Christian Articles Archive

Thanksgiving, St. Patrick's Day, New Year's Day, and St. Valentine's Day Stories and Articles

by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson

Articles and Stories
by Ralph F. Wilson

THANKSGIVING Turkey dinner New"Indian Aid and a Blessed Thanksgiving," The Joyful Heart, November 18, 2000. Discusses the role that native Americans Samoset, Massasoit, and Squanto had in the first Thanksgiving celebration.

"Pilgrim Daughter," Evangel, November 21, 1993, pp. 4-5. Also in The Gem, November 22, 1992, p. 4-6; Message of the Open Bible, November 1993, p. 18. A personal story which focuses on the hardships and faith of the early Pilgrims.

New"Don't Ask the Blessing, Offer One," Joyful Heart, November 15, 1999. Explains that prayer before meals is to offer thanksgiving to God, not bless the food.

"Overflowing with Thankfulness," A Thanksgiving meditation on Colossians 2:6-7.

"A Leper's Thanksgiving," The Joyful Heart, Issue 3, November 23, 1996. The story of the ten lepers who were cleansed by Jesus from Luke 17:11-19.

"Cranberry Sauce and Pumpkin Pie," The Gem, November 21, 1993, pp. 2-3. On actually thanking God on Thanksgiving day.

"Who'll Say Grace?" a reminder to pray before our meals, especially on Thanksgiving Day.

"You Pays Your Money, " things to be thankful about in a take-it-for-granted society.

"Bitter Winter, Better Thanksgiving," the story of Miles Standish, "Mayflower" leader who worshipped in spite of losing his wife.

"Squanto--God's Special Indian," tells the story of how Squanto was providentially enabled to help the Pilgrims--and to find Christianity.

New"Squanto's Thanksgiving," a 15-minute, one act children's play that tells the story of Squanto's assistance to the Pilgrims.

Various Holidays
St. Patrick's Day
"Will the Real St. Patrick Please Stand Up?" Vista, March 15, 1987, pp. 6-7. It also appeared under the title "Patrick: Evangelist to Ireland," Purpose, March 15, 1987, pp. 1-3. The story of St. Patrick, the English-born apostle to Ireland and churchplanter par excellence.

A shorter version, "Ireland's Church Planter" is also available.

New Year's Day

New "Don't Write 'New Years' in Old English Script" The Joyful Heart, Issue 44, January 3, 2004. Traditions preserve values, but can keep you from listening to God speaking today and from changing in response to his future for you.

"Two Constants in the New Millennium," The Joyful Heart, Issue 24, December 30, 1999. With change swirling around us, one thing doesn't change.

"New Year's Resolutions," reasons why we ought to make new resolutions in the New Year.

St. Valentine's Day

Valentine "Breaking, Aching Valentine," sees Jesus as God's broken-hearted Valentine to us.

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