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The concept of baptism is the point of comparison here. Years ago in researching what baptism is, I found that the Greek word was also used in reference to pickling! Something immersed in pickling brine is infused and completely changed from what it was to begin with.

John's baptism with water was an outer experience/symbol of the inner act of repentance from sin that prepared the people for redemption by the coming Messiah. (Of course, at that time, there were no believers/followers of Christ and the Holy Spirit was not yet released to indwell.) After Christ's work of redemption was completed and He returned to heaven, He sent the Spirit to us.

So now, water baptism is the outer identification/illustration of the inner transformation by the Spirit. It's a public statement of commitment once the Spirit overwhelms/immerses/infuses a believer with the living presence of Christ. The Holy Spirit comes to do an inner work that changes the spirit nature/character of that person. This baptism is a permanent presence and condition of spiritual life.

Does our flesh usually cooperate and submit to that? No! Most of the time, do we really long for the Spirit to overwhelm every part of our soulish being (mind, will, and emotions)? No! Some reasons are stubborn pride, selfishness, being too comfortable to be willing to suffer, laziness or apathy, lack of knowledge about the true call on our lives, lack of wisdom in living out that call. I think a real desire to be completely overtaken by the Spirit can begin with the simple plea that God would help you want it more than you want your own way. And you have to know His Word, because the Spirit uses that to lead/instruct/discipline/encourage.

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3a)The point of comparison between John the Baptist & the Messiah is the act of cleansing,immersing or overwhelming and repentance. John immerses his disciples in water, while the Messiah will immerse his followers,(believers with the gift of faith in Him) in the Holy Spirit. cool.gif b)The point of difference is the medium in which or with which baptism takes place. John baptises with water. Jesus baptises with the holy spirit & fire and it is life changing. c)Each day it is wonderful that the Holy Spirit is in me, guiding me to try & live more as Jesus preached, and I want more of him daily. smile.gif d)The pull of life's challenges, & sinful thoughts & temptations can resist the work of the Spirit. Absorbing my mind & heart with Jesus' teaching, thinking of others before myself & trusting in God's promises with faith will encourage the work of His Spirit.biggrin.gif

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John


Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John






  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 9/16/2010 at 6:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John’s action and the Messiah’s action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it?


John's baptism is a mean of removing sin, a method of cleansing, one of the steps in repentance. John helped the particuar individual down into the water, upon coming up they were free from their sins and are now to walk in newness of life.

Jesus on the other hand did not make physical contact to baptise with the Holy Spirit. It is so beautiful that am not just immersed but here now am overwhelmed, am filled, am clothered, I've been handed a gift of power. In other words, its in me to the point of overflowing, to the point where I am no longer my own, my DNA has changed my abilities the way I think and feel, am not just hoping to make it or hoping I can live this life I was called to live, I have the POWER the MEANS necessary to do it.

I am now fully capatable, the capacity has been filled. (Am excited, never saw it like this). I don't have to live the boring life of Dain, am now Superman. The difference is, before an individal surrenders his life to Christ he is uncertain if he can live the life he is expected to live as a christian and in many cases even after water baptism he is still uncertain and occasionally might migrate to the old life style. But when he is baptised with the Holy Spirit, the Power of God, the enabler dwells within and fears and doubts will flee.

The difference is am a new person and my mentality is, "I can do all things through Christ who has strengthen (clothed, empowered, come upon and poured Himself upon me). Am not just a new creature, am a powerful being, a power house this life I live now live, as a minister as a child of God I will not be caught having extramatrital affairs, gamblering, hating persons, gossiping and falling by the way side. It means I live as the salt of the earth, it means my light can be seen in the darkness and that its always on a hill.

Yes the longing is there, me wanting to fulfill my own desires do as I please without God, me allowing sin to reign in my body, no matter if I taste it every now and then or just lay with it for a few hours it is still sin and it WILL prevent the power of God from being poured out or coming upon me. Sin seprates me from God. So without sin it then means am not seperated form God but brought close or made a part taker of Him. Me walking in the newness of life and being SUBJECT to the things of God will inevitably bring about His power.


Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it?

The point of comparison between John the Baptist and the Messiah is the act of immersing or overwhelming. But the medium in which or with which the baptism takes place differs. John immerses his disciples in water, while the Messiah will immerse his followers in the Holy Spirit.

This means that John the Baptist baptize with Water and the Messiah baptize with the Holy spirit which means The "baptism of the Holy Spirit" involves being covered with, immersed in, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the very basis of our life in Christ and our connection to God. Jesus floods us with the Holy Spirit. What a wonderful thought and promise!12

We need to experience the holy spirit so we can live a life that is full and complete, and only Jesus can give us that kind of life, John is only leading us to completing this process, but Jesus completes it. Satan/Devil may try to steal it from us by persecutingus, lying to us, and deceiving us, but Jesus had already won the battle, so we are safe in him, their is nothing that Satan can do to take it from us. Since the blood of christ that is witness by God the father is enough to pay our penalty and forgiveness of all our sins past, present and future, and the cross is acknowledgement of that truth and his job is complete.

  • 2 weeks later...

Both John and Jesus baptize those who receive with open hearts and minds the message given. Both baptize by completely overwhelming the person being baptized. In both cases the baptism marks a change in the life of the one being baptized.

The difference between John

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action?

If the water were to come on us instead of us coming into the water, we would run the risk of drowning. The Holy Spirit comes on us we do not come into the Holy Spirit. John's baptism is a momentary submersion, while Jesus's baptism is a deluge that lasts indefinitely.

What is the point of difference?

The point of difference is that John's baptism is up to us, but Jesus' baptism is up to God.

Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit?

Yes. But, I also know that with such desire comes drastic change and responsibility with the gift, and I want to be as ready as I can possibly be.

What might prevent this in your life?

Being immature in my Christian faith.

What might encourage it?

Being totally submitted to God and His agenda. Not allowing myself the luxury of living my life my way.

  • 3 weeks later...

Both John's action and the Messiah's action was for cleansing. The difference was that the Holy Spirit also brought with it an empowerment. Both result in the forgiveness of sins (cleansing) but Holy Spirit gives the power to live the faithful life.

Being empowered by the Holy Spirit might be prevented by not having an authentic relationship God, confessing your sin and asking for forgiveness.


The difference between John' s action and Jesus' action is John is baptizing with water and Jesus is baptizing with the Holy Spirit and with fire. John' work was to prepare people for the coming Messiah. He told people to repent and be baptized with water (outward show of the result of repentance) a symbol of cleansing. The difference is that Jesus baptized with the Holy Spirit and fire; the inward part of a person, the heart where the change would take place. The Holy Spirit does the cleaning, penetrating a person, give that person enlightenment of the spiritual things; give life and energy to a person.(John 10:10 ...I am come that they might have life,... John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life... To me being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit would mean being filled with the Holy Spirit; God gives His Spirit to all who have faith in His Son Jesus at the point of salvation. The more you submit to the Holy Spirit the more you become full with the Spirit. Some say there is a second baptism of the Holy Spirit of which I need to do an in depth study of for myself. Yes I would love to be overwhelmed by the Spirit, to submit to it more and more. I am the one who could prevent this by not submitting to the promptings all the time. What would encourage it for me is to see the results of submitting to God more and more, the spiritual blessings that come from following Jesus.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action?

The point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action is the immersing or overwhelming. They are both baptising.

What is the point of difference?

The point of diffeence is how they baptise. While John immerses his disciples in water, the Messiah will immerse his followers in the Holy Spirit.

Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit?

As a believer, I really do long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit.

What might prevent this in your life?

The sinful way of life might prevent this.

What might encourage it?

The encouraement is that, the Lord is ready to receive us if we repent our sins and change our ways of life so that we submit our lives to God by living according to His commands.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

What is the point of comparison between John's

action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference?

act of immersing or overwhelming. But the medium in which or with which the baptism takes place differs. John immerses his disciples in water, while the Messiah will immerse his followers in the Holy Spirit. Also The Apostles added the name of Jesus Christ to water baptism, whereas John the Baptist was unto Repentance but After the Shed Blood on the cross for “Sin”, death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ Faith and Repentance with Water Baptism now with the covenant Name invoked “Jesus Christ”. (Acts 2:38) Also You be Filled with the Holy Ghost –speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the Utterance. Faith and Repentance is always first but Water and Spirit can be in any order but both must me done.

Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What

might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it?

I have experienced it with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance and I desire to plunge deeper for Tongues is just getting in but after that it is experiencing God to the fullest that he allows by Grace.

Hunger and thirst for God and righteousness. And unrepentant sins but Faith and Repentance will encourage being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:32 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between Johns action and the Messiahs action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it?

1) The comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action is that both baptized by the act of immersing.

2) The point of difference is that John's baptized by water. This was an outward sign of repentance. The Messiah baptized with the Holy Spirit. This was an inward cleansing and empowerment.

3) Yes, I really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit.

4) What might prevent this in my life is not being obedient to God's word. Sometimes I have the tendency of putting self first and forgetting the One who gives me life, health and strength.

5) What might encourage the Holy Spirit in my life is my committment in being obedient to God's word. Continuing to study His word daily.

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