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The Passion of Christ Illustrated by James J. Tissot
collected by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
- Easter, Good Friday, and Holy Week Artwork
- Resurrection Artwork
- Palm Sunday Artwork
- Lord's Supper Artwork
- The Passion of Christ Illustrated by James J. Tissot (below)
James J. Tissot (French painter and illustrator, 1836-1902) was a well-known French impressionist painter, who in his later years travelled twice to the Holy Land in order to produced a series of 700 accurate watercolor drawings to illustrate the Old and New Testaments — especially the life of Christ. The numbers of the pictures are from a catalog of an exposition of these paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago, January 26-February 23, 1899. Good images of most of Tissot's paintings of the Gospels are now available for viewing on the Brooklyn Museum website. I hope you enjoy Tissot's exquisite work as much as I have. — Pastor Ralph
Thursday, Last Supper
- The Evil Counsel. The Pharisees and the Herodians Conspire against Jesus. The Pharisees Conspire Together.
- Judas Goes to the Chief Priests
- Jesus Going to the Mount of Olives at Night
- Holy Thursday
- The Man Bearing the Pitcher. Man Bearing a Pitcher
- The Last Supper, (The Jews Passover)
- The Last Supper: Judas dipping his hand in the dish. The Last Supper
- The Washing of the Feet (24.8 x 42.4 cm). Jesus Washes the Feet of the Disciples
- The Communion of the Apostles. Communion of the Apostles
- Judas Leaves the Cenacle. Judas Retires from the Supper
- The Last Sermon of Our Lord. Last Discourse of Our Lord Jesus
- Our Lord Jesus Christ
- Address to Philip: 'He who has seen me has seen the Father.'
- Protestations of St. Peter: 'Although all shall fall away, yet I will not.'
- St. Peter
![]() James J. Tissot, 'The Last Supper: Judas Dips Bread into the Bowl' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
Garden of Gethsemane
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Agony in the Garden' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- My Soul Is Sorrowful unto Death. My Soul Is Exceedingly Sorrowful, Even unto Death
- The Grotto of the Agony. Agony in the Garden
- You Could Not Watch One Hour with Me. Disciples Fall Asleep. Could you not watch with me one hour?
- The Procession of Judas. Judas Approaching with a Large Crowd
- The Kiss of Judas. Judas Betrays Jesus with a Kiss
- Judas Iscariot
- The Guards Falling Backwards. Guards falling backwards. They Drew Back and Fell to the Ground
- St. James the Less
- The Ear of Malchus. Peter Cuts Off Malchus' Ear
- The Healing of Malchus. Jesus Healing Malchus
- The Bridge of Kedron. The Brook of Kidron (Psalm 110:7)
- The Flight of the Apostles. They All Forsook Him and Fled.
- Saint Peter and Saint John Follow from Afar. St. Peter and St. John Follow Afar Off
High Priest Trial
- The Tribunal of Annas. Jesus Is Led to or Taken before Annas
- The False Witnesses. The False Witnesses Before Caiaphas False Witnesses
- Peter's First Denial of Jesus. Peter Disowns Jesus the First Time
- Peter's Second Denial of Jesus. Peter Disowns Jesus the Second Time
- Annas and Caiaphas
- The Torn Cloak: Jesus Condemned to Death by the Jews. The Chief Priest Tears / Rends His Clothes
- The Third Denial of Peter. Jesus' Look of Reproach. The Lord Looked upon Peter
- The Cock Crowed
- The Sorrow of St. Peter. Peter Goes Out Weeping Bitterly
Trial by the Chief Priests
- Maltreatments in the House of Caiaphas. Christ Is Mocked in the House of Caiaphas
- Good Friday Morning: Jesus in Prison. Friday Morning: Jesus Bound in Prison
- The Morning Judgment. The Council the Morning of Good Friday
- Judas Returns the Money. Judas Repents and Returns the Price of Blood or the Blood Money
- Judas Hangs Himself. Judas Hangs Himself
- The Apostles' Hiding Place. Having Deserted Jesus, the Disciples Hide in the Valley of Hinnom
- Jesus Is Led from Caiaphas to Pilate. Jesus Is Led from Caiaphas to Pilate
Jesus before Pilate and Herod
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Jesus Is Flogged in the Face' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- Jesus Appears before Pilate for the First Interview. Jesus Before Pilate the First Time
Portrait of Pilate
Pilate's Wife Warns Him of a Dream. Pilate's Wife Warns Pilate of a Dream - Jesus Before Herod
- Jesus Is Led Back from Herod to Pilate. Jesus Is Sent Back from Herod to Pilate / Led Back to Pilate
- The Scourging on the Front. Jesus Is Flogged in the Face
- The Scourging on the Back. Jesus Is Flogged on the Back
- The Scapegoat
- The Crowning of Thorns. The Crown of Thorns
- Behold the Man. Ecce Homo. Ecce homo, Behod the Man! Ecce Homo, Behold the Man
- Jesus Is before Pilate for the Second Interview. Jesus Before Pilate the Second Time
- Barabbas
- Let Him Be Crucified! Crucify Him!
- Pilate Washes His Hands. Pilate Washing His Hands
- The Holy Stair. The Holy Stairs
- Jesus Leaves the Praetorium. Jesus Leaving the Governor's Judgment Hall
- Bird's-Eye View of the Forum, Jesus Hears His Death Sentence
- The Judgment on the Gabbatha. Pilate Pronounces Judgment from the Gabbatha
- The Title on the Cross. The Inscription on the Cross
They Dressed Him in His own Garments. They Put His Own Clothes on Him
Via Dolorosa
- The Via Dolorosa sketch
- The Via Dolorosa another sketch
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Simon of Cyrene Is Compelled to Bear the Cross' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- Jesus Bearing the Cross. Christ / Jesus Bearing/Carrying His Cross
- Jesus Falls Beneath the Cross. Jesus falls beneath the cross. Christ / Jesus Falls Beneath His Cross
- Jesus Meets His Mother. Jesus meets his mother. Jesus Meets His Mother
- Simon the Cyrenian Compelled to Carry the Cross with Jesus. Simon the Cyrenian compelled to carry the cross with Jesus. Simon of Cyrene Is Compelled to Bear the Cross (Is Forced to Carry the Cross)
- Simon of Cyrene and his two sons Alexander and Rufus
- A Holy Woman Wipes the Face of Jesus. Veronica wipes Jesus face
- The Holy Face or Countenance (Veronica)
- The Daughters of Jerusalem. The Daughters of Jerusalem
- Location of Golgotha and the tomb
- Reconstruction of Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre Seen from the Wall of Herod's Palace. Calvary as seen from the Walls of Herod's Palace.
- Reconstruction of Golgotha and the holy sepulchre seen from the Walls of the Judical Gate / Gate of Judgment. Restoration of Calvary as seen from the walls of the Gate of Judgment
- Reconstruction of Jerusalem and Herod's Temple.
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Pardoning the Repentant Thief' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- The Procession Nearing Calvary. The Procession Arrives at Calvary
- The Holy Women Watch from Afar. The Holy Women Look on From Afar / Watching from a Distance
- The disciples, having left their hiding place, watch from afar
- Jesus is taken from the old cistern, which, according to an ancient tradition, he was imprisoned while awaiting the crucifixion
- Jesus Stripped of His Clothing. Jesus stripped of his clothing. Jesus Is Stripped of His Raiment
- Wine Mixed with Myrrh or Gall
- The First Nail. The First Nail
- The Nail for the Feet. The Nail Driven into the Feet
- The Raising of the Cross. The Erection or Raising of the Cross
- The Five Wedges. The Wedging of the Cross
- Pardon of the Good Thief. (detail) Pardoning the Penitent or Repentant Thief (The Penitent Thief detail)
- They Parted His Raiment and Cast Lots
- And Sitting Down They Watched Him There
- What our Savior Saw from the Cross. What our Saviour saw from the cross.
- Sabat Mater (Woman, Behold Your Son)
- The Sorrowful Mother (Mater Dolorosa), opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper, 32.7 x 23 cm.
- My God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
- I thirst. Vinegar given to Jesus. I Am Thirsty
- It is finished! Consummatum est! It Is Finished (It Is Finished larger)
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Soldier with Spear Pierces jesus in His Side' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- The Death of Jesus
- The crowd left beating their breasts. All the people who had gathered to witness this sight ... beat their breasts and went away
- Earthquake
- The Chasm in the rock in the Cave beneath Calvary. Chasm in the Rock of Calvary
- The Confession of Saint Longinus. The Confessions of the Centurion Longinus
- The Centurion. The Centurion
- The Dead Appear in the Temple. The Dead Appear in the Temple
- The Dead Appear in Jerusalem. Apparition of the Dead Appear in Jerusalem
- The Thieves Legs Are Broken. Soldiers Break the Bones of the Thieves
- The Soul of the Penitent Thief
- The strike of the Lance. Soldier with Spear Pierces Jesus in His Side
- Confession of the Centurion. Centurion Praising God
- Jesus Alone on the Cross. Jesus Alone on the Cross, opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper), 32.7 x 23 cm.
- Joseph of Arimathea Seeks Herod. Joseph of Arimathea in Pilate's House
- Joseph of Arimathea. Joseph of Arimathea
- The Descent from the Cross. Descent from the cross.
- The Holy Virgin Receives the Body of Jesus. Holy Virgin Receives the Body of Her Son (bw)
- The body of Jesus is carried to the anointing stone. The Body of Jesus Is Carried to the Stone of Anointing
- The Holy Virgin kisses the face of Jesus before it is wrapped in the winding-sheet. The Stone of Anointing - the anointing of the body of Jesus (larger)
- Jesus Carried to the Tomb. Christ Jesus Is Carried to the Tomb
- Jesus in the Sepulchre. Christ in the Tomb
- The Two Marys Watch the Tomb of Jesus. The Two Marys Watch at the Tomb of Jesus
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Resurrection' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- The Watch over the Tomb. The Roman Guards at the Tomb
- The Resurrection. The Resurrection
- Mary Magdalene and the Holy Women at the Tomb. Mary Magdalene and the Holy Women at the Tomb
- The Angel Seated upon the Stone of the Tomb.
- Mary Magdalene runs and tells the disciples. They Have Taken the Lord Out of the Tomb
- Saint Peter and Saint John Run to the Sepulchre. Peter and John Run to the Sepulcher or Grave
- Mary Magdalene Questions the Angels in the Tomb. Mary Magdalene in the Tomb
- Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
- Do Not Hold on to Me (Noli me tangre). Do Not Hold on to Me (Noli me tangre)
- Christ Appears to Peter
- Jesus Appears to the Holy Women. Christ Appearing to the Holy Women
- Disciples on Their Way to Emmaus
- He Vanished from their Sight. He Vanished from their Sight
Resurrection Appearances and Ascension
- The Appearance of Christ in the Upper Room. Christ Appears to the Eleven
- The Disbelief of St. Thomas The Doubting Thomas
- St. Thomas
- Jesus Christ Appears at the Shore of Lake Tiberias
- Peter Jumps into the Water. Peter throws himself into the water
- The Second Miraculous Draft of Fish. The second miraculous draught of fish
- Jesus Eats Breakfast with His Disciples. Jesus Eats with Disciples
- Feed My Lambs. Feed My Lambs
- Ascension from the Mount of Olives and he disappeared from their sight
- The Ascension. The Ascension
Palm Sunday
![]() James J. Tissot, 'Jesus Beheld the City and Wept over It' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor. Larger image. |
- The Foal of Bethphage. The Foal of Bethpage Jesus Sent Two Disciples...
- The Procession on the Mount of Olives. Palm Sunday Procession on the Mount of Olives
- The Lord Wept. Jesus Beheld the City and Wept over It.
- The Procession in the Streets of Jerusalem. Procession through the Streets of Jerusalem. Procession in theStreets of Jerusalem
- The Procession in the Temple. Multitude that followed Jesus in the Temple
- The Chief Priests Take Counsel Together
- The Accursed Fig Tree
- Merchants Chased from the Temple. Christ driving out of the temple
- Jesus Forbids Carrying of Loads in the Forecourt of the Temple
- He Heals the Lame in the Temple
- Jesus Goes in the Evening to Bethany. Christ Retreats to the Mountain at Night. Jesus Goes Out to Bethany at Night
- The Gentiles ask to See Jesus (John 12:20-21)
- The Voice from on High
- Chief Priests: By what authority...?
- The Cornerstone
- The Tribute Money
- St. Luke
- The Pharisees Question Jesus
- Woe to You, Scribes and Pharisees
- Jerusalem, Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Jerusalem
- The Widow's Mite
- The Disciples Admire the Buildings of the Temple. Master, Stones of the Temple (Mark 13:1)
- The Prophesy of the Destruction of the Temple. Jesus fortells the destruction of the Temple
- The Meal in the House of the Pharisee. The Alabaster Box. Different is: The Alabaster Box of Very Precious Ointment (Magdalene)
The Procession of the Apostles
- Zecharia
- The Annunciation, Gouache, The Brooklyn Museum
- "The Journey of the Magi" (1894), oil on canvas, Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
- Josef Seeking Lodging in Bethlehem
- The man who hoards (The man who planned to build new barns). Greed.
- Where two or three are gathered in my name...
- Jesus Looking Through the Lattice
- Global Gallery, index of James Tissot paintings features larger images
- Synopsis of the Life of Jesus the Messiah
Christian Art and Paintings:
Abraham Art | Agnus Dei Art | Angel Art | Annunciation Art |
Celtic Stone Cross Art |
Christian Symbols and Art |
Christmas Art |
Easter Art |
Elijah |
Passion of Christ
by Tissot |
Gideon |
Hebrew-Jewish Art | Holy Week Art | Jacob | Jesus' Ministry Art | Jesus' Teaching Art |
Jesus Portraits and Art | John the Baptist
| John the Apostle
| Lamb of God Art | Last Supper Art | Madonna & Child Art |
Moses and the
Exodus | Names of God Art | OT Misc Art | Psalms Art | Palm Sunday Art | Paul Art and Paintings | Day of Pentecost Art | Peter Art and Paintings |
Prayer Art | Resurrection Art | Revelation Art |
Solomon |Thanksgiving and Pilgrims Art |
Timothy Art and Paintings
Copyright of artwork. Much, but not all, of the artwork
linked to on this site is in the public domain worldwide due to the date of death of its author (if it is was published outside of the U.S. and the author
has been dead for over 70 years), or due to its date of
publication (if it was first made public in the U.S. before
1923), at least in the United States (see
Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp.), in Germany, and in many other countries.
Copyright © 2025, Ralph F. Wilson. <> All rights reserved. A single copy of this article is free. Do not put this on a website. See legal, copyright, and reprint information.
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