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Growing in Christian Maturity
Stories and Articles
by Dr. Ralph F. WilsonWalking in the Garden (Genesis 3:8). A meditation on communion with God, building on the images of Adam and Eve walking with God in the cool of the day. An appeal to seek this kind of daily fellowship in our day. Joyful Heart Newsletter, March 2, 2025.
I Invite You, Lord, to Examine My Ways (Psalm 139:23-24). David sees God intruding in his life and wants to escape. But then he sees God's tender love and opens his inner heart to God's inspection and leadership.
Seeking God Diligently (Isaiah 55:6-9). Isaiah suggests that seeking God requires an active desire to connect with God, that we can't assume that we can 'find' God whenever we're ready. Seeking God must include repentance.
"Let Us Lift Up Our Hearts with our Hands," an exposition of Lamentations 3:40-41, a call for self-examination and fearless moral inventory, followed by repentance and faith.
Seek His Face Continually (Psalm 105:4). An exposition of David's Psalm 105:4, about seeking God with all one's heart -- always and continually.
Gym Training for Spiritual Fitness (1 Timothy 4:7-8). Compares regular training in a gym to spiritual exercises in one's devotional life, leading to spiritual fitness and spiritual growth.
Where Are You, Adam? We can have a devotional time as a duty. But at its best it is like walking with God in the cool of the day. Fellowship, enjoying each other's company.
Become a Growing Disciple! Learn to Feed Yourself. Too Christians many are dependent upon sermons or devotional guides. Encourages believers to learn to feed themselves through daily Scripture reading and reflection.
What's in Your Hand?? The gifts, skills,
opportunities, relationships, and resources that God has put in your hands is a
clue to what He wants you to do for Him.
Bible, No Breakfast, by Dr. Leland Wang (Wang Zai). Reprint of a
powerful story of a Chinese leader's personal struggle to read the Bible daily.
PDF to reprint this as a brochure.
It's Not Your Fight Any More - The David and Goliath Story, The Assayer, May 5, 2012. A short story account of David's defeat of Goliath, with application for our lives -- trusting in the Lord and not ourselves!
"How to Survive Ungratefulness -- and Vanquish It with Thanksgiving," The Joyful Heart, March, 2004. Advice for Christian leaders who are under-appreciated, taken for granted, and criticized.
"Take the Handle Off the Broad Street Pump," Herald of Holiness, February 1, 1986. Also in Seek, June 14, 1987, pp. 6-7. On protecting the well-springs of our lives from pollution, Proverbs 4:23.
"The Story of the Sterile Food Tree," The Joyful Heart, November 21, 2001. A parable of Thanksgiving in the midst of adversity and change.
"Seeking," reflections on seeking the Seeking God. June 17, 2001.
"Coming to Grips with Gossip and slander" (revised), a study of gossip and slander in the church, and how to curtail it. Also available for reprinting as a 4-page folder.
"Don't Cling to the Firewood," The Joyful Heart, Issue 16, November 27, 1999. Thoughts on courage and faith in the midst of change.
"Walkers," The Joyful Heart, Issue 11, January 7, 1998. Thoughts on discipleship and walking with God.
"Will You Lead Us In Prayer?" How to minister as you pray in public. The Joyful Heart, Issue 9, November 6, 1997.
"Does Your Church Run a Spiritual Sweatshop?" Here's a message you'll never hear your pastor preach, but one you and other church leaders need to take very seriously. The Joyful Heart, Issue 8, October 27, 1997.
"Lord, You Can Use My Boat," The Joyful Heart, Issue 7, October 3, 1997. A short story of the call of Peter dealing with the stewardship of all we possess.
"The Miracle in These Hands," a short story, first appeard in The Joyful Heart, Issue 5, April 2, 1997. A retelling of Peter's healing of the lame man at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple, from Acts 3:1-11.
"The Most Unexpected People," The Joyful Heart, Issue 1, July 14, 1996. A retold story designed to help believers be willing to obey the Spirit to witness to others.
"The Cutting Edge," Evangel, August 9, 1987, p. 7. Also in The Gem, January 3, 1988, pp. 6-7. We need to keep our lives as sharp as saw-mill blades.
"The Healer without Latex Gloves," The Loomis News, August 11, 1994, p. 8. Point: Jesus did not isolate himself from sinners, but loved and cared for them.
"The Great Earthworm Race," Sunday Digest, April 25, 1993, pp. 6-7. Also in Evangel, August 22, 1993, p. 7; Standard, September 19, 1993, pp. 1-2 A humorous piece about seeking God's direction in our lives.
"Leaving the Nest," Live, February 15, 1987, p. 4. Also in Standard, May 31, 1987. A short piece about God's care over migrating birds and migrating humans.
"The Power of Drip-Drops," Message of the Open Bible, September 1992, p. 13. On the building value of godly habits in the Christian life.
"Leaving Old Skins Behind," Evangel, October 11, 1992, p. 8. Also in Message of the Open Bible, July-August 1993, p. 19. Compares lizards shedding old skin to Christians letting go of old ways.
"Apply Fertilizer Liberally," describes a step-by-step way to establish a quiet time.
"The God of the Little Problems," an encouragement that God wants us to talk to him about the most mundane parts of our lives.
"Meaning in the Workplace," taking Christ to work with us can transform the way we view our jobs.
"Light and Delicious Christians" comparing bread rising to Christians maturing.
"A Lesson in Love," thoughts on loving real jerks.
"Should Wives Go to Church without Their Husbands?" I conclude they should, even if their husbands won't attend with them.
"Be Quiet and Let Me Bless You," how I learned house construction from my laymen.
"Roundup® Straight-Up" Getting rid of the thorns that choke off our spiritual life.
"Level Foundations," lessons from a construction error to getting it right from the bottom up in constructing our lives.
"Don't Pay the Price of Counterfeit Forgiveness," Moody Monthly, October 1985, pp. 106-108. Reprinted in Seek, October 26, 1986, pp. 4-6; Vista, September 13, 1987; Pathways for Young Adults Student Guide, December-February 1994-1995, pp. 28-32. Point: We often fail to forgive, because we misunderstand what true forgiveness really is.
"Kindness Begins at Home," working out principles of Christian kindness in our own families.
"God's Man at Bearcat Tool & Die," Evangel, May 1, 1988, pp. 1-4. Also in Standard, September 18, 1988, pp. 4-6. Story of a convert working out his new-found faith in a factory setting.
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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Old Testament
- Abraham, Faith of
- Jacob, Life of
- Moses the Reluctant Leader
- Joshua
- Gideon
- David, Life of
- Elijah
- Psalms
- Solomon
- Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
- Isaiah
- 28 Advent Scriptures (Messianic)
- Daniel
- Rebuild & Renew: Post-Exilic Books
- Christmas Incarnation (Mt, Lk)
- Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5-7)
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- John's Gospel
- Seven Last Words of Christ
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- Jesus and the Kingdom of God
- Resurrection and Easter Faith
- Apostle Peter
Pauline Epistles
- Romans 5-8 (Christ-Powered Life)
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