another up and make the body of believers more effective and productive.

Before non-believers, His virtues give witness to the difference He makes in the lives of those who follow Him.

In the home, His virtues provide a model for God's family and a foundation for future generations of believers provided they are genuinely lived out in the lives of family members.

Christian virtues are the result of Christian growth and indicate our level of submission to the Holy Spirit's leading in our lives. Demonstrating them in increasing measure is an indication that we are allowing Him to change us to become more like Christ. A world without His virtues would be hell on earth.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

These virtues, in a way, derive from the fact that we are now one in Christ, and to be one we cannot lie to each other or have any divisions. Moreover, as we are "being renewed in knowledge in the image of [our] Creator", we are taking on virtues that Christ has, such as compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. As followers of Christ, let us try our best to live like him! These virtues are importance everywhere and for everyone, because they renew the world and restore it to its original state - Eden or paradise.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

Christian virtues are important to Christ because they are His virtues. They are important to the Church because it is what sets us apart from non-believers. It also important because having a correct foundation of Christian virtues, the Church can exalt its members and help each other grow in maturity. It is important to non-believers because we are judged according to our Christian virtues - the fruit of Spirit. Because we profess to be Christians we are constantly under the scrutiny of non-believers who lie in wait for us to fall and then point an accusing finger. Of course, there are also others who hold Christians in high regard and see Christian virtues to aspire to. It is important in our homes as we must be led by the Holy Spirit and follow God's commands. We cannot call ourselves Christians and yet live a life that is totally devoid and opposite to Christian virtues.


Q4. (Colossians 3:12-14) Why are Christian virtues so important to Christ? Why are they so important to the church? Why are they so important to non-Christians? Why are they so important in our homes?

When we live Christian virtues we are living Godly lives as taught to us by Christ and given to us in His Word. The church is made of God's people and His people need to live as He taught us. Non-Christians need to see Christians live and practice what Jesus taught. Even non-believers often live these virtues as they show consideration and care for each other. These virtues are important in the our homes for the same reason but most importantly, Christians strive to live them to glorify God.

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