MyBeloved Posted June 6, 2004 Report Posted June 6, 2004 "Submission" in regards to the church's relationship to Christ means that we should be lifting and honoring the Name of Christ in everything that we do in our services. We should be submitting to one another and not wanting our own way in everything. My submission to Christ means that I seek to do His will in my life, not what I want to do with my time. A congregation that actually takes seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ would be a loving, caring people who are reaching the lost and edifying believers. Christ is the Head of the church because He is the One who bought us with His precious blood. Quote
Zegeye Posted November 22, 2004 Report Posted November 22, 2004 I think submission is the only one thing that the church can offer to Christ for He does everything through our lives ones we submitted ourselves to His service and leadership. Thus submission means the willingness to submit oneselves to the authority od Christ to be used and guided by Him. Thus my own submission to Christ entails that I can't whatever I want to do and say anything I like. A dear price had been paid for my life and I live for His service and His service only. That is why a submitting congregation is one that is prayerful, harmonious, outward looking, growing. This means that the head of the church is Christ, He is the one who is the leader, the provider and the one who owns the vision of the Church. We are His body and we are there to accomplish the tasks as the Head directs and so wishes to accomplish His vision in us and for us in obedience and love. Quote
masika Posted February 19, 2006 Report Posted February 19, 2006 Submission in regard to Church's relationship to Christ means that we are to obey and follow the guide .line or rules laid down by our lord Jesus Christ . As a believer I have to live a holy life pleasing to God , I have yo obey all what the Bible tell me . Christ loved me the way I was in my sinful nature. When all congragation will submit to Christ , they will listen and seek to find what Christ wants, -They will be faithful to believe and transmit the gospel to all nations even their enemy, -They will be committed to carry out Christ work to the world, -They will not be selfish about members getting their own need. Christ is Head of the Church we mean that He is - -Origin , source of everything, -Ruler, -Sustainer , -Source of supply , unity , growth Quote
Lion of Grace Posted August 23, 2006 Report Posted August 23, 2006 We submit to Christ as a church by following the spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit. We believe in all that Jesus taught us and showed us when He was here on Earth and The Holy Spirit is our helper to remind us and guide us in our daily living. In practical application I believe this means that first we abide in Christ everyday. We seek Him, spend time with Him and we pray and read our Bibles. We never grow tired of the Word in our lives as He speaks to us through the Word. We praise Him and enjoy His creation around us. We thank Him for our families and friends and for being with us every day. We ask to be submitted every day and we ask to be used for His Kingdom. We thank Him that HIS glory will be shown. We are as obedient as we can be to what He asks of us. When we do this, we put off our old self. We are filled with the Spirit and we submit to the higher calling we are called to. We show fruit of the Spirit and we live a sacrificial life. We are teachable and we seek forgiveness when we fail. We show grace to each other, knowing how much grace has been extended to us. We live in relationship with each other in forgiveness and love. We die daily to our "self" and we even die daily in sacrifice so others may live. We never know all the examples our daily sacrifices might make in bringing someone closer to God. We are jealous for that for others. Competiveness would be gone and we would seek for the greater good for another. So much good would be seen if a congregation set out to seriously commit themselves to Christ. Christ as the head of the church means to me that we as a body take on the mind of Christ. We think as He thinks and we abide in Him as one. We become holy as He is holy. We are Spirit led and we know our Savior personally. All our trust, no matter the circumstance is in Him and we can rest in His leading and in knowing His love even in the most difficult trials. We open ourselves fully for the Holy Spirit to work through us. Quote
plethra Posted March 24, 2007 Report Posted March 24, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? Exposition submission means to surrender my will to God's will. My only gift I have to give Christ is me - my life and all my talents to be used as HE sees fit. So many times we get caught up in what I want and don't give a second thought to what God's will is for that situation. My life my talents my gifts everything I am and everything i could ever be is in HIS hands to be used or not used as HE sees fit. It's not about me and what I want but it's all about HIM. There would be alot less strife and division in the church. People would prefer others above themselves, and God would be the # 1 focus in every area. Christ is the head of the church - He does not rule with an iron fist but loves us and treats us in such a way as to cause us to want to please Him instead of ourselves. I have had several bosses in my llifetime but I have always performed best for the boss that treats me well and pats me on the back for a job well done rather that the boss that fusses and is impossible to please and never has a kind or encouraging word. Quote
Commissioned Posted August 19, 2007 Report Posted August 19, 2007 Q1. (Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? In regards to Church's relationship to Christ, "submission" means to voluntarily come under the headship of Christ. What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? It means that I voluntarily submit to Christ as my Head and that I do only that which He has instructed that I should do, no more, no less. What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? Such a congregation would live consistently according to the Word of God. It would be blameless, spotless and wrinkle free as a bride adorn and awaiting to be presented to her husband. We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? It means that Christ is who we worship, submit to and He will soon return to take His Church and present her to His Father. Quote
JustJeff Posted June 22, 2008 Report Posted June 22, 2008 Submission in this context is equated with humility. The church must be able to give itself over to the leadership that the Lord has put in place. By doing this the church is harmonious, working together as one. In this way we are a body ministry with Christ as the head. By submitting myself to Christ I am agreeing that He, by His Word, has rule over my life. An entire congregation that submits itself to Christ would be like the New Yoyrk Philharmonic Orchestra lead by a great maestro. Oh, the harmony! When Christ is the head the whole body is as He. Quote
GodExcels Posted June 23, 2008 Report Posted June 23, 2008 Submission to Christ means that I willfully surrender myself in person, thought and deed to His will. He becomes my Head in that I recognize Him as my Creator, Sustainer and Lord and I allow Him to be present in my thoughts, prayers. decisions, relationships, career, family, education -LIFE! Joyfully - even in the patches of rough times- I submit to Him because I want to chose eternal life. Christianity is no longer a choice to make about certain aspects of our existence, our life begins to reflect the spirit of the Word and the power of Christ in our life. We can recognize that most of us do not fully commit ourselves consistently enough as it reflects the way we carry ourselves outside the walls of the church. It reflects in our hesitation to share our lives as witnesses with others. Submission does not mean blind agreements or acceptance- it is a choice to trust in faith in our Lord. As I am learning and growing and stumbling along the way at times, I recognize, accept and honor who Christ is and His authoritative role in my very existence. Practical evidence of submission is praying more honestly and consistently about the decisions in my life, choosing that which is pleasing to Him over our my feelings or wants, and by treating others, no matter how different or unlikeable they may be to me, with the love of Christ He has given us. (THAT TAKES MUCH PRAYER AT TIMES!) Christ wants us to live more abundantly but we sometimes conjure up what abundance and peace and joy and submission and success and God granted afflictions should look like. Quote
truth2me Posted June 29, 2009 Report Posted June 29, 2009 Q1. (Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? Exposition It means to obey from the heart. (LOVE) Quote
smithj7 Posted August 29, 2009 Report Posted August 29, 2009 Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? The word submission as translated from the Greek means to voluntarly submit ones will to another. This idea must be considered in line with the way one understood ideas at the time of this writing. The submission, was not a head thing or intellectual, but rather a commitment of the heart. More important was the relationship to "head". The "head" wasn't like today's bosses. The head, in reference to Christ, was the origin or source, the ruler, the sustainer, the source of supply, unity, and growth. So in this sense, the Church wants to please and carry out the will of Christ because they are committed to the origin or source, the ruler, sustainer of all that "she" is. She can only grow and become what she should being commited to the headship of Christ. What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? In practical experience if I stayed focused on the will of Christ, our head, I would be a witness to the world. All that I did would be pleasing to Christ. Often, I forget this. The concept of submission in the modern world seems opressive. But in light of the Greek text, submission would bring sustanences, growth, fulfillment. What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? If every member submitted to the headship of Christ, the Church would grow, be united, a real witness unto the world. We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? What great joy we would see if the Church saw Christ as the Head, not in words only, but in actual practice. The will of God would be sought over all else. The Church would not need to rely on gimics to try to get new believers. The Church would not be two-teared "the leaders" and "listners". The Church would be united in love and would grow. Quote
Lion of Grace Posted July 26, 2010 Report Posted July 26, 2010 The church's submission to Christ is one of love. We love because He first loved us. When we know His love, we are willingly and voluntarily doing as He asks us to do. We can do things asked of us that are sacrificial for ourselves, because we love Him. We can esteem another first over ourselves or give of ourselves, being the wind beneath the wings of another, so the other person can be built up and encouraged, for the good of the church body. We go from "me" to "we" and that is our focus. We desire to see others become what God has designed them to be. We give up self, because He has shown us it is a better way to give and live. Our love for Him is the determining factor for how we treat others. If every one submitted to Christ and lived submitted to what He taught us, the church would grow together in the grace and knowledge of Christ and being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, would be overflowing with the fruit of the Spirit and that would be wonderful! Most though think being submitted is being "made" to do things we don't like to do. I used to think like that. I didn't think in terms of Him being on my side and for my good. Many don't know God intimately and have not experienced His love and His great caring and compassion for us. He is our GOOD Shepherd who wants only good for us and is seeking always for our utmost care. We don't submit because we "have" to.....we submit because we know and trust and love our great caregiver and the delights He has for us under His infinite wisdom. Like little lambs, we should be pressed against His leg, safely by His side as He leads us to everything we need for our good. He loves us. His ways are higher than ours and for our good. He's faithful, never changes and is perfectly trustworthy. His "no" is for our good, His "yes" is for our good, all His teachings, directions, disciplines and turnings are for our good....because He loves us! We can trust Him as our head and submit to His leading. Quote
Marloes Posted September 12, 2010 Report Posted September 12, 2010 Q1. (Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? Exposition Submission means that one accepts authority - in this case Christ's authority. All things come to one thing: do as the Bible tells you to. Quote
hanks Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 Q1.(Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? The church is to voluntarily subordinate itself to Christ. Jesus Christ is above all. What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? I also voluntarily subordinate myself to Christ. It is through my reverence for Christ that I humble myself, willingly serve others. What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? There would be complete submission and obedience to Christ. Only the Word, God Quote
Jeff@qlbc Posted June 20, 2011 Report Posted June 20, 2011 Submission means that a person voluntarily puts the interests of another ahead of their own. I lifted some of Pastor Ralph's thoughts about submission and will make some brief comments. "A submitted church listens and seeks to find out what Christ wants." We submit ourselves by searching the Scriptures to find out what Christ's interests are and then we follow Him. "A submitted church is faithful to believe and transmit Christ's teachings, even in a culture that is hostile to them." It is easy to go along with popular opinion because it follows the path of the least resistance. The church is called to speak the truth in love. "A submitted church is committed to carrying out Christ's work in the world." We are called to actively seek out people who are in need and present the Gospel to them by word and deed. "A submitted church is not selfish about members getting their own needs met, but zealous that Christ's priorities are primary." We are called to listen others and not seek our own way, but what is best for the church. Jesus submitted Himself to His Father's will and gave His life for us. We submit to Jesus by giving our lives to Him. Quote
wifee Posted August 25, 2011 Report Posted August 25, 2011 5a)As church to submit we should i)listen & seek to find what Christ wants ii)be faithful to believe & transmit Christs teachings iii)be committed to carrying out Christ’s work in the world. B)I want to voluntarily re submit myself to my husband in everything as he is head of wife,as part of my submission to Christ c)if submitting corprate life to Christ,we put our personal agenda’s of how a ch should be, to oneside& voluntarily submit to Christ,his teachings & his priorities d)putting Christ first we would be united together in love &the church would grow. Quote
anne1151 Posted September 3, 2011 Report Posted September 3, 2011 a. The whole church is waiting, listening and seeking Gods will, and is faithful to teach others. We are committed to sprading Christs work in the world, while helping their own members meet their needs, never failing to put Christ first. Total submission to our head. b. Christ must always come first. I must study, pray fervently and listen for Gods will in my life. c. It would be an active church, looking for ways to spread Gods word, under Gods direction. Seekg God word togeather thru prayer and stud. Helpng each other thru hard times. We would be united, devoted, under God equal and loving. d. To make Christ head, we must be in prayer, seeking His will, spreading His word. Quote
Old Jerry Posted September 19, 2011 Report Posted September 19, 2011 I think that “submission” means in regards to the Church’s relationship to Christ is that we are doing the things that Christ wants us to be doing. He always gives us the skills to do what He wants us to, so it is easy to submit to Him. Even my own submission to Christ means that I am in daily contact with him and look to him for guidance. I think that a congregation that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ would be unstoppable. Christ being the Head of the Church means that we are always looking to Christ of the problems we face and to go to Him with our plans. Quote
JoanG Posted March 10, 2015 Report Posted March 10, 2015 As the church of Christ, we need to follow the rules of the bible. We need to follow the ideals of the teaching of Christ in the New Testament. In the practical aspect of my life, I need to give my actions over to Christ. I need to live as if I belong to Christ completely. My thoughts and my actions should all be an honor to the Glory of Jesus. If a congregation is to be truly submissive to Christ, I feel that there would be a congregation ruled by love. I do not feel that there would be so much backstabbing. I feel that people would talk with nothing but love toward each other. There would be a sense of righteousness within every one. There would be no grand standing and no body would try to be the "star" of worship. People would let God provide for the running of the church. There would be no need to discuss money and fights on how the money is to be spent. There would be little to no cut throating each other and people would have respect for each other no matter where they were in their lives. Quote
WinstonY Posted May 10, 2015 Report Posted May 10, 2015 What does submission mean in regard to the church relationship to Christ?submission means that we should have reverence in love for Christ.Jesus as a teacher Taught that we are to love God and our neighbor as our self. if we love Christ then we will love our neighbors.the church then should teach but Christ in Christ crucified.In practical experience this will mean good relationships between all members of the church. one will not strive to take advantage of the other. we must remember that the first shall be last on the last shall be first. we need, as Jesus did, to wash the feet of those whom with we serve. it is our duty and I responsibility to Christ our Lord.our submission here is to work together voluntarily submitting to each other. this relationship applies not only to the church community but it also applies to the home. together partners must submit voluntarily to one to another. just as Christ voluntarily submits to wash our feet we must also volunteer voluntarily to wash the feet of others. this includes our partner.when we speak of Christ as being the head of the Church we mean that he is our leader and that we are to glorify Him in his righteousness and in his awesome glory provided by God the actual fact this means, as stated above, that we are to glorify God the Lord Jesus and love him wwith all our hearts. if we do this then we will have a functional church with people in the pews. Quote
Paul Irving Posted July 15, 2018 Report Posted July 15, 2018 On 5/29/2003 at 8:21 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Ephesians 5:21-24) What does "submission" mean in regards to the Church's relationship to Christ? What does your own submission to Christ mean in practical experience? What would a congregation look like that actually took seriously submitting its corporate life to Christ? We talk about Christ being the Head of the Church. What does this mean in actual practice, if anything? Exposition The Church is under Christ’s power and it should be submissive to Him. Let Christ take over in your life as a Christian is a person who has Jesus Christ in them, the old you is gone now you walk in the light and that light is Jesus. Not worried about how much people are tithing or the Churches budget. It would not be a business like so many Churches are today. Christ started His Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus Christ is to be glorified just as the Father is. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost now and forever. Quote
Siphoñ Posted April 19, 2021 Report Posted April 19, 2021 What does submission means regards to the church relationship to Christ. Submitted church must be holy and blameless before the eyes of our Lord. What does your submission to Christ mean in practical experience. Is to believe in Him and willing to listen to Him. What is the congregation look like actually took seriously submitting it's corporate life to Christ. Submitting church is the that sticks to His teachings and having the fruits of the Spirit that Galatians 5:22-25. We talk about Christ being the head of the church. What does this mean in actual practice if anything? Christ is the head of the church because He is the who died for us.God said He gave everything to Him.We must follow his teachings. Quote
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