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Q3 The employee should perform his/her work with excellence which represents his/her

attitude toward life and work.

One will surely feels frustrated and angry when working under a poor boss but we

owe him our first allegiance. It is nothing compared to the inheritance we will

receive in glory as promised by Jesus.

Jesus is the Lord of lords, irrespective of all employers, CEO or masters of the

slaves, they are subjected to Him. He is their overall Lord.

The quality of our work will be excellent and our attitude towards to God will be

our attitude towards our employer


If we apply Paul's instructions to slaves to the role of being an employee,then the role of sincerity as an employee would be 1]to do a good job whether the boss is watching or not,2] do a job gladly without complaining,and 3]by remembering it is God we are really working for,not one's boss.

We can live this out when working under a poor or difficult boss by remembering that it is Christ we are actually working for and He is the one who pays our wages.

We are actually "working for the Lord in the sense that He is the one who will rewards us for our hard work.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I really appreciated RodR's post among others that were well put:

"According to Webster's 1828 dictionary, "sincerity" is a freedom from hypocrisy, disguise, or false pretense. An employee who works with a "sincerity of heart" goes beyond outward obedience. Their attitude is one of respect and responsibility to the employer as if working for Christ. "Living it out" when working for a poor boss, requires recognizing the position rather than the person. We submit for the sake of our relationship with Christ and His authority. If we would actually begin to live by these attitudes, quality of work would probably improve, relationships between employees and employers would probably improve, workplace climate would probably improve, and God would be glorified. "

If we are doing it for Christ it puts it into a whole different light. Our desire should be for the focus to be on Him and His glory. How often I (self) gets in the way of that.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Paul tells us to honor the Lord in all that we do. This takes the focus off of man and places it on the Lord. If we work for a poor boss, unfair boss, unjust boss, we do not serve that person, we serve the Lord and our rewards come from Him. As difficult as it may be, Paul reminds us that he who does wrong will be repaid by the Lord.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Q3. (Colossians 3:22-24) If you apply Paul's instructions to slaves to the role of being an employee, what is the role of sincerity as an employee?

Just as the slave obeyed his Master, we must do the same with our employer. He is in charge and we follow him.

How do we live this out when working under a poor boss?

We must still do a good job and earn our salary. We may not agree with our boss, but he is the one in charge.

In what sense are we actually "working for the Lord"?

"23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for his wrong, and there is no favoritism."

  • 2 months later...

[Q3. Colossians 3:22-24) If you apply Pauls instructions to slaves to the role of being an employee, what is the role of sincerity as an employee? How do we live this out when working under a poor boss? In what sense are we actually working for the Lord? What would happen in the workplace, if we actually began to live by these attitudes of heart?

The role of sincerity to our employer is to always give it our very best. To always, whether or not the employer is present work the same. Give it our best, and work to achieve excellent. We are working for Christ and Christ wants us always to work to the best of our talents!Christ is always present and watching over us!

When we work for a 'poor' boss we must always keep our eyes fixed on the supremacy of Christ as our boss. We are working for Him!

Everything is made by God. Everything on Earth is His, even our work ethics and our bosses. He is the Ultimate,Sovereign boss of ALL! If we begin to live these attitudes in the workplace it would certainly make the workplace a much better place to serve.

  • 2 months later...

3a)Need to not just partially follow instructions as employees, but to do so as if serving our Lord,not just man, e.g.not only when employer looking but to do so with total sincerity,trustworthiness& loyalty, not compromising values Jesus taught us. As Christians the quality of our work should stand out,our reward is inheritance of God

  • 1 year later...

The role of sincerity as an employee I believe has to do with one’s integrity. Doing what’s right without breaking any legal rules or doing things that pose harm to others. When working under bad management/bosses, employees have a choice in whether or not they do things that compromises their integrity. Working for the Lord means we should provide excellent performance and service at all times. If we keep God first, living these attitudes would not only be easy, but our productivity might increase, there would be less stress, and we would be doing a duty to Him.

  • 2 years later...

Q3. (Colossians 3:22-24) If you apply Paul's instructions to slaves to the role of being an employee, what is the role of sincerity as an employee? How do we live this out when working under a poor boss? In what sense are we actually working for the Lord? What would happen in the workplace, if we actually began to live by these attitudes of heart?


When an employee gets taken on by an employer there develops a relationship between the two that is akin of slave and master or or a person and his Lord. Paul gives us suggestions as to how we should do our work and how we should attempt to relate to the employer.

First Paul says the quality of our work should be excellent. The worker should always put forth the best foot and to do exactly what is to be done and to do it with all your heart. While you are at work your time is the employer's and you should act according- giving your best at all times.  Don't just give a days work for your wages- work harder to please the boss. And not just when he is around. Second, our work is holy for in a sense we are working as if the Lord was our master. The notes say "Your life, lived out before Christ your King, is holy in and of itself. Christ is your employer, your master -- no matter what kind of work you do (or did) to earn a living. This is no small thing." Thirdly, our attitude towards God shows in our attitude our employer!  This is a tough love when you have a terrible boss. This was especially true as a slave had no right to quit. The slave could only carry on as best he could. To grin and bear it. To do the work to the best of one's ability regardless  of the conditions. Dr Ralph notes "Your life, lived out before Christ your King, is holy in and of itself. Christ is your employer, your master -- no matter what kind of work you do (or did) to earn a living. This is no small thing."

In a sense Jesus is our employer for Paul often suggests that we are slaves to the Lord and in the analogy to employee and employer used by DR. Ralph than God is our employee. For Paul to have used the analogy of slave and master the general concept of a master must have been favourable otherwise the hearers would have been put of and tune out of the message. 


Things would be great at the work place with a change in attitude by the workers. Productivity would be up, there would be little or no time off, there would be no labor battles- all would be well. But in order for this to happen we also need a change in some employers. "Often, employers think of themselves in terms of buying a person's time, as if it were a commodity, with no strings attached. Don't give them enough hours, so that you have to pay benefits, is a way of life. But hours are not a commodity; they represent people -- people whom God loves and people who pray to him. When we employ people we also take on a responsibility to help provide for their needs. Making a living is not just our employees' problem; as employers it is our responsibility as well. This casts a whole new light on the subject."(notes)  More in next section.

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