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Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

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Shade, sun, moisture, nutrients and protection all are important factors to consider for maximum growth in good soil agriculturally speaking. I don't think it is much different spiritually speaking. Spiritual armor for protectiion, fellowship with other believers for teaching and accountability, time in prayer and the Word for nutrition and faith all contribute to maximum growth spiritually. These factors and the level of consistent and diligent application will determine whether a harvest is 30,60 or 100 fold.

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

I think many of us may 'waste' time and talent by believing that we have to be out winning souls in a way that God did not gift us to. We need to use what God gave us; if your happy serving, serve. If prayer and intercession is your gift, use it. If the Holy Spirit puts a strong desire in your heart that aligns with the Word of God, do it!

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Even good soil can have thorns which hinder the growth of crop. In the natural, these could be faithless anxiety, love of money or the pleasure principle. You may be able to see some love, joy, and peace; some patience, kindness, and goodness or some faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. But not a lot. Their fruit has not matured. The two most important factors why some reap a 30-fold, 60-fold or 100-fold growth or increase is an obedient, receptive and willing heart. These will in turn determine the amount of fruit that is borne - fruit of the Holy Spirit i.e. godly character traits that begin to grow in our character when we yield to the Spirit and fruitfulness of our spiritual gifts, the tools that God gives Christians to help build up the Church, the body of Christ. We are to seek God for what he calls us to do and then seek to be fruitful and effective in that to which he calls us.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

The kingdom of God begins with the word of God. The fruit, however, is different according to the listener. Some bears nothing, but some other bears thirty, sixty, and even one hundred times. No one is born with good heart soil, however. And our hearts keeps changing. Let


Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom?

A person has to have that hunger to do the will of God, to follow His pathways. Sometimes we are baby Christains and even if planted in good soil, we need to mature and be obedeint to the will of God. We need to WANT to follow Him, to serve Him better.....to be more like Him.

What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

This kind of growth is caused by the seed falling on good soil....this believer hears and understands the word of God. He puts it to practice in daily life and it shows by the abundance around him.


Those who read and obey God's Word will grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord. Those who say to the Lord here am I Lord send me. God will use us if we give our whole life over to Jesus and His leading in our life. We have to relinquish our heart and soul to the Lord, just not all but the whole. Then God can use to produce 30, 50. 100 fold. We need to surrender all the Savior, if we are going to be used by Him. My husband and I retired 7 years ago and now are full time missionaries with AMazing Grace Missions, our mission is to tell others about Jesus and lead them to a saving knowledge of Him. Some will, some won't, so what, someone is waiting.

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

The understandng of God's word. The way you act so that the people around you KNOW that you are a true Christian. We, as Christians, MUST act as if Jesus is in our presence at all times, because IF we are TRUE CHRISTIANS the Lord IS WITH US AT ALL TIMES!!! How we do the ord for the Kingdom of God determines our growth in fruit.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

The factors that make a disciple especially good soil would be the factors of the Holys Spirits

Gifts to us if we have caught hold of our salvation and keep in the word and in fellowship

God allots gifts or a gift to each and evry christian. We have our mail gift and some that

because God trusts us with gifts when we use them right he adds some gifts in smaller areas

if we get 30 , 60 , or 100 fold return from our gifts depends on how hard we work with them

to grow fruit from our gifts the fruit may be a ministry that is groth ie church or mission

organization effort, it may be many people saved and living for Jesus . it may be a few seeds

planted in peoples lives that later they will grow fruit from. It may be encouragement to the

people at work and in our social network. It may be counseling teenagers in need of guidance

and help and many of them going the right way in life. It may be kindness to elderly in a nsg.

home ministry etc whatever gifts you have used rightly will produce fruit how much depends on

how much effort you put forth to produce effective fruit. :)


A disciple grows best when having daily times of prayer and Bible study--being open to God's challenges to us, obedience & being active in a local congregation and using our gifts to serve others.


The factor that makes a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom is that he is open to the learning from the bible. He is still teachable and is reading his bible daily. Then after he has read and understand the bible he will put those word to work. That will be the reason for the 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold of growth.

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Comprehension (understanding) and applying the word of God to this life. You can have one without the other. You must understand and put into practice the word of God to become what God has called for you to be thus you get 100,60,30 fold. You show forth fruit!


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?


Good Soil,by the condition itself is a good ground that can grow anything,any seed even unwanted seed planted by the devil.

It is in this condition that we are very vulnerable to the enemy attack,when we think that we have the FULL KNOWLEDGE of God.

We tend to become complacent,and stop our meditation,our personal time with God also was forgotten,for we think that we have all The Spiritual knowledge already.When all things in our life seems so good,we even fail to acknowledge and thank the Lord for all the blessings.We takeour Blessings as our ENTITLEMENT,thinking that it is due to us,because of what we have done

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Understanding the message of the Kingdom is the key to a good harvest. Without a proper understanding of the message which we are delivering how can we deliver that message effectively? Well; the answer is we can't. So how can we develop that understanding? By seeking God in prayer and by studying His word. The more we develop our understanding and knowledge of the message, the more effective will be our delivery of that message and the harvest which will be reaped.

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

As in actual fields, the preparation of the soil is the the first important consideration. A person needs to have been reached with the right message in the right way. By this, I mean mostly that only a person who realizes that they are completely lost and subject to God's judgment will be able to fully understand their need for a Savior. If they understand how completely they are condemned in their own merits, they will be more likely to be motivated by their love and gratitude for Jesus, the only one who can save them from the wrath that is to come.Once a person has that kind of love and gratitude for their Savior, then doing those things that please Him will be much more likely to be the things that fill a person's mind and time.

Beyond that, some of the things that might account for better yield are things like the local church family a person becomes part of, the teaching they receive, their faithfulness to God's call on their life and so on. I believe it boils down to availability and utilization of resources. A person who is more receptive and responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit is likely to be blessed by being put in situations and given resources that will allow them to be fruitful in doing the work of The Kingdom. John chapter 15 tells us the story of the true vine (Jesus) and the gardener (God the Father). Verses 2, 4 & 5 specifically, tell us how God will improve our circumstances in order to help us be more fruitful if we are faithful.

  On 9/16/2010 at 6:34 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Self is the only thing which can hinder the production of fruit. When I become self-indulgent I an not producing the fruit which is beneficial to the kingdom of God. The fruit of 30, 60, and 100 is not the amount of people who come to our church. It is not the amount of return from our tithes and offerings but it is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is the increase of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 But if anyone does not have them, he is nearsighted and blind, and has forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.



To answer that question we have to look at another of Jesus' parables. The parable of the forgiving master. One servant owed thousands and one owed just a few dollars. Neither could repay their debts so the master forgave both debts. Jesus' question then was: Which man would have loved his master most? The answer was the one who was forgiven the most. Therefore I reckon that the Christian who has had his/her life changed the most and is the most grateful for that would likely produce much fruit.

Then again, there are second and third generation Christians who grew up in loving Christian homes and really didn't have too much that needed forgiving when they asked Christ into their lives who also live extremely productive lives. It all comes down to the level of enthusiasm of the individual and the amount of Grace God gives. Some people are seemingly destined for greatness in the Kingdom and some are cannon fodder.

I was in a Christian band in 1992-3. The guy who was the leader of the band blundered through life and succeeded in spite of his best efforts and it was pretty obvious that God was in control there. God caused this guy to prosper and provided for him, despite the vague and seemingly not with it way in which he stumbled through life. It was also pretty obvious to the rest of us that we were expendable. So, in the end I believe God determines who will bear much fruit and who will be used along the way in order for the fruit bearer do do that.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23)

Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat.

What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom?

What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Even good soil, if it is not totally enthusiastic, organized, and energetic for the Lords work, can produce fair results, but not good results. A believer can be


Bearing fruit means several things to me. Primarily it involves meeting others, conversing with others, learning about others, caring about others, and hopefully helping others. On my own I can pray and read the Bible, and learn God's Word and His Will for me. And I can love others in a Christ - shown way. I can witness without even a spoken word if I really show compassion and live as an example. I can learn the Gospel well and share it with optimistic pleasant confidence, as others have with me. Finally, for me being in a certain church helps me root in good soil. The church I attend does crazy things like strictly adhere to the Bible without introducing made up human ideas or convenient social bending.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom?

The factors that make a disciple good soil for growth are 1) Response; 2)Willingness; 3)Application; 4)Repeat;

I write in this sense because depending how well we respond to the Gospel message or any message that comes from the Word will affect our willingness to be obedient. If there is no obedience to the Word then there is no application, and no application means no fruit to be produced.

What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

The reason for 30, 60,and 100 fold might depend on how well they are nurtured, watered, and cared for.That is how they heard Word and how well they understood the Word.

I am eager to learning more about this topic. But this is what I get from reading the passage in it's context.


What factors make especially good soil of disciples?

My husband is a farmer and for him to have a good crop, he has to care for the land. He plows, plants, weeds and fertilizes the land. He checks on his crops and watches out for pests and disease. He then treats the crop accordingly for a good yield.....and he prays for blessing on weather factors and yield as only God can control those. We are much the same way, we need to take care of ourselves spiritually to produce a good crop. We plow up our hardened heart ground with repentance and plant seeds of the Word in our softened hearts. We pull up the sin in our lives and get rid of the weeds holding us back. We fertilize with Bible teachings, church and with fellowship with other Christians. We are accountable and ask for accountability when disease wants to set in or pests from the world want to infest our better way of thinking. We pray for blessing in our lives and ask for rain to water our fertile ground. I heard a song the other night on the radio and it was titled, Jesus Bring The Rain. I had an original hesitant, dreading "uh oh" moment, but then could sing along. " Bring me joy, bring me peace, bring a chance to be free, bring me anything that brings You glory." and I felt a peace in that because we always grow in those "rainy" moments and something in it will be for HIS glory! Not easy sometimes....but He is`faithful!

I think this ties in with the 30, 60 or 100 fold growth. The more our hearts are softened and we are planted with God's seed and allow the weeding, the fertilizing and the sun and rain and the over all care and infinite wisdom of God to grow us, we will grow in HIS grace and knowledge and be filled with the Spirit to live lives totally for Him.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Mat 13:23 But as for what was sown on good soil, this is the person who hears the word, understands it, and produces a crop that yields a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown."

Understanding of the Word is the key to growth.To produce fruit you understand not only the sense and meaning of the Word, but your own concern in it; you understand it as a man of business understands his business. It is unfruitful in many because they are careless, inattentive, and worldly-minded. Each and everyone of us have different gifts and we may be gifted to prepare and awaken hearts for others to deliver the message of Christ. Many of us have hidden fruits which we will not learn about until the end. At times this may be difficult to live with because as man we want to see action immediately. But those with those gifts are as needed as any other. Each of us are at a different level of spiritual maturity also...when you step beyond what you can do with competence then you only hinder yourself so we need to work at the level we are at.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom?

In looking at my own life I see seasons of fruit bearing, just as in the seasons of nature. In the Springtime of my walk with the Lord, I fell madly in love with Jesus who rescued me from an abusive childhood. I was totally sold out and committed to Him, eager to please and to do or go anywhere He asked me to go. Spring turned into Summer and with it more maturity, awareness of what my gifts are, leadership and more responsibility in the Church, and abundant fruit continued to be produced. Then a season of blight struck, as the veils of denial were pulled back and I was faced with the details of childhood which had gone underground but which were affecting my life. The SON still shone in my life but fruit bearing was curtailed as His energy went into healing the sick plant and establishing a solid root foundation based on reality! Years of pruning through loss and testing ensued, and some good fruit, but not in abundance, as the root system was strengthened and this plant was restored to stability and health. (It was during this season that I learned I am a sinner...the denial had kept me in a shame based place of self righteousness! Thank God for Truth!)


I'm in the Fall season now and the work He has assigned me is different and more isolating as I reflect and write about His amazing healing and miracles, His precious Gospel, and His promise to restore and bring His "branches" to wholeness before the harvest.( Phil 1:6) There doesn't seem to be as much fruit, but the promise of a later crop as the book is in readers hands encourages me to keep on.

I've learned that my job in fruit bearing is to abide in the Vine, to rest in Him, and His fruit will be produced through me. (The "blight" revealed to me that when frightened, I disconnect from the Vine and go into an internal/ spiritual fetal position as I did in childhood) The Vinedressers job is to tend to me as I abide in the Vine and His fruit is inevitable.

What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

In summation I think the answer lies in how much we abide in the true Vine. His ability to produce fruit is unlimited!!! He is only limited in trying to produce fruit through severed or partially severed branches. His root is invincible and cannot fail as long as I stay connected with a receptive, submitted heart.

  On 10/5/2010 at 2:37 PM, Guitar Jim said:

To answer that question we have to look at another of Jesus' parables. The parable of the forgiving master. One servant owed thousands and one owed just a few dollars. Neither could repay their debts so the master forgave both debts. Jesus' question then was: Which man would have loved his master most? The answer was the one who was forgiven the most. Therefore I reckon that the Christian who has had his/her life changed the most and is the most grateful for that would likely produce much fruit.

Then again, there are second and third generation Christians who grew up in loving Christian homes and really didn't have too much that needed forgiving when they asked Christ into their lives who also live extremely productive lives. It all comes down to the level of enthusiasm of the individual and the amount of Grace God gives. Some people are seemingly destined for greatness in the Kingdom and some are cannon fodder.

I was in a Christian band in 1992-3. The guy who was the leader of the band blundered through life and succeeded in spite of his best efforts and it was pretty obvious that God was in control there. God caused this guy to prosper and provided for him, despite the vague and seemingly not with it way in which he stumbled through life. It was also pretty obvious to the rest of us that we were expendable. So, in the end I believe God determines who will bear much fruit and who will be used along the way in order for the fruit bearer do do that.

amen ...we have to admit that the Lord is in control of everything and that includes where He will use us and in what way...when we finally realize that and let God lead our lives is when our fruits will be seen.


Q3. (Matthew 13:23) Even good soil can have factors that hinder growth in various parts of the field, or make some areas grow taller and fuller wheat. What factors make a disciple especially good soil for the growth of the word or message of the Kingdom? What might be the reasons for 30-fold, 60-fold, and 100-fold growth?

Matthew 13:23 - But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."

As each of us realize that God is in control, then the fruits of the Spirit will blossom. As God leads us on our Spiritual journey and we develop the way He is telling us, we will be in the fertile ground that will allow to grow many times over. We have to be open to God's direction and as humans, it will take time to realize that He is in control, but when we allow it, we will grow in the Word of His Kingdom.

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