Barbara A. Lee Posted September 29, 2010 Report Posted September 29, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John Quote
JanMary Posted September 29, 2010 Report Posted September 29, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? John baptized with water after repentance. Both involved being immersed. John's in water. Jesus' baptism in the Holy Spirit after Salvation. What is the point of difference? Water bapism is a picture of how repentance cleanses the inner "man" and is done once. It's a memorial of our old "man" being crucified and buried with Christ and the beginning of a changed life. Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire. . Jesus' baptism is both a one time event, and an ongoing process of filling and refilling throughout life, and puts His power on the inside, which then flows through us outwardly toward others in ministry. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is being filled with all the fullness of the Godhead...the power which raised Christ from the dead. Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? This has been my desire since recognizing that I'm a sinner saved by Grace. Any effective ministry through my life has been a result of relinquishing my will to the power of the Holy Spirit. I love what He accomplishes! I'm thrilled by the wisdom He pours in when I relinquish my ideas and knowledge and ask for His. I'm just plain stunned by His Majesty, Power and HUGENESS....and want to float in Him like a cork on the ocean....lost in Him, hidden in His love and grace.....filled with His life and power to accomplish His purposes through my life. What might prevent this in your life? Fear prevented it in my early walk....I wanted to be in control. I wanted to know what was going to happen. As I healed from the abuse, I also learned that these are normal survival skills for abused children, and as I grew in trusting the Lord, my need to be in control was relinquished. What might encourage it? I can only speak for myself, and for me it was the desire to heal from the wounds and to be made whole in Him. The more that occurred, the more I saw that He is altogether lovely and desirable, the more I wanted to be like Him. Romans 8:28 finally melded with Romans 8:29 and I saw that was the point of all that I have endured in my life, working toward the goal of being molded and conformed into the image of Christ inwardly.....that my heart and goals and dreams and desires and prayers and actions are His, rather than my own. Quote
jmlhopeful Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? John's action is baptism by water and the Messiah's action is baptism by the Holy Spirit. What is the point of difference? Baptism by water is an outward sign of commitment. An inward change in attitude is due to the work of the Holy Spirit. Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? I feel the Holy Spirit in me at times, but I think I try to control it because of fear of losing something. But then again, whatever I might lose can never be better than what I would receive with the Holy Spirit in total control of my life. Quote
janel Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 3 John the forth-runner for Jesus, is to prepare the people for the coming Messiah. Whereas Jesus is the Saviour, the Messiah, who comes to fulfill the will of God. Thus John baptised the people with water, that is cleansing their sins for repentance. Whereas Jesus came to immerse them with the Holy Spirit and with power. Definitely yes. With the guidance and prompting of the Holy Spirit I will be walking in the light of God and is pleasing to Him. If I am not repentant of my sins and refused to accept God's Spirit in my life, I am preventing this in my life. However, if I am humble before God and live life according to God's teachings and be guided by His Holy Spirit I am blessed and saved. Quote
kiwidenis Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John’s action and the Messiah’s action? What is the point of difference? John's baptism is given still under the old covenant(Old Testament) system ... Jesus came to initiate God's new covenant with mankind -- viz. the Kingdom of God was here because of the presence of the King. The baptism of Jesus gives is a sign of the new covenant of the Kingdom of God which includes the presence of God the Holy Spirit in new and exciting ways in our lives. Praise the Lord! We are thus not only baptized by water -- but also receive the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as well as John foretold ... This was not the normal case under the Old Covenant where repentance was the Main issue. Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? Paul commands us to be "led by the Spirit ... (Rom 8:14) And "live in the Spirit" ... he also says "it is no longer I who lives but Christ lives in me"(Gal 2:20) This is not possible unless we are constantly filled and saturated by the Holy Spirit in us. I believe strongly that this should be the desire for all Christians -- and our goal -- most of us very conscious of how far we fall short in this -- we live in a fallen world and will not be all God plans for us to be until we are made perfect in His presence. What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? Known sin in our lives is the greatest impediment to being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is vital that we should be daily cleansed from all sin by confessing all sins to God daily and asking him to fill us anew with the power of the Holy Spirit to live each day for Him and his glory. This is my daily prayer -- I believe the closer we get to God the more conscious we are all the things in our lives that are displeasing to him. God bless you Quote
vincer39 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 What is the point of comparison between John Quote
alexandria Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John Quote
Moses 4 Posted September 30, 2010 Report Posted September 30, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? John said, Quote
Jeff Newsom Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 Q3 a. The point was John did not want glory for himself but to point to the one who was glory. b. In a temporary manner, John was washing away the cover that hides sin in the heart and mind so that the Holy Spirit can bring repentance and Jesus will wash away sin for eternity. c. The more we are overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit the more we are in obedience to God and the more in Jesus likeness we become. d. As long as man walks the earth there will be times in his life that he just has to be in control. If we are in control, there is no yielding to the Holy Spirit and less desire to give him control. However, the Holy Spirit continues to wrestle with our conscience, we can repent and allow Him to lead and guide us. Knowing that the Father never gives up on His children should give us great encouragement that the Holy Spirit is at the ready to bring us back into the presence of the Father. Quote
paulcrf Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John’s action and the Messiah’s action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? John's action was to prepare the peoples heart for the coming of the messiah through repentance. The messiah's action was to fell them with the Holy Spirit. The water signifies cleansing while the Holy Spirit gives power. It is useless to be a Christian without the Holy Spirit. We can do nothing that will please the Father without it. The cares of this world, the pride of life and the **** for recognition are some of the obstructions which will prevent me from being filled with the Holy Spirit. Having the power of God through the Holy Spirit is more than enough the world can offer me. Its worth of an encouragement. Quote
WALT39 Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? Matthew 3:11 - "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? The point of comparison is that John's action is water that is available to him as Jesus will bring God's Holy Spirit as promised in Joel 2:28-29. The difference is Jesus is God's Son. Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? At times, I can feel the Holy Spirit working in my life. It depends on how receptive I am at the time. I am encourage when I am in His Word and allow Him into my place. Quote
Bonnie Nelson Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? John's baptism was one of water...It is a symbolic. God's baptism is with the HOly Spirit. Baptism by water is physical, Baptism by the holy spirit is spiritual. Being overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit is an awesome feeling. I remember doing a study on Jabez.... I Chronicles 4:9 And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, Oh that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me and that you would keep me from evil and that it may not grieve me. When we pray for our borders to be enlarge, the Holy Spirit works within us and increases our ministry. Sometimes the amount overwhelms appears to be too much to handle. But God knows what we can do. If we do not repent and conintue in prayer, study and praise the Holy Spirit is not able to do His work. If we continue to pray for guidance and an increase in our borders the Holy Spirit will grant our request. Quote
haar Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 Comparism between John's action and that of the Mesiah's is that John baptism is by immersion in water while Jeus covers, overwhelms one with the power of the Holy Spirit. While water is a symbol of cleansen of sin, Baptism of the Holy Spirit actaully cleanses one from sin. I LONG and DESIRE STRONGLY TO BE OVERWHELMED AND TO BE AFLOOD WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND POWER. SO DIP ME IN THE LAKE OF YOUR HOLY SPIRIT LORD GOD, in Jesus Name, amen. Although it in up to God to cloth us with the Holy Spirit, He is willing to so. The only thing that may hinder our receiving it is our sins and failure to repent. Quote
sahala p.s. Posted October 1, 2010 Report Posted October 1, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John Quote
Trusting God Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 The point of comparison between John the Baptist and the Messiah is the act of immersing or overwhelming. The point of difference between John and the Messiah Quote
FORWARD FELEX Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John Quote
jon burke Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." (Matthew 3:11) John immersed them in water, whilst Jesus baptised in the Holy Spirit. Water is the cleansing, whilst the Holy Spirit is the cleansing agent. Powerful stuff. The Holy Spirit touches me everyday and I just love being in His presence. Quote
Summertime7 Posted October 2, 2010 Report Posted October 2, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John Quote
Eudora Posted October 3, 2010 Report Posted October 3, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? John Quote
Eudora Posted October 3, 2010 Report Posted October 3, 2010 This is a really interesting question, and I had not really focussed on the obvious similarities between baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit. However, looking at this, the similarities between the 2, that we are immersed in the water and in the Spirit, that the Spirit is poured out on us, just as water would be are too obvious to ignore. The difference between the 2 is that baptism in water is a symbol of repentence and a new beginning in Christ, a bit like plugging a machine in. Baptism in the Spirit is the delivery of the power, like switching the machine on. Do I long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? Yes. Am I? Generally no. So why is that, what is preventing it? I'm not sure, probably a lack of real belief, real faith in the power of the Spirit. When I read the Bible, and in particular the Book of Acts, I can feel the power that must have overwhelmed the Disciples at Pentecost and which stayed with them through their ministries. When I look in a mirror though, and I look around at churches, I don't see that same power that same dynamism (a word which I assume is also derived from the Greek word dunamis). I am not sure why this is. Maybe it is a lack of faith or real belief in the power. Maybe it is that I have too many other things distracting me so that I am not immersed in it, as the disciples so clearly were. Whatever the reason, this question has refocussed my attention on to this. I need to find a way to open myself to the overwhelming power of the Spirit which Jesus promised to us. ...Sorry I have gone a bit off point here, but the question has strirred up up a fascinating and, for me at least, crucial train of thought!!! You don't need to be sorry for thinking out loud... I was so excited for you by this path of questions that you are asking yourself. I am happy that the Holy Spirit is stirring you... YAHOO! Quote
hanks Posted October 4, 2010 Report Posted October 4, 2010 Q3. (Matthew 3:11) What is the point of comparison between John's action and the Messiah's action? What is the point of difference? Do you really long to be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit? What might prevent this in your life? What might encourage it? As John explained there was a significant difference between his ministry and that of our Lord and Saviour Jesus. John Quote
charisbarak Posted October 4, 2010 Report Posted October 4, 2010 The point of comparison between Jesus' and John's baptisms is cleansing. The Holy Spirit prepared those who had been baptized by John and Jesus' baptism of the Holy Spirit resulted in the H.S. living inside each believer. Yes, I long to be carried away by the Holy Spirit. My life is consumed by the everyday things, work, just busyness. I need to draw closer to God each day--each hour-each minute. Quote
chillsey1 Posted October 4, 2010 Report Posted October 4, 2010 Its good to know the difference between Water baptism and being baptized of the holy spirit. The water is a symbol of cleansing washing away sin and having a heart of repentance, and the holy spirit way is an empowerment. Receiving power from an endless supply of grace, love and purity. Its always good to be filled with the holy spirit. daily. Unfortunately most Christians aren't familiar with the expression that comes with being overwhelmed with the holy spirit and banishes it from their sight, or them selves. But YES... all the time we should be acquainted with the holy spirit. Our own choices that we choose to follow can alter whether or not the Holy spirit moves in us. But it lives in us all day. we just need to discern when it is us or the Holy Spirit. Simply asking God to fill us with his Holy Spirit can get us going. Also our own maturity in our own walk with God can also encourage it. Quote
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