Pearl Posted November 14, 2010 Report Posted November 14, 2010 Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus Quote
Commissioned Posted December 30, 2010 Report Posted December 30, 2010 Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus Quote
gardenrose Posted January 25, 2011 Report Posted January 25, 2011 On 9/16/2010 at 6:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus’ teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? What is their problem? Falling away here is the result of the word not Taking Root. Before a seed can become a tree and a tree a forest the basic has to take place, and that is germination. When that seed falls to the ground and comes in contact with soil and moisture the outward shell begins to break or open. The life that is on the inside slowely becomes intertwined with the soil and moisture. As the seedling gets substance from that inviroment growth takes place. From a tiny green leaf with the seed pod sometimes showing, to stems and many leaves we will someday see a great tree. This process can also happend when the word of God is sown in our hearts. The first step after hearing the word is conviction- a nagging in the heart that something needs to be fixed and this is it. If we know what we need to do and don't do it the problem still exist, in this case Jesus is saying these persons rejoiced when they heard the word, in other words, they were saying this is what I was looking for all along, this will solve my problems this is what I need. Its like giving a thirsty man a glass of water, he rejoices over it, but in order to benefit from it he needs to drink it. They took it in, they accepted it, the word began to germinate, then they killed it-murder. Before the word changed and became ALIVE IN THEM it was killed, uprooted thrown out. With each right decision, with each pricking of the heart and obedience to it ment life to that seed. With every wrong turn, each time the word was ignored it died a little, until it was no more. The problem here is that the seed will never become a tree, the tree will never blossom and the blossom will never become fruit, it was never allowed to live. The dreams and mission God has for our lives will never be realised unless we allow HIM to grow in us, allow the power of the Holy Ghost to operate as it was ment to do. Who are we to cause such a natural disaster, we are a people who more times than we'll like to admit turn away from greatness to do as we wish and feel. Living in self, in ignorance and calling it, The American dream. We the people, are the problem we love the taste of sin and self recogination. As believers with years under our belts, we sometimes refere to ourselves as, "Black Belts" in Christ but manytimes we make our tree barren and stun the growth because of pride and prejudice which is the "Me" syndrome. When the husbandman is John 15 1-4 begins his work we cry out, no I can't. Quote
andyho1 Posted February 2, 2011 Report Posted February 2, 2011 Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus Quote
Debra M. Posted February 4, 2011 Report Posted February 4, 2011 Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? They fall away because they do not receive the message into their hearts. They only receive the message into their minds. There is no commitment involved. What is their problem? When things are going well, they have no trouble believing what Jesus is saying is truth. But, when things begin to go awry, they begin to doubt and fear that what Jesus has said is not the truth, and the root is uprooted and discarded. Their focus is on the problem and not the solution. We have all been in this place. But, with God's help and our determination to believe and build faith and get past the trials and tribulations, knowing we have the victory thanks to Jesus .. We come to know that God's Word is true, no matter what is happening at the moment. Quote
mrenquist Posted February 24, 2011 Report Posted February 24, 2011 According to Jesus' teaching some people fall away so quickly because their hearts have not been changed. Their problem is struggles, hardships, doubts, heartache, poor health; any distraction for "knowing" that there is a bigger plan for their lives, that trusting our savior to carry them to the otherside of any trouble. Faith is needed to manage our lives when the going gets tough. Quote
ljmnkscart Posted March 1, 2011 Report Posted March 1, 2011 The type that Jesus is describing here are the ones who do hear the Word and they make a surface commitment, one that is not from the heart. When they first receive it they are happy and enthusiastic about it; they are more or less making a decision with their emotions involved. But because they have not had the repentance that is required to make a person want to turn away from themselves and toward God, because they have not felt the pain of learning and realizing just how much of a sinner he really is, when troubles come his way of which he probably does not even suspect they would he has no root or strength to endure the trial, because they are depending on themselves. That is why they turn away, because they do not realize the seriousness of their salvation. What it involves being saved. Quote
Eager Bver Posted May 3, 2011 Report Posted May 3, 2011 On 9/16/2010 at 6:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus Quote
Raph Posted May 6, 2011 Report Posted May 6, 2011 Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus Quote
Jeffb Posted June 22, 2011 Report Posted June 22, 2011 Why, according to Jesus' teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? Because the Word doesn Quote
blezed Posted June 25, 2011 Report Posted June 25, 2011 On 9/16/2010 at 6:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus Quote
Gerbrand van Schalkwyk Posted April 4, 2012 Report Posted April 4, 2012 Why, according to Jesus� teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? They have not formed a proper relationship with God yet. Their root must be in God. You build your relationship by experiance, learning to respond to God's calling and doing His will, constant prayer and regular deep Bible study. You must study your Bible so that you can learn to know Who God is. All relationships need comunication, thus prayer is critical. Without action nothing will ever happen. You must pray to God for guidance and then respond. As you go through life, look back at what happened so that you can recognize God's hand in your life. As you learn more how to recognize God's voice and guidance, your relationship will grow, your trust and faith will grow and you will develop deep roots of faith. These people gave up before their roots could develop. What is their problem? I think their problem is that they have not commited their minds to God. They still want to solve problems by themself, so when hardship comes, they try to pray, but with no trust or faith or comitment to God's will. When things dont go as they planned in the near future, they dont hang on to learn God's lesson for them, but rather falls away and try to get results the old way. Quote
pickledilly Posted August 4, 2012 Report Posted August 4, 2012 I’ve come to understand the parable of the soils in terms of the 3-fold nature of the human soul – mind, emotions, and will. With that analogy, the path and the rocky soil represent an intellectual and an emotional rejection of the Word. In terms of the rocky soil, we know that feelings are completely unstable and unreliable. Any decision or relationship built on emotions is highly unlikely to last. There are no roots to hold fast when storms blow or to draw deep for moisture when rains don’t come. A person who only has an emotional response to the gospel will be very excited about it in the beginning, but when the inevitable testing of faith comes will have nothing stable to sustain or maintain the hope. When this person just isn't "feeling it" anymore, the relationship is over. It reminds me of a hand-held sparkler that is ignited for a brilliant shower of flash. There is no inner reserve of fuel, so the initial dazzling display of sparks is extinguished immediately when the outer fuel is spent. The flame just sputters and fizzles out. This person will not have made the critical one-time decision to commit/submit all of self to the King and the principles of His kingdom - a decision that doesn't come just from sorrow over sin, but from the heart that breaks with the realization of sin and repents to turn away from it. Quote
Carial Posted September 3, 2012 Report Posted September 3, 2012 Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus� teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? What is their problem? Some people fall away quickly because their failure to grow in the spiritual things of God. Many get save, and excited, but they fail to prepared themselves in the word of God. Jesus is more than emotion salvation, He is the living word. Our salvation is built on the word of God,which is Jesus. Once one receive salvation, one must study to show thyself approval righlty dividing the word of truth. Even faith comes by the hearing of the word, and one must put the word to action in one's live. When anyone do not have on the whole armor of God the enemy will come in to kill, steal and destroy. If one is a babe in Christ one tends to be vulnerable to the enemy, and have not learn to walk in the spirit of God. Some people fail to count the cost and deny themselves, one must be sold out for Christ if one is going to stand and If one is going to stand through the storms of life, one must trust in the Lord with all their hearts and lean not to their own understanding, but acknowledge the Lord in all their ways. Because so many fail to trust in the Lord, they loose the battle. The help has been given to all, but one must spend time with Jesus to know Him and what He has to offer. So many have lose hope because they have not exercise their faith on the things that are spiritual. Quote
jacquie7 Posted March 29, 2013 Report Posted March 29, 2013 People fall away so quickly because they are not truly committed in heart. They hear and rejoice in the Word but when trouble comes, they fall or wither away because the Word is not rooted within their heart. Quote
brycle Posted July 7, 2013 Report Posted July 7, 2013 The rocky soil can not be broken up like fertile soil. The rocky soil allows a temporary amount of moisture for growth, but insufficient for anything more. Good soil is soil which is broken down into fine particles. Moisture is able to move through this soil and form a reservoir of nutrient deep down where it won’t evaporate. We must have plowable hearts so that the Kingdom message can penetrate deep within our being to consume our ideologies, philosophies, value system and all the other places which represent our core deep beneath the surface. Unless this happens, the Kingdom message will fail to take root because the the old regime, ideologies, etc… have taken up all available soil which leads to cynicism and doubt as a defence mechanism against anything which threatens change. Afterthought: Again, this shows how gentle God is in not forcing His ways upon us. We must willingly yield. Quote
tgandy Posted March 27, 2014 Report Posted March 27, 2014 Jesus teaching in Matthew 13: 20 - 21 tells us people fall away because they have no roots. The message received does not take hold of them. They are distracted by the things of life and the message is quickly gone. In order for the message to last one needs the company of other believers, to read the scriptures and pray. When you are distracted you cannot spend time with God. Quote
rick.poulin@live.com Posted January 13, 2015 Report Posted January 13, 2015 I think many people fall away quickly because they want a "quick-fix" all the time. We live in a society of "instant this...instant that". Not many people want to wait upon the Lord, taking time to experience and to put effort into studying His Word. Also, just like many teenagers who are still young, but think they know everything and are hard to teach. This may be another one of the reasons why people fall away. Quote
Ernie's Son Posted November 8, 2015 Report Posted November 8, 2015 "The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy, But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away" (Mat. 13:20-21). A. ". . .trouble or persecution. . .because of the word. . . ." (Mat. 13:21) B. The "rocky places" are the ones who have "enthusiasm" that is just on the surface; they also have a "hard heart." What they have is ("surface growth") while Christ asks for the inside (deep roots). Their life is far from being "restructured." There have an outward form with no inward change; they have not repented with the result of a changed mind and a changed life. These would be Christians in name "only" "without the commitment, reality, or experience." Not only could they be "counterfeit Christians," but also "weak Christians." In 1 Cor. 3:1, Paul mentions "baby Christians," and "carnal Christians." Their growth doesn't show "the fruit of the Spirit's presence." "True Christians don't drop out, wither, and fall away." Not only could they be "counterfeit, weak, but also apostate Christians." The ones who have "turned away from the Lord, whom they once followed" (2 Peter 2:20-22; Heb. 3:18-19; 6:1-6). When the time of testing comes they will "fall away" ("wither"). They have the appearance but not the perseverance. Our author brings out that, "The wonderful truth is that there is salvation and forgiveness in Jesus Christ for soil types 1, 2, and 3." Quotes: taken for the Word and Dr. Wilson. Quote
dbeau0351 Posted May 5, 2016 Report Posted May 5, 2016 Salvation is really "selling out" or "being all in" to the King and kingdom life. When we understand the message of the kingdom and totally embrace it, our hearts become the soil in which fruit is produced. If we don't have understanding or have ears to hear and do, then natural and supernatural forces will try to steal, kill, or destroy the work of God in you. Quote
MosesSole Posted June 27, 2020 Report Posted June 27, 2020 On 9/16/2010 at 6:33 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Matthew 13:20-21) Why, according to Jesus teaching here, do some people fall away so quickly? What is their problem? There's many variables as to why people fall away quickly-- non-believing, unrepentant, and non-committal. I can't speak for other people but I will say that as Born Again, I find the concept of suffering and being persecuted, to reach the end result, difficult to accept. The problem is that we live in a society that demands so much from us so it gets harder and harder to dedicate the entirety of our existence to God, when many of are getting pulled in so many directions. Expand Quote
Lyn B Posted April 27, 2024 Report Posted April 27, 2024 It's the Holy Spirit sowing the seed into our life. It is good seed that goes into the heart. The problem is the condition of the heart that receives the seed. Quote
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