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The Joyful Heart Newsletter
ISSN 1528-5642
by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
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To be notified about future articles, stories, and Bible studies, why don't you subscribe to our free newsletter, The Joyful Heart, by placing your e-mail address in the box below. We respect your privacy and never sell, rent, or loan our lists. Please don't subscribe your friends; let them decide for themselves.
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Previous Issues
- Article: "Don't Cling to the Firewood," announcement of Life of Jacob Bible study.
- Announcement of John's Letters Bible Study. 26-Sept-2009, 36,237 subscribers.
- Announcement of John's Letters Bible Study. 21-Sept-2009, 35,930 subscribers.
- Announcement of John's Letters Bible study, JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey, and Facebook and Twitter pages. 23-Aug-2009, issue 84, 34, 815 subscribers.
- Announcement of JesusWalk: Beginning the Journey curriculum for discipling new believers. 26-May-2009, issue 83, 32,832 subscribers.
- Article, "A Companion Along the Way," 9-April-2009, issue 82, 33,853 subscribers.
- Article, "The Jericho Connection," 7 Last Words of Christ Bible study announcement. 19-Mar-2009, issue 81, 32,832 subscribers.
- Article, "Fear Not! A Savior Is Born," Timothy Bible study announcement. 18-Dec-2008, issue 80, 29,782 subscribers.
- Article, "People Aren't Really 'Lost' ... Are They?" 8-November-2008, Issue 79, 29,853 subscribers.
- Announcing Disciple Lessons from 1 and 2 Timothy Bible Study and video report on the Reconciliation Conference in Eldoret, Kenya, 30-October-2008, Issue 78, 30,738 subscribers.
- Reminders about Christ Powered Life (Romans 5-8) Bible Study and Kenya Reconciliation Mission, 9-August-2008, Issue 77, 30,738 subscribers.
- Announcing the Christ Powered Life (Romans 5-8) Bible Study and Kenya Reconciliation Mission, 19-July-2008, Issue 76, 30,424 subscribers.
- The Passion and Resurrection of Christ Illustrated by James J. Tissot, 23-March-2008, Issue 75, 34,463 subscribers.
- Sermon on the Mount begins, better news from Eldoret, Kenya. 08-Jan-2008, Issue 74, 31, 224 subscribers.
- Update on the Violence in Eldoret, Kenya, 2 Jan 08, Issue 73, 30,687 subscribers.
- The Angel Gabriel's Most Sensitive Mission, announced Sermon on the Mount Bible study, issue 72, 20 Dec 07, 30,379 subscribers.
- "When Magi Camped in Bethlehem," and announcing Christmas Incarnation Bible Study. Issue 71, November 17, 2007. 35,400 subscribers.
- Report on Teaching Mission to Kenya, Issue 70, October 13, 2007. 37,051 subscribers.
- Announcing Psalms Bible Study, Issue 69, August 25, 2007. 37,682 subscribers.
- Announcing Teaching Mission to Eldoret, Kenya, Sept 26-30, Issue 68, 37,683 subscribers.
- "Just What Is the Gospel?" Issue 67, July 21, 2007. 37,663, subscribers.
- "The Thief on the Other Cross: A Monologue," Issue 66, April 2, 2007. 35,946 subscribers.
- "How Can God Die?" and announcement of Resurrection and Easter Faith Bible study, Issue 65, March 1, 2007. 34,773 subscribers.
- "Easter Morning after the Storm," a story of Mary Magdalene, and announcement of Resurrection and Easter Faith Bible study, Issue 64, February 10, 2007, 36,061 subscribers.
- Lent and Easter stories, articles, and Bible studies and announcement of the Lamb of God Video Kit (DVD) for small groups. Issue 63, January 26, 2007.
- "Who Are You, Little Boy?" A Christmas poem. Issue 62, December 21, 2006.
- Early Christian Symbols in the Catacombs and announcement of Ephesians Bible Study, Issue 61, August 14, 2006. Subscribers: 31,604.
- How to Improve Your Personal Bible Study, Bible Study Book Recommendations, and announcement of Ephesians Bible Study, Issue 60, July 7, 2006. Subscribers: 31,259.
- The Da Vinci Code: Sloppy and Prejudiced Church History, and announcement of Lord's Supper study, Issue 59, April 25, 2006. Subscribers: 29,761.
- "Resurrection? Prove It to Me!," Issue 58, April 12, 2006. Subscribers: 29,612. Anncouncement of Lord's Supper online Bible study.
- "They Call Him Immanuel," Issue 57, December 19, 2005, Subscribers: 27,325.
- "Bitter Winter, Better Thanksgiving, the story of Miles Standish," Issue 56, November 21, 2005. Announcement of Names and Titles of God Bible study, Subscribers: 25,296.
- "The Great Earthworm Race," Issue 55, September 5, 2005. Subscribers: 24,158.
- "St. Patrick's Breastplate" and annoucement of Great Prayers of the Bible study, Issue 54, July 30, 2005, Subscribers: 23,740
- "Eyewitness to Palm Sunday," Issue 53, March 20, 2005. Subscribers: 21,960.
- "Malchus, the Slave Whose Ear Was Cut Off" and announcement of Philippians Bible Study, Issue 52, March 6, 2005. Subscribers: 21,623.
- "Break Up Your Fallow Ground," Issue 51, December 30, 2004. Subscribers: 20,815.
- "The Story of Silent Night, Stille Nacht" and "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing: The Gospel in Charles Wesley's Christmas Carol," Issue 50, December 21, 2004. Subscribers:
- "The Extra Electric Train" and announcing the James: Practical Christianity Bible Study. Issue 49, December 18, 2005. Subscribers: 21,881.
- "The Cutting Edge," Issue 48, August 28, 2004, Subscribers: 20,158.
- "Tennis Mirrors Christian Life," Issue 47, July 3, 2004, Subscribers: 20,322.
- "How to Survive Ungratefulness and Vanquish It with Thanksgiving," Issue 46, May 26, 2004, Subscribers: 21,091.
- "Feed My Sheep — An Easter Story," Issue 45, April 8, 2004. Subscribers: 21,032.
- "Don't Write 'New Year's' in Old English Script," Issue 44, January 3, 2004. Subscribers: 21,880.
- "God's Shepherd," Issue 43, December 18, 2003. Subscribers: 22,637.
- "Don't Despise the Day of Small Things," Issue 42, September 3, 2003, Subscribers: 25,000.
- "The Healer without Latex Gloves," Issue 41, August 18, 2003. Subscribers: 27,000.
- "A Tiny Portion from the Feast" and "Seeking," Issue 40, April 28, 2003, Subscribers: 31,646.
- "Learning Faith from Doubting Thomas," Issue 39, April 12, 2003, Subscribers: 32,000.
- "Common Participants at the Table," Issue 38, March 2, 2003, Subscribers: 31,685
- "The Cradle," Issue 37, Dec 20, 2002, Subscribers: 31,841
- "Pray ... with Thanksgiving," Issue 36, Nov 24, 2002, Subscribers: 30,860
- "Take the Handle Off the Broad St. Pump," Issue 35, June 28, 2002, Subscribers: 30,667.
- "A Soldier's View of the Tomb," Issue 34, March 19, 2002. Subscribers: 28,946.
- "Joseph's Letter Home," Issue 33, December 16, 2001. Subscribers: 27,063.
- "The Thanksgiving Story of the Sterile Food Tree," Issue 32, November 23, 2001. Subscribers: 26,515.
- "Galilean Teacher Seen Complicit in Own Execution," Issue 31, April 14, 2001. Subscribers: 25,071
- "A Flesh-and-Blood Christmas Miracle," Issue 30, December 24, 2000. Subscribers: 27,901.
- "Indian Aid and a Blessed Thanksgiving," Issue 29, November 18, 2000. Subscribers: 26,879
- "Not One of Them Empty-Handed," Issue 28, September 2, 2000. Subscribers: 25,469.
- "Four Reasons Why I Believe in the Trinity," Issue 27, August 22, 2000. Subscribers: 25,476.
- "I Have Seen the Lord", Issue 26, April 21, 2000. Subscribers: 23,872.
- "10 Tips for Raising a Darling Heathen Child," Issue 25, January 25, 2000. Subscribers: 21,866.
- "Two Constants in the New Millennium," Issue 24, December 30, 1999. Subscribers: 21,063
- JesusWalk Update and short story, "Shepherds, Angels, and a Manger," The Joyful Heart, Issue 23, December 20, 1999. Subscribers: 20,660
- JesusWalk Update and "Born in Bethlehem," a Christmas exposition of Luke 2:1-7. The Joyful Heart, Issue 22, December 8, 1999. Subscribers: 20,329
- Introducing JesusWalk Bible Study, and "Mary's First Lesson In Discipleship," a Christmas exposition of Luke 1:26-38. The Joyful Heart, Issue 21, December 3, 1999. Subscribers: 20,581.
- "Don't Cling to the Firewood," encouragement to courage and faith in the midst of change, The Joyful Heart, Issue 20, November 27, 1999. Subscribers: 20,274
- "Don't Ask the Blessing, Offer One..." thoughts on Thanksgiving, and blessing God before our meals. The Joyful Heart, Issue 19, November 15, 1999. Subscribers: 19,760
- "Scared to Death of Smiling," thoughts on fear, faith, and smiles, and an announcement of the Letter of James Bible study. The Joyful Heart, Issue 18, August 24, 1999. Subscribers: 18,337
- "The Jericho Connection," a Good Friday short story, The Joyful Heart, Issue 17, March 27, 1999. Subscribers: 16,564
- Announcing Manifesto: Sermon on the Mount Bible study, The Joyful Heart, Issue 16, January 11, 1999. Subscribers: 14,748.
- "Overflowing with Thanksgiving," a Thanksgiving meditation on Colossians 2:6-7. The Joyful Heart, Issue 15, November 20, 1998. Subscribers: 13,343.
- "Apply Fertilizer Liberally — Suggestions for a Quiet Time" gives tips for establishing a devotional time. I also review John C. Maxwell's book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. The Joyful Heart, Issue 14, September 6, 1998. Subscribers: 12,279.
- "The Day Peter Ran" is a short story that looks at the Resurrection of Jesus from Peter's perspective. The Joyful Heart, Issue 13, April 6, 1998. Subscribers: 9,991.
- "Smiling Outside, Lost Within" examines struggles and healing illustrated by the woman with the flow of blood. The Joyful Heart, Issue 12, February 8, 1998. Subscribers: 8,515
- "Walkers," thoughts on discipleship and walking with God. The Joyful Heart, Issue 11, January 7, 1998. Subscribers: 7,879
- "Boys, Burlap, and Christmas," How boy-shepherd burlap teaches us more about Christmas than girl-angel satin. The Joyful Heart, Issue 10, December 23, 1997. Subscribers: 7,555
- "Will You Lead Us In Prayer?" How to minister as you pray in public. The Joyful Heart, Issue 9, November 6, 1997.
- "Does Your Church Run a Spiritual Sweatshop?," Issue 8, October 24, 1997.
- Invitation to Ephesians Bible Study, and short story, "Jesus, You Can Use My Boat," Issue 7, October 3, 1997.
- Invitation to the "Jesus and the Kingdom of God Bible Study," Issue 6, June 15, 1997.
- The Miracle in These Hands, Issue 5, April 2, 1997. Includes update on Internet Bible study experiments. Circulation: 2,988.
- Mary, Servant of the Lord: A Story of the Annunciation, Issue 4, December 4, 1996. Circulation: 1,552.
- A Leper's Thanksgiving, Bible study update, Issue 3, November 23, 1996.
- Invitation to WebChat Bible Study Experiment, Issue 2, Sept 8, 1996. You can also visit the Joyful Heart Bible Studies home page.
- "The Most Unexpected People," Issue 1, July 14, 1996
Dr. Ralph F. Wilson is the editor. Since 1976 he has served as an American Baptist minister, having pastored churches in Los Angeles and Rocklin, California. He holds degrees from Occidental College, Los Angeles, and Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California.Charity
The Joyful Heart is not designed to feed controversy, but to feed Christians. You probably won't agree with everything you read; just make sure your responses are charitable. Subscriptions to The Joyful Heart are free of charge. However, editor reserves the right to suspend or cease publication at any time. He also reserves the right to unsubscribe readers who make themselves obnoxious. <grin>
The Joyful Heart is published several times each year, especially during holiday periods.
Please do not submit articles for publication, since only very rarely will authors other than the editor appear in The Joyful Heart.
May God richly bless you, and grant you a joyful heart.
Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, Editor
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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In-depth Bible study books
You can purchase one of Dr. Wilson's complete Bible studies in PDF, Kindle, or paperback format -- currently 48 books in the JesusWalk Bible Study Series.
Old Testament
- Abraham, Faith of
- Jacob, Life of
- Moses the Reluctant Leader
- Joshua
- Gideon
- David, Life of
- Elijah
- Psalms
- Solomon
- Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
- Isaiah
- 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic)
- Daniel
- Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books
- Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk)
- Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
- Luke's Gospel
- John's Gospel
- Seven Last Words of Christ
- Parables
- Jesus and the Kingdom of God
- Resurrection and Easter Faith
- Apostle Peter
Pauline Epistles
- Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
- 1 Corinthians
- 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Ephesians
- Philippians
- Colossians, Philemon
- 1 & 2 Thessalonians
- 1 &2 Timothy, Titus
General Epistles