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Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God?

Repentance is central to the Kingdom of God because everything that the Kingdom is, is contrary to human thinking. So to repent is to change your mind about your life and quit practicing all the sins that are contrary to the Kingdom of God, and turn to follow something or someone else,in this case the object of our repentance is the Kingdom of God.Also, Repentance is a pre-requisite to forgiveness, if you ask for forgiveness w/o repentance what are you asking for forgiveness for, since you have nothing to repent of

Why is baptism important to converts to the King?

Baptism is important to converts because we identify with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. Also, it is an outward expression of an inward change. Lastly, it is a public declaration of your new birth..

Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

No, Christ cannot reign in unrepentant heart. To be unrepentant means that you are captain of your own ship. Christ is either Lord of ALL, or not Lord at all!

I welcome any correction or criticism if I am wrong and insight to broaden my knowledge about baptism, repentance, and the Kingdom. Thank you, and God Bless....

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Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

To repent of our sins is to first and foremost agree with God about what sin is (breaking God's laws, the Ten Commandments) and acknowledge that these sins are what keep us separated from God. It is to turn away from sin and toward God. Only the righteous can enter the Kingdom of God. The wages of sin is death. This is what we as sinners deserve. When we repent of our sins, we can then accept Jesus' payment of our penalty on our behalf.

It is important because it is an act of obedience to the will of our Lord. It is a very important first step in a walk of obedience to the will of God. It is also a public display to the world that we have chosen to be obedient.



Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Repentance is so vital to a Christian because it shows that sinners, which we are even though we are Christians, are asking for forgiveness. Baptism is an important part of becomming a Christian, because it is an outward show of becomming a changed person. Christ needs a repentant heart because we need to show Him that we are willing to show that we need His forgiveness. We are but filthy sinners, so we need to ask His forgiveness, and only then will we be forgiven.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

In an unrepentant heart, there's no room for Christ.

It doesn't matter which sin is already living there ;-)

Nothing else can be more important then Christ.

If we don't give something up, we think it's more important.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God?

The Kingdom of God is made up of sinners who are saved by Grace, but who will deal with sin and the results of sin "until that day"..when we see Him face to face. Repentence is an ongoing process because of our fallen nature. Hardened hearts and arrogance seem to be the result of not repenting.

Why is baptism important to converts to the King?

Baptism is our public acknowledgement that we are His...that we are identified with Him from that moment onward. It says to the world that I'm in all the way....not just dipping my toes in when I feel like acting or looking like a Christian. My heart, my body, my soul and spirit are now my Saviour and Lord's.

Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

No, He cannot. Unconfessed sin, or sin that is cherished by the individual pushes the Lord away. Unrepentance keeps us "stuck", and hinders Him from working in our lives.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Repentance is the first demand of the gospel of Christ. It is recognizing that we have sin in us and being truly sorry for that sin. It is recognizing that we need a change of direction or heart surgery to correct heart disease. It is the first step to the Kingdom of God and it is essential for life eternal.

Baptism is an outward testimony of what has happened inside of us. We go under covered with the sores of sin and come up a new person in Christ.

He reigns over all but He cannot reign IN an unrepentant heart.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


A penitent heart is the first step into the Kingdom of God. Can't go in without it.

Baptism is the outward sign of repentance and belief in Christ as Savior.

Christ simply can't reign in a heart that is unrepentant of the sins we've committed. If we hold onto our old sinful ways Christ can't be in control, which is what reigning is all about.


Repentance is so central to the Kingdom of God because salvation is for the forgiveness of sins. This was the whole purpose of Jesus as Messiah. If we can't admit we are sinners and confess that....then there is no need for a Savior. Sinners who KNOW they sin KNOW they need to confess and repent and KNOW they need Jesus. Our practice of repentance validates the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross.

Baptism is important because it is an outward declaration of our faith and belief in Jesus. In the Spirit, we enter the water, are cleansed and raised again to new life. We are of the Spirit, no longer of the world. This we know by faith.

Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? I think the key word is reign. Christ will never turn away a sincere seeker and as sinners, we are always deficient in one way or another. I received the Holy Spirit years ago and yet had much to learn. I was unrepentant in areas and yet was continually called and loved by God. His kindness to me brought on the repentance I needed to have. But though I was seeking and was never turned away, I can't say He "reigned" in my heart because to reign in my heart would be to give Him complete Lordship. I thank Him for His loving kindness and patience with me and for calling me and accepting me through the blood of Jesus when I fail Him so often. I think He hid me in His own heart...and I'm very grateful.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Repentance is so central to the kingdom of God because without repentance we have no chance whatever, of ever reaching God's Kingdom and living for eternity with our heavenly father and our beloved Savior.

Baptism is important to converts to the King, because converts have probably never been baptized in the way of the Spirit and without the Holy Spirit you have no chance of receiving any of the inheritance God has promised us in heaven with him.

Christ would never be able to reign in an unrepentant heart because Christ died to give us eternal life and we can not receive that gift if we are unrepentant.


Repentance is a central part of Christian life.Repentance is important because we must admit that we are all sinners, born to sin.In order for us to do this

we are admitting we are not perfect.In order to admit we are not perfect we cannot be full of "self". We must humble ourselves before the Lord.

Baptism is a public display of this commitment, and a spiritual commitment that we are giving ourselves to Christ, to be made over again , reborn to a new life in Christ Jesus.It is a commitment to throw off the old coat (leave our old self) and put on the new coat of Jesus Christ. To repent away from our old ways and walk cleansed anew by the blood of our savior and Lord. Christ cannot live in an unrepentant heart. Turning form sin is an integral part of our journey with Christ an unrepentant heart is ruled by evil, not the works of Christ Jesus!


Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

The ancient peoples Jesus mentioned in Matthew 11 and 12 would have repented if He had come to them in their day (Matt. 11:21). And they will repent and be given God's Spirit when resurrected into a world that has been personally ruled by Jesus Christ for 1,000 years! So that,

by the power of his divinity,

he might bear the weight of God's anger in his humanity. But he calls out>>>

I Thirst for You:(Jn. 19:28)

I look for you love, and I found none, but when ever you open the door of your heart I come close to you.

Ask Me every day to enter and take charge of your life- and I will!

Yes Christ reins in our life in an unrepentant heart. Quote: God will eventually honour our choices in life and when Christ returns the opportunities for change will have passed. However, there is abundant grace available in Christ to meet all our sins. Let us make sure we are resting in that grace, praying for other and ready to share that knowledge of God


4 Repentance is the vital key to the Kingdom of God. The Israelites were cast out

from the sight of God because of their sinful living. Sodom and Gomorrah were

destroyed because of their loose living. God caused the great flood and wiped

out the people on earth. If we value ourselves as followers of Christ then we

have to imitate His ways for Jesus is without sins.

Baptism is the passport to eternal life. As Jesus said in John 3:5 no one can

enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. Everyone of

us are born with the original sins of Adam and Eve and through baptism we are

cleansed, sanctified and made righteous before God.

Literally no, Christ cannot reign in an unrepentant heart. However, our God is

a merciful and forgiving God, slow to anger and abounding in love. God comes for

all, not only to the Christians but also to the non-Christians. (Acts 10:44-47)

He has given us a free will to choose. To live or to die.



a. Without repentance we cannot be forgiven. If we cannot be forgiven we cannot come before the Holy Father who is in His Kingdom.

b. Baptism is an outward public picture of what has taken place in our heart. It is a picture of the burial of our old life and our commitment to Jesus Christ our Savior to walk in the new life he has given us.

c. Christ cannot reign in our heart is we are unrepentant. If we are unrepentant we are at war with and against God.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Repentance is central to the Kingdom of God because of what true repentance is and does. Repentance results in a change of heart, mind, and direction. When we repent of our sins we are turning from our old ways and turning to the ways of God - we are leaving or departing the ways of the world and entering into the ways of the Lord. It is impossible to say that you have surrendered and submitted to Jesus when all of your ways and actions are yet contrary to His.

Baptism is important because it is a public announcement and demonstration that you have died to the world and its ways and have accepted and adopted the ways of God - that the old man (nature) has died and you are now a new creation in Christ Jesus.

No, I don't believe that Christ can or does reign in an unrepentant heart.



Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

God can not be around sin. We as ourselves are sinful creatures. Until we recognize that and honestly and truthfully turn away from sin, not just by words but by actions and deeds also we can not be close to the Lord. Baptism is the outward confession of our giving our lives to Jesus. It is telling the world that we have accepted the Lord as our Saviour. Although it is not part of salvation it is a command the Lord left with us and as His disciples would should have a desire to follow whatever He has told us to do. If we do not let sin go and at times it is not an easy thing to do the Lord can not reign in our hearts. We have been told that one person can not have two masters. It is up to us to pick whether sin is to rule our lives or if the Lord is our Ruler.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

In order to truly follow Jesus, we must confess our sins to Jesus. Baptism is a public statement that we believe in Jesus and our sins are washed away from us. If we have an unrepentant heart, our lives in Jesus is a scam and we can not really be following Him.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God?

Because it is the rule of the Kingdom of God for those who want to enter the Kingdom of God, and through it we acknowledge that Jesus is the King of the Kingdom of God whom we must obey, and through it Jesus will reign in our heart

Why is baptism important to converts to the King?

Because it is a moment in which they affirm publicly that they repent of their sins and acknowledge Jesus' power and authority over them

Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

No, because one who has an unrepentant heart refuses to make Jesus be a king in his/her lives


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Because God can't look on sin and to be free of sin it must be confessed and repentance be given. Baptism is a means of being apart of the death of Christ and our acceptance that He rose again and is now at the right hand of the Father. Christ is always there waiting for us to ask Him to come in and unrepentant heart will never truly ask Christ to come in because they don't want to give up their control.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Repentance means turning away from our old life of sin. We cannot be serious about the Reign of Christ if we don't turn from our sins. To pretend to follow Jesus while we are still living in sin is an affront to his Kingship over us.

Baptism is our public proclamation of repentance and being symbolically washed, cleansed or overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit. If Jesus saw the need to "fulfill all righteousness" in this way, we should to show solidarity with Him.

Repentance also means acceptance of the Lordship of Christ. It means no longer conforming to the world but renewing the mind in conformance to Christ.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

When we sin, we let the devil dwell in us. This means that whose command we obey becomes our master or king.We therefore become slaves to sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, they obeyed the command of satan. God's command was that they should not eat of the fruit lest they die. Satan's command was that they should eat of the fruit lest they have knowledge of good and bad. They obeyed satan's command and disobeyed God's. Therefore, sin is satan's command and whoever obeys satan's command is a sinner. We are sinners though we obeyed/obey satan's command with/without our consent. Repentance is central to God because it's what breaks our bondage to slavery of satan's realm and take us to God. We need to belong to God's realm where thereis light, love and joy. So, we need to repent.

Through baptism, we are cleansed of our sin, which opens our way to the Kingdom of heaven, through repentance.

Christ can't reign in unrepentant heart. When one declares oneself as under the control of satan, Christ can't control such a person. Instead, satan does because of the agreement that is established through refusing to repent and come back to God.


Q4. Why is repentance so central to the Kingdom of God? Why is baptism important to converts to the King? Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart?

Psalm 51 says "a contrite and broken heart you shall not despise." Also, the Lord Jesus said "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted" ...I've been broken hearted about many things. My daddy passing away made me SO SAD; my oldest son's troubles in his life have given me grief; a friend walking away without explanation left me mourning. These are all losses that broke my heart. But I've never had a deeper, more thorough mourning than when I realized how incredibly weak, worthless, useless, stubborn, hard hearted, willful, and rebellious I am DEEP in my spirit. Seeing myself as I truly am totally and completely sent me into deep mourning over my own sinfulness.

But realizing this truth about myself (for "you delight in truth in the inward being" says Psalm 51) was the first step in REALLY repenting and REALLY changing a part of me that has been kept far from God's hand all my life. I believe God calls us to repentance in order to show us Truth, and as He says "The truth shall set you free." Of course, the truth about who Jesus is, is liberating. But for me, the truth about who *I* am really and truly set me free. It's heart breaking and so painful to see the truth in the inward being...but once you see it, there's no reason to hide it anymore. You no longer need to use up so much energy, keeping the truth from yourself.

Can Christ reign in an unrepentant heart? No. God will not accept a heart that is not broken. When we break our hearts upon our own sinfulness, we can then take them to Him, and He will receive THAT sacrifice. He doesn't want any of our words, actions, thoughts...no matter how sweet, good, kind, etc. He doesn't want our works of mercy, giving, serving others UNLESS we bring our broken hearts. Any part of us that remains under our own will, He will not accept.

and repentance isn't just for one day. it is a daily activity, every morning reviewing ourselves. Keeping ourselves "Fessed up" and releasing any sin as soon as it appears; being mindful that we will wander; staying near our "sword" and reading every day to nourish our spirits; seeking God and pursuing Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength...EVERY DAY. It isn't "well, I got saved in 1987, and now I get to live my life and go to Heaven when I die" Nope. It's an every day thing, repenting, coming close to Him, submitting our wills to His will, taking up our cross daily and following Him.

and letting the Spirit show us what still must be forsaken, what must be confessed? of what must I repent today? Listening, and obeying THAT voice that says "Repent of _______" When we repent of anything, THEN Jesus can reign in THAT area. And tomorrow, it may be a different area, eh? but always, every day, returning to Him. He will receive us EVERY time.

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