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Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? What is their problem?

Typically, those who are like rocky soil are emotional. They become hot quickly and then cool down quickly. Emotion is sometimes necessary. However, the faith based on emotion is so shallow and superficial. Some people look for the church fellowship in search of fun so their faith is


Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly and what is their problem?

Jesus teaches the disciples and us that the person who hears, who truly understands, is one who will respond with their whole being, it is through a


People fall away so quickly because they have not repented. Repentance acknowledges our need to be saved, which of course is the need to be saved from the wages of sin. If we don't get this we will fall when the heat is on because there is no real motivation to persevere. Our love for the Lord is rooted in the fact that He loved us first while we were yet sinners. We will persevere when we really get it and understand the purpose of our faith being tested.


For me life is lived one day at a time in the present; not in grief for the past or doubt about the future. Spiritually, I need to remember patience, acceptance, humility, honesty and prayer. Staying by myself can start to isolate me, and lead me toward selfish thoughts of how the world me temporarily satisfy me. Satan can then whisper and cause me to stumble. Remaining thankful of grace and redemption I can reflect on a lighted path which frees me from darkness. I need to remember others and how I may help and care about them, and ask for God's Will for me every day to not drift away...


Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly?

There are many reasons....some don't count the cost of discipleship, and when life gets difficult, they move on to the the next thing. Others are eager, believing in instant change, and turn away when their expectation doesn't manifest. A young couple I shared Christ with eagerly accepted Him, attended church for a few Sundays, but when a pyramid scheme was offered to them by a neighbor, their new faith was choked out by the prospect of getting rich quick. We were struggling financially, and their response was to offer us a place in their pyramid!!!! They thought we were fools to reject their offer and to continue down the road with Jesus.

What is their problem?

They don't stay long enough to develop a strong "root system" or relationship with Jesus, which takes time to "cultivate". Many are not truly seeking the Kingdom of God, but rather an experience and respond out of emotions, or wanting to please the sower. Another individual I know, had been told by a previous "sower", that when one accepts Jesus as Savior, life becomes a bed of roses! When the "thorns" appeared, the new convert's "faith" dried up like the seed sown on the rock.


The ever-present worries of this life can often overwhelm people, even those who've recently had an life changing encounter with Jesus. We go home from Church or wherever and the problems are still there. The bills are piling up, or maybe the loneliness of a recent death in the family or a divorce or a relationship breakdown or a loss of employment are weighing down on the new Christian. The devil will most certainly magnify the problems, whatever they may be, so that the new Christian feels like he or she just can't cope with them . . . and the new responsibilities of serving God, and they soon grow cold and forget. Maybe the new Christian responded to a Healing service and his/her symptoms return and they quickly lose their faith before it's had time to develop. It's a sad fact that many do fall away soon after conversion.

I recently came closer to The Lord after a few years of just drifting spiritually. No sooner did I re-commit than everything started to get worse. Money worries reared their ugly head and health concerns were exacerbated. Work became harder to obtain and the very act of looking for work (I'm a self-employed itinerant musician) became and all day every day time consuming activity. I know it's the devil trying to derail me again but the problems are still very real.


I believe that it is easy to fall away from God if you do not have his word rooted deep on the inside of you, as humans we are unable to stop ourselves from falling inour natural state greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world, the word of God convicts and and gives us the ability to be more than conquerors. Keep the word deep in your heart so when the going gets tough you can put on the whole armour of God.


Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus


Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly?

There are so many people who are hurting and in bondage, so many that are unhappy or discontent thereby when they hear a word from the Word that addresses or may address their circumstance it sounds appeasing. They become eager and anticipate the desired resolve (await with GREAT expectancy). In essence there is nothing wrong with that, however once beneath the surface the real motive is only to come out from under and not to gain wisdom or understanding. In other words a quick release, and or turnaround. When the release, the desired resolve does not manifest, they discern that which they heard from the Word is not for them or it didn't work. There is a great difference biblically between being happy and having joy. Because we constantly desire to be happy we miss out on what it mean to have joy. No one desires to be unhappy nor should they, however in the process of life, living a Christ-like life we can have joy.

What is their problem?

He who has ears, let him hear, hearing with carnally vise having ears to hear spiritually. Perhaps their receiving it quickly was an emotional response, they desired to please the Sower, yet they did not have roots in what they received. There is sin in the earth, we do not fight against flesh and blood none the less flesh and blood can be a vehicle used. Jesus said that people will face opposition, but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh! (Matthew 18:7, Luke 17:1) {not in context, yet true} As things physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually come are way we are challenged with a choice. We must choose in whom we are going to believe / trust in, Self or Christ. If it is Self we react and or respond with what we had previously known whether it work or not. If it is Christ we need to seek Him for His guidance, the children of Israel throughout Scripture were not protected from trials and tribulation yet they which abide were protected through the trials and tribulations.

Bottom line the problem is not hearing the Word, it is investing in the Word, developing a root system. The Word is not rooted in this hearer nor was this hearer rooted in the Word.


Some people think they want salvation but when they realize the have to "work" it out they fall away. They want the free gift, but don't want to study, learn and grow. They can easily be turned aside in times of stress or trial.


Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus


Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) 1.Why, according to Jesus teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly?

Hello, heartfelt greettings, shalom.

When someone receives the Word with joy, it's because it's good news, we are being saved from the darkness, Praise the Lord!!! But if one continues to listen and hear the Word of God, you will start to notice that there's something required from every true believer. God's Word isn't all warm and fuzzy, there's a cost to living in God's will and it's the surrender of our very own lives that will be required.

People fall away quickly because of the Word, they don't want to let go of their sins and allow God to change their hearts for the purification of the flesh so that God's Holy Spirit can fully rule through us. God's Word convicts us of sin, of righteousness, and of faith. Jesus says "when trouble and persecution comes because of the Word, he falls away." We will be persecuted because of the Word. The Word is like a piercing sword, it's the sword of truth, it purges, cleanses all unrighteouness, exposes the darkness, this experience can be very painful to someone who isn't deeply rooted in Christ. Therefore, if they have no understanding of the Truth that's in Christ, they will not be able to stand and be victorious for Christ. As our faith becomes rooted in Christ, faith in Him gives us the power to sustain the pressures of living a holy life, without Christ's Holy Spirit it's impossible. It is the Holy Spirit who activates our faith, but if we don't believe in Christ, our faith will never come into full maturity. Our faith falls away because we have no root in the Truth, we need Christ to rule over every detail of our lives, minds and hearts. In Christ we have been given strength and power to withstand the fiery arrows of satan and his demons. When the Word is being taught, shared, or lived, there will be different levels of persecution,possibly death and even torment. Many people who are so/so committed to Christ through a concept, who have not entered into a living relationship with Christ, will not be able to stand in the Truth.

2.What is their problem? When the persecution arises, people immediately become afraid of losing their lives, they are unwilling to give up their place of comfort here on earth in exchange for the true life that's in God through His Son Jesus Christ. They have not fully believed, nor have strong faith in Christ. They are still caught up in their flesh, afraid to die to the Self.We must abide in Christ and have His Word abide in us as the Word gives nourishment to the soul and guides us into all Truth,which is God. Or else suffer the consequences of continuing to be in bondage to sin.

God's peace be with you and upon your families, in Jesus name, Lory


Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? If our soul isn


Jesus' teaching falls away because the people with "the rocky ground" are shallow, and although the word may reach them and they are receptive, it fails to put down roots that grow deep. Without those deep roots, (growing deeper in the word and our relationship with Jesus and the Father), the plant withers and dies.


Q1 There are many people who are not receptive of Jesus' teachings. Their ears

are closed for the Word to penetrate into their being. These are the


Next we have those who hear the Word but because of life's problems, their

focus and attention are at the wrong place instead of their trust unto God.

These are the 'worldly' ones.

Then we have those who cannot persevere, when trials and tribulations come

their way. The Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. There are no depths

in their faith. These are the 'weaklings'.

There are lots of Sunday worshipers (Christians) who go to church just to

fulfill their Sunday obligations and will have nothing more than that.

The world which is so advanced in everything has influences many to sway away

from God. The challenges they have to face, the heavy load they laid on their

shoulders and the race they need to compete with one another has taken a lot

of toil on them because many rely on their own strength instead of God's


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