Old Jerry Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 I speculate that Archippus was singled out in verse 17 because maybe he was slacking off. We don Quote
haar Posted June 11, 2010 Report Posted June 11, 2010 Paul singles out Archippus for an exhortation probably because he was supposed to have been doing very well in the ministry he was given but he wasn't. Quote
diane120164 Posted June 12, 2010 Report Posted June 12, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? I think that, speaking of myself as an example, there are some who know what it is that they are suppose to be doing, but they don't for whatever reason. Or, they are hit and miss-a little here-a little there. I don't go to church, and this is a sore spot with me, because I know I should go, but I can't find a church that preaches the truth. Or I get a church that puts on entertainment to get people in. I don't go for "Saturday Night Live"-I go for the truth being preached. So I have to find ways to serve God Without going to church. I don't endorse not going, however. I miss fellowship badly! I hope you do get this as I am late in responding per usual! Please be encouraged and pray to our heavenly FATHER to lead you to the fellowship (church) HE would have you at............perfect or not perfect - exact truth or not exact truth......what am I crazy????? NO. Think about JESUS.......HE went to synagogue every day amidst a religious group that was not teaching truth - twistings of the truth - many man made laws and much appearance of righteousness without any real mercy, grace or love! HE is our example to follow. Wherever the HOLY SPIRIT leads you - follow HIM! Trust HIM! Love as HE loves, speaks as HE tells you to speak.....and pray, pray, pray for the people that HE has put in your midst! HE is absolutely able to bring truth to those who are in need - and that is anyone who is not walking in truth in or out of a church.....and HE will use you but only if you are willing. YES! Expect satan to attack but remember that in HIM we are protected - satan has no power unless we give it to him - and it is as easy as saying to that sly devil to GO!!!!! Prepare yourself for spiritual battle and thank GOD that you are HIS servant in CHRIST JESUS!!! Now here is the amazing part - GOD will give you fellowship! Perhaps not at first within the church HE has you speaking HIS truth in but HE will provide fellowship through other believers in the checkout stand, at the food bank, at the park, standing at the bus stop............always be ready to speak HIS name and HE will send amazing people for you to fellowship with - you will feel alone at time like Elisha after having done incredible work for GOD in showing HIS power by beating and killing the prophets of baal. Elijah thought he too was alone - was it 800 who had not worshiped baal.......there are many believers around - it is satan who wants us to think we are alone! I am in this place right now in my fellowship - but I live in hope and am seeing GOD work in those around me and I know HE has not yet given up - I may but HE doesn't. Yes there are times I see things that make me grieve and cry but the HOLY SPIRIT gives me the will to go on - if and only if I seek HIM. Trust me - there are too many times I have wanted to run away but GOD always brings me comfort and strength and joy and hope and peace but mostly love in HIM alone! Later in scriptures you see the hearts of many Jews and the religious leaders being turned toward CHRIST - praise GOD that the HOLY SPIRIT was at work and for those who persevered......remember through HIM we seek fruit that lasts and it is an inward heart change not the outward behavior........ I need to go - may you trust GOD's lead and HIS love for you and for all - may HIS love be in you and flow through you IN CHRIST JESUS- AMEN! Quote
JanMary Posted June 12, 2010 Report Posted June 12, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? I imagine Archippus may have been insecure or a bit overwhelmed with the responsibility of his duties.( If Paul were correcting him, I don't believe he'd have done it in such a way as having the church tell him.) I think it's more likely that Paul was affirming that Archippus was "in charge", and had God's anointing to lead, and was making it known to the whole region that Archippus had Paul's full support, and they were to support and encourage him as well. If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? I would imagine him as a humble young man, perhaps a bit insecure and needing encouragement to press on in his duties. He may not have felt qualified to be the Pastor because of his lack of years/experience. (We're not to compare ourselves with others, but side by side with Paul, he may have felt intimidated to lead the flock) In what ways does he remind you of yourself? If I am not constantly aware that the fullness of the Godhead dwells in me, I tend to think I'm on my own and nothing of value will be accomplished. God is healing the emotional, physical, and sexual abuse from my childhood which left me feeling totally inadequate in every area. ( Actually, that eliminates pride, because I know that any fruitfulness in my life, is His work through me) When I have ministry responsibilities, I'm grateful for any encouragement! Quote
WALT39 Posted June 12, 2010 Report Posted June 12, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? Colossians 4:17 - Tell Archippus: "See to it that you complete the work you have received in the Lord." Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? As Pastor Ralph noted in his commentary that in "Philemon we learn that Archippus was a leader in the church at Colossae". Paul knew that his ministry was important, but he wanted to be sure that he would not slack off. He wanted to encourage him, like a coach would encourage his team and maybe he wanted to single out one person. If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? He may have been the Mission chairperson who was really trying to lead the church for a long time, but was getting burned out because some people were just being lackadaisical. You try and try, and you just get tired, but you need to get a pep talk and that is what Paul did. In what ways does he remind you of yourself? When I have been a leader of a committee, I would get frustrated and I would need encourage from others. I guess that is a normal human characteristic. Quote
Patricia A Posted June 14, 2010 Report Posted June 14, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? For Archippus, it was not a matter of trying to make something happen, or create a ministry where none existed, or start a new church, or anoint himself to do something he wanted to do. He had already received a ministry from the Lord. The precise nature of this ministry, and what he was called to do, we have no way of knowing. It may have been something that, to our eyes, was grand and noble. More than likely, it was something small and seemingly insignificant. All we know for sure is that Archippus had received a ministry from the Lord, and he had not, as of yet, fulfilled it. Archippus knew it, and Paul knew it, and now everyone in Colossae knew it. He was called to something, and had received something from the Lord, but it was dormant, stagnant, inert, still waiting to be put to use. Quote
Patricia A Posted June 14, 2010 Report Posted June 14, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? For Archippus, it was not a matter of trying to make something happen, or create a ministry where none existed, or start a new church, or anoint himself to do something he wanted to do. He had already received a ministry from the Lord. The precise nature of this ministry, and what he was called to do, we have no way of knowing. It may have been something that, to our eyes, was grand and noble. More than likely, it was something small and seemingly insignificant. All we know for sure is that Archippus had received a ministry from the Lord, and he had not, as of yet, fulfilled it. Archippus knew it, and Paul knew it, and now everyone in Colossae knew it. He was called to something, and had received something from the Lord, but it was dormant, stagnant, inert, still waiting to be put to use. Quote
PATCH Posted June 14, 2010 Report Posted June 14, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? Paul encouraged Archippus to fulfill the ministry that he was given. Archippus could be a pastor of a church. He could be discouraged because of the weight of all the responsibilities and yet not seeing the fruits of his labor. He could be on the verge of giving up. Yes, I am sometimes discouraged that church is not the way it should be. To me, church is one of the best places to go if you want to get hurt. Quote
Vaiden Rochelle Posted June 17, 2010 Report Posted June 17, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? Paul could have singled out Archippus because Paul loved him and his church and wanted them to be in complete favor with God by doing all that He instructed them to do. Archippus would be the type of person who only half listened to God and only half did what God told him to do. Unfortunately, that is me sometimes. Fortunately, the Holy Spirit checks me on this, I admit my guilt and ask for forgiveness, and God forgives me. Thank you, Lord, for not giving up on me! Thank you for loving me even though I'm not worthy. Thank you, Lord, for helping me do better next time. Quote
Craig Posted June 17, 2010 Report Posted June 17, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? He was singled out because he was the leader and Paul was encouraging him to finish the task God had given him to do.Why? How many quit and never finish the task and ministry given them? How many allow the world and it possessions and attacks to defeat them? Sidetrack them from the assignment God has given them. We do not know what the task Archippus was assigned. However, I believe he was leading and/or helping in building the Colossian church. I am a Pastor building a church in Live Oak, Florida. Quote
Craig Posted June 17, 2010 Report Posted June 17, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? He was singled out because he was the leader and Paul was encouraging him to finish the task God had given him to do.Why? How many quit and never finish the task and ministry given them? How many allow the world and it possessions and attacks to defeat them? Sidetrack them from the assignment God has given them. We do not know what the task Archippus was assigned. However, I believe he was leading and/or helping in building the Colossian church. I am a Pastor building a church in Live Oak, Florida. Quote
csreeves Posted June 20, 2010 Report Posted June 20, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? Archippus is Paul's traveling companion a Jewish-Christian who is also a Roman prisioner. He is an outreach person who is sent out to communicate with others for someone. I am much like him for Jesus sent me to talk for him as did Paul send out Archippus. Quote
Commissioned Posted June 29, 2010 Report Posted June 29, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? Archippus was singled out in verse 17 because now he was to take the role as leader in the church. He was to see to it that the instructions given by Paul was being carried out. If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? I would describe Archippus as a pastor, who preaches the Word of God giving instructions for daily living. In what ways does he remind you of yourself? I have accepted God's call to preach His Word, sharing God's instruction for daily living. Quote
taray Posted August 6, 2010 Report Posted August 6, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? Archippus was singled out probably because he was neglectful of his mission that he has received from the Lord. The path of the Christian is not an easy one, and there are many challenges, set backs, difficulties, and temptations that need to be overcome. If we are not vigilant enough, if we do not seek God with all our strength, heart, and mind, with all our being, it is easy to be sidetracked. Wide is the road that leads to destruction, narrow is the one that leads to the Kingdom of Heaven. Let us all be watchful and constantly pray for God's guidance for us and for each other. When we truly see the worth and preciousness of the mission that we have received from the Lord, we will not treat it lightly, but as the highest honour, as our life's mission. Quote
saja3 Posted August 26, 2010 Report Posted August 26, 2010 I think that Archippus was singled out because he was showing signs of being sidetracked. I think that Archippus was probably one of the chosen leaders of the church, probably holding an office and procrastinating as whether to remain devoted to the Word or the ways of the world. I think that he was singled out to give him encouragement to continue his work for the Lord. Quote
Ramon Posted September 2, 2010 Report Posted September 2, 2010 Answer:Colossians 4:179Amplified)- 17And say to Archippus, See that you discharge carefully [the duties of] the ministry and fulfill the stewardship which you have received in the Lord. Archippus must be one of the Church Leaders in Collosae,and for Paul to remind him to do his Job as mandated to him,he must not be doing it correctly,according to what is expected. Remember it is Epaphras,who reported the situation of Church in Collosae to Paul,it might be that Epaphras has seen the weakness of Archippus leadership,THAT IS LEANING BACK TO THE DOCTRINES OF JUDAISM. Therefore Paul has single him out,in a very gentle manner to maybe STOP(SELAH),AND RE THINK the way He is leading the Church,and must adhere to the Ministry that He received through the Spirit of Christ. Paul also told him to BE CAREFULL in discharging His duty,signifying that Archippus must be doing something that is contrary to the Gospel.Nevertheless,I see complete trust of Paul in his message,noting that he called Archippus..fellow soldier,or co campaigner,fellow associate in Christ toil. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted September 19, 2010 Report Posted September 19, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? Because he was a leader in the Church of Colossae and needed a little encouragement. If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? I would say that if he was in the Church today, he would be a Deacon, caring for and loving others. In what ways does he remind you of yourself? I think most of us need encouragement. Quote
Highohfaith Posted December 29, 2010 Report Posted December 29, 2010 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossians church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? He was singled out because Paul thought Archippus was lacking in his devotion and determination to carry out the work started in him until the day of fulfillment. And Paul wanted him to accomplish the will of The Father, to see that Christ' mission was carried out! He was one of the founding fathers of the Colossians church..but his faith was waivering..like the meandering river ( The RIVER MEANDER)!!! He reminds me of myself in this sense: Sometime,( a lot, it seems)I just can't get it 'right'.Walking the path of righteousness is a hard road. I sometime get discouraged with myself..not with God! I also get discouraged when no one wants to know, or hear or obey the Lord. I get discouraged spreading the Good news of the Gospel.On FB people will comment on anything from ...sox- baked cookies - vacations-etc. but mention a Bible verse and you are ignored.I know my profile page and Christian group page is only about God and God alone! and I get discouraged because others don't pay attention! Everything else seems more important to them! Quote
leihaynes Posted February 2, 2011 Report Posted February 2, 2011 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself? 1. Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? Probably because Paul could depend on him and new was serious about his mission. Faithful minister, fellow servant. 2. If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you descibe Archippus? A prayer warrior, someone you could call upon to support in prayer. 3. In what wasy does he remind you of yourself. It does remind me of me but it is convecting me of how I need to be. Quote
wifee Posted March 21, 2011 Report Posted March 21, 2011 4a)Archippus leader of Colossian church was given a task to fulfil, Paul sensed he was in astruggle & needed encouragement to press on with it,until Lord Quote
WinstonY Posted February 2, 2015 Report Posted February 2, 2015 Q4. (Colossians 4:17) Why do you think Archippus was singled out in verse 17? If you could invent a story of his role in the Colossian church, how would you describe Archippus? In what ways does he remind you of yourself?  It appears that Archippus is also a prisoner with. Being a fellow also implies that he has been working for Christ as was Paul. It also seems as if Archippus was at one time known to the Colossians as he  wishes to send his greetings. He might have been working with Epaphras who seems to have founded the church. Also Paul would want to establish a further connection with the Colossians by being able to pass on greetings for their friend. Quote
ConiG Posted December 31, 2020 Report Posted December 31, 2020 Pastor Ralph reprinted his Notes about Archippus found in Colossians 4: 17 in today's (12/30/2020) newsletter. As I read Colossians 4 rather than just verse 17, I have a different perspective to consider. In my younger years, I directed a children's choir. The songs were always in line with scripture and each child had to understand it or we didn't sing it. I often used storytelling to improve understanding & retention. I still tend to think and write that way. First, the letter was not sent only to Archippus. Note how many names are included in verses 6-16 plus the instructions to read it to the church/the congregation. Could it be that Paul singled him out as an positive example? That Archippus demonstrated the obedience and faith needed to fulfill God's appointed ministry? That his life showed it was ongoing in order to encourage others to follow the 3 stated elements? Versus the letter to Timothy, which was sent specifically to him. Selah... think on this. Quote
Jodilv Posted December 31, 2020 Report Posted December 31, 2020 When I think of Archippus I see him as a young Paul. An actual soldier though, who wants to fight the battle for the Lord with his hands. He's passionate to right the wrongs of those who would preach heresy, he is eager and not one to sit idly by while they take the gospel that Paul preached to them and distort it. But I also see him as wanting the approval of men, perhaps even Paul. Perhaps Paul is just reminding him to remember the ministry to which he was called, to focus on that particular call and not to take matters into his own hands. Take the same passion that Archippus would use to grab hold of heretics and false philosophers and use it to preach, teach and share Christ as it was given to him by Paul. All while remembering it was God who called him, God who will equip him and God who will direct his path. A good soldier takes his orders from his superior officer, Paul is maybe reminding this good soldier who his Superior is and to stay the course. Quote
Bailey Posted December 31, 2020 Report Posted December 31, 2020 Bailey 12/31/20 Have you just heard a song or sermon, someone spoke a scripture that just filled you with holy ghost, just brought you to tears, or just moved you, maybe that's what happened to him. I was raised in the catholic faith and you were not allowed to express or show excitement for God. My uncle was a Baptist preacher and boy could he preach. I remember taking him to all the Baptist churches in our neighborhood, and as a little girl, my brother and I had to sit outside on the steps and wait for him. We would get happy and started shouting and praising the Lord. So when I told nuns what I had learned, I got in trouble. I think silencing the holy spirit is what wrong today. It's why we don't fishers of men, who will go out spread the good news of the word of God. I was told that women had no place in the pulpit, so I study so many scriptures and study with Rabi's , but I never knew my true place. My father stopped me from going into the convent, but I still stayed in church, but something was always missing.  Quote
Michelek Posted January 1, 2021 Report Posted January 1, 2021 I imagine Archippus as a Disciple zealous for God and being filled with the Holy Spirit was a force in his service to the Lord... Maybe Paul acted as mentor to Archippus at one time.  Maybe he was one whom Paul told.... "imitate me as I imitates Christ."  One, whom Paul recognized his gifts (his ministry) more clearly than he did.  Paul, being a force himself and understanding the challenges that lie a head, sent him personal words of encouragement.  Acknowledging, affirming, Reinforcing....the Lord has given you a ministry, complete it. I Paul write this in my own hand.  Remember my chains. Grace be with you.  Quote
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