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Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins?

It seems to me they are Christians in name only....they've missed the point of why Jesus came....to save us from our sins. When one fails to repent and turn from one's wicked ways, I believe a "pretend" relationship with Christ results, if at all, and certainly a phony Christianity is presented to the church and to the world.

Why do people avoid repentance?

Failure to repent is a result of pride or ignorance....not wanting to acknowledge that one is a sinner, or not believing one is a sinner. When I accepted Christ as my Saviour and Lord I was in deep denial about my abusive childhood, and as a result I walked for several years in self righteousness and judgment toward others, due to sheer ignorance about those even being sins! (I knew about the BIG ones.....) It wasnt' until I commited a few that were on my list of "I would never do that!", that I truly recognized I was a sinner, repented of all known sin and truly fell in love with Jesus for the first time as I understood the depth of His sacrifice for ME, and at what cost to Him.

What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

I think there are two "churches" in the world today....one of true believers who understand the severity of sin and live in repentance and the desire to live with and represent Christ in love and truth. The other church is a phony, politically correct church where folks dress up on Sunday, "punch" the church clock, leave and "roast" the Pastor's sermon over lunch, live like hell all week, unreptentant, but knowing the Christianese to speak when necessary, and how to "act" when necessary. They attend large, seeker friendly churches where sin is not preached, nor the blood, because they "offend".....and it's possible to disappear in the crowd. Since conviction does not occur, folks leave feeling happy that they are fine and "fit in" and go on their way for another week of living however they please. (I used to attend one of these churches, and experienced all of that until the Holy Spirit finally got a hold of my heart and spirit, drew me close and discipled me in the Word of God and a true and intimate relationship with Jesus developed.)

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Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

Unless a person is drawn by God, he will not truly become a Christian, because the only way he can receive mercy is if he sees himself as a sinner and that he needs God's mercy and abounding grace in order to become an adopted child of God. We can present the Good News of Christ, but cannot reason with the people we witness to but hope that God will expose their sinfulness and let them see their need for a Savior.

In response to receiving forgiveness, a soul repents and turns away from temptation of sin, and desires to please the Father.

The problem today is society seems to be more receptive of sinful behavior , making excusses for sinners or just plain overlooking immoral,sinful behavior. Or even worse, perverting the Word of God to make sin exceptable.

I could not even name what percentage of Christians today are unrepentant. Only God knows.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

Unless a person is drawn by God, he will not truly become a Christian, because the only way he can receive mercy is if he sees himself as a sinner and that he needs God's mercy and abounding grace in order to become an adopted child of God. We can present the Good News of Christ, but cannot reason with the people we witness to but hope that God will expose their sinfulness and let them see their need for a Savior.

In response to receiving forgiveness, a soul repents and turns away from temptation of sin, and desires to please the Father.

The problem today is society seems to be more receptive of sinful behavior , making excusses for sinners or just plain overlooking immoral,sinful behavior. Or even worse, perverting the Word of God to make sin exceptable.

I could not even name what percentage of Christians today are unrepentant. Only God knows.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repent of their known sins? They are adopting a false teaching and will not understand the full gospel that Jesus taught from that day forward that what John had spoken to repent for the Kingdom is at hand is something that Jesus agreed with and began to speak as well. It means :


They will soon realize that unforgiveness has repercussions. Whether it be guilt, shame, or through physical pain. Also it says in the bible that God won't forgive us if we do not choose to forgive our brother/sister.

Avoiding repentance is just a way of avoiding the pain and hurt it involves revisiting. Depending on how long its been for the person, the situation and who it involves. It is sometimes hard for people to repent when people have to be vulnerable and throw down their pride and embrace humility in order to repent.

Percentage????? I really don't think there is one. I can't judge that.


1 Jesus has taught us that sins mean death and if we want to be a true Christian, we

need to turn away from sins and live righteous life pleasing to God. If one wants

to be true follower of Christ one needs to live according to His teachings

otherwise we will have to face the wrath of God. eg. if one commits any crime or

wrong doing the truth will one day be revealed and the guilty one will have to pay

for his actions and be punished.

The circular world is full of corrupt and greed. When one focus too much on

material things and it's influences rather than God then one will be blinded and

will find hard in realizing his own sins. As we have been warned not to serve two


It depends on oneself who they would want to follow, to be saved and receive eternal

life or be doomed in hell.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

When people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins, they do not change their ways as is what repenting is all about. They become false christians because you cannot become a true christian without repenting, so they eventually will fall away from the christian faith and fall back into their sinful habits.

People avoid repentance because some feel that they have not really sinned and should not have to repent, others are afraid to repent because they then have to admit they are a sinner and are afraid of how others will view them.

I myself cannot really make a judgement as to how many are unrepentant as I do not know them and what they believe or practice. As to how many are unprepared in heart i feel there could be many, as people can repent and still not be prepared in heart.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

When people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins, they do not change their ways as is what repenting is all about. They become false christians because you cannot become a true christian without repenting, so they eventually will fall away from the christian faith and fall back into their sinful habits.

People avoid repentance because some feel that they have not really sinned and should not have to repent, others are afraid to repent because they then have to admit they are a sinner and are afraid of how others will view them.

I myself cannot really make a judgement as to how many are unrepentant as I do not know them and what they believe or practice. As to how many are unprepared in heart i feel there could be many, as people can repent and still not be prepared in heart.


True worshippers shall [note that this is mandatory] worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

For unto such hath God promised his Spirit. And they who worship him, must worship in spirit and in truth. [JST John 4:25


People avoid repentance because it is painful. To realize God's holiness and our utter rebellious depravity causes grief. We don't want to honestly examine the sinful depths of our wicked hearts. We don't want to be humbled because we're so innately prideful. Sometimes we like our sins and do not want to turn from them. Much of today's "religious" teaching is people-centered instead of Christ-centered, meaning that it's feel-good philosophy rather than genuine understanding of sin, its consequences, and the cost of authentic discipleship.

Christians certainly sometimes grow cold or shut down fellowship with God, but a person who is in this ignorant or defiant condition is a person who may not truly be redeemed. A changed heart and life are evidence of the Holy Spirit's work of salvation. I fearfully wonder if an unrepentant, unprepared heart belongs to Christ at all.

I have no idea of a percentage, but I think the vast majority of Christians simply do not grasp the true call of following Christ. We don't really love Him with all that we are and have.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

People who adopt Christian faith without repenting in the known sins has pride lingering in their hearts. They are proud of their wealth, talent, power,etc and has not totally surrendered to God. Knowingly or unknowingly they don't need God. God resist them (James 4:6). Proud people cannot please God. The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in the heart of a proud man. By their fruit we know unrepentant Christian.


When people adopt the Christian faith without repentance of their known sins they are only living the Christian faith outwardly, and not inwardly. They are religious, and only serving God outwardly. In reality, they are choosing not to let go of the lifestyle that they are living, and when the practices take priority over the beliefs. It becomes all about the doings and not about God, the One they are professing they believe in. They are also serving two masters (Matthew 6:24), and is deceiving their selves of their Christian faith (I John 3:7-10). God wants us to serve Him and live our lives completely for Him with our whole heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:36-38).

Matthew 6:24 -



a. There is no outward evidence in thought, action, or life style to indicate a change within, i.e. no repentance, no change in direction of action. 2 Cor. 7:11

b. The main reason is we do not want to admit we have sinned and are guilty of any thing. We have built our outward life to make all that see us as wonderful, outstanding people. We glory in the adoration by our peers and the persona we have created.

c. 50%, most of the time; the other 50%, sometimes. We are not perfect, yet, and because of that, pride creeps in when we lest expect it.


Repentance means abandoning your previous way of life and acceptance of a new approach to God. This involves honesty , humility and renunciation and seeking God forgiveness.

The main reason we do not want to admit our sins.We may believe that admission of same may present us to others as we being weak or ineffective as a true champion as we may appear to others.

It is difficult to say how many are guilty but we all are at sometime or the other fail Him.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

When people adopt Christian faith without repentance of the sins, they deliberately sin against God's will in which they keep of crucifying our Lord Jesus Christ. It happens mostly because they follow wrong paths knowing that they are following the paths to God's kingdom. Some people don't forgive their aggressors. instead, they claim that God sees them and knows how to deal with their enemies.

Some times sin is perceived as a custom or something that happens naturally under God's consent. Some people claim that God who causes the brain to think accounts for sin. I believe that our choice are respected by God. To repent our sins therefore, we need to first understand all the offences that we made and then ask for forgiveness. It is the Spirit of God that reminds us of the sins we committed. It then reminds us to ask for forgiveness and make ourselves holy in God's presence.

Many people avoid repentance because the devil doesn't want them to leave their sins. The devil who controls them doesn't like them to mention that they are sinners in presence of God. The devil likes it when people disobey God's Word. Some people feel ashamed of mentioning their sins.

Today, a large percentage of people follow a certain denomination. All denominations claim to be teaching the gospel of the kingdom. However, according to rituals that are performed and the agreements made in some denominations, to me, a few are repentant. this is because they refuse to obey what is indicated in the Bible and accept to take as doctrine the words of people.(Mark7:7)


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

One cannot truly adopt the Christian faith without repentance, because the Christian faith is brought about through repentance and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord; with out repentance this is impossible. To repent of sin is to acknowledge our need of of a Saviour.

People avoid repenting of their sin for a number of reasons (1) Because Satan has blinded them to their need. (2) Pride - people are slow to admit that they are sinners and many would consider themselves a "good person", which brings about a third reason (3) Self-righteousness - they refuse to acknowledge any wrong in their lives and believe themselves to be better than others (such people are quick to point the finger).

As to the numbers of Christians (nominal) I should imagine there is a great number that are "religious" and have pehaps never truly repented and many that are unprepared in heart (but of course l would also like to add - that it is not for me to judge, unless of course it is a directive from the Holy Spirit i.e. a challenge as to a persons walk with the Lord).


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?


This basically means that they are Christians by name only and will not receive the Kingdoms promises. They avoid repentance because they don


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repent of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

a) Truthfully, one cannot become a Christian without repenting and turning away from their sins. The whole point of becoming a Christian is to turn away from the old man and accepting the new life in Christ Jesus.

B) People avoid repentance for multiple reasons. One is they don't want to admit that they are actually a "sinner." Secondly, they don't want to give up their worldly pleasures, they enjoy living in sin - even though the consequences equate to death and separates you from our Heavenly Father.

c) I don't know the exact percentage of Christians who are unrepentant and unprepared in their hearts. However, I believe the percentage is relatively high, considering the condition and lack of evident power in the church. Hence, people are more likely to make excuses for their sins, and call them mistakes instead of believing and knowing that God has already made a way of escape from every sin. Additionally, you know the condition of an unprepared heart by the fruits that person or even myself displays.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

When people adopt the Christian faith without repenting I believe they enter into the very dangerous place of being false converts. They are decieved into being saved when they probably aren't. (notwithstanding, it is God and God alone that knows and judges the heart) People avoid repentance because often it isn't presented to them for fear of rejection in the one presenting the gospel. We have become a "user friendly" faith that doesn't want to offend anyone. The kind of life Jesus calls us to will offend. People avoid repentance because of unbelief. They are not totally convinced so they have areas of their lives that they are not willing to surrender. I speak from a position of experience. Fear of man being stronger than the fear of God. I have no statistics to refer to but i would think that the percentage of professing Christians today that are unrepentant would be quite high.


I believe repentance is an ongoing thing. The problem stems from the idea of "known sins." At the time when a person makes a statement of faith they may resolve to turn away from certain behaviors, but as they grow in faith, the Lord reveals to them other things that seemed OK before, but hamper the working of God's will for them. If a person joins a Christian Church and yet persists in behaviors specifically prohibited by scripture, he is only joining a social club.


When people accept Jesus without repentance, it is not a deep enough relationship to grow. Their Christian life is inferior and will not stand up in storms. There is not enough room in our hearts for Self and God's Spirit.

People avoid repentance because they really do not want to change.

It's probably a large percentage who have not repented, unfortunately. Repentance is not a one-time experience either. It's a lifetime--the more we learn about God and the closer we grow to Him, the more we realize how much more we have to repent from.......


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

Without repentance of sins and a changed nature a person is not saved and does not have a relationship with God the Father in Jesus the Christ. It is a meaningless faith. People avoid repentance because they want to live the way they want to live. I would say that well over half of most churches are attended by people who are not saved and are unrepentant.


Q1. What happens when people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins? Why do people avoid repentance? What percentage of Christians today do you think are unrepentant, unprepared in heart?

To become a Christian requires repentance of all sins. I think the avoidance is caused by people not wanting to face God with their sin or want to hold on to them. I can only account for my sin I can't account for others nor judge or hold them in any estimate. To be comepletely honest I still have some areas which God can help me with.


1a)Adopting the Christian faith & not repenting, is not establishing a full relationship with God, which requires true repentance, saying sorry to God for wrongs done, a change of heart, & promise to live life with Him as my guide. This is also ongoing as I grow with God, where the Spirit prompts me to repent of other areas where I need to change.B) b)People avoid repentance because they don

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