Watching Holy Week Unfold
with paintings by French painter James Jacques Tissot (1836-1902)
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Last Supper
The Garden
Good Friday
Chief Priests
Pilate and Herod
Via Dolorosa
Easter Sunday
Good Friday, Easter, and Holy Week articles and short stories
Good Friday: Jesus' Crucifixion

James J. Tissot, detail of 'Pardoning the Repentant Thief' (1896), Brooklyn Museum, watercolor
View each painting by clicking on the arrow to the right.
- The Procession Nearing Calvary
- The Holy Women Watch from Afar
- The disciples, having left their hiding place, watch from afar
- Jesus is taken from the old cistern*
- Jesus Stripped of His Clothing
- Wine Mixed with Myrrh or Gall
- The First Nail
- The Nail Driven into the Feet
- The Raising of the Cross
- The Five Wedges of the Cross
- Pardon of the Good Thief
- They Parted His Raiment and Cast Lots
- And Sitting Down They Watched Him There
- What Our Savior Saw from the Cross
- Woman, Behold Your Son (Sabat Mater)
- The Sorrowful Mother (Mater Dolorosa)
- My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?
- I thirst. Vinegar given to Jesus
- It is finished! (Consummatum est!)
Tissot has analyzed what the terrain of Golgotha and the sepulchre would have looked like before the Church of the Holy Sepulchre was built over it.
- Reconstruction of Golgotha and the Holy Sepulchre Seen from the Wall of Herod's Palace*
- Reconstruction of Golgotha and the holy sepulchre seen from the Walls of the Judical Gate or Gate of Judgment*
- Reconstruction of Jerusalem and Herod's Temple*
- Man of Sorrows*
* Omitted from slide sequence.
The numbers of the pictures are from a catalog of an exposition of these paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago, January 26-February 23, 1899. Good images of most of Tissot's paintings of the Gospels are now available for viewing on the Brooklyn Museum website.
Paintings by by James Jacques Tissot (French painter and illustrator, 1836-1902). Biography. Nearly all of Tissot's paintings of the Life of Christ (1884-1896) are rendered in opaque watercolor over graphite on gray wove paper and are owned by the Brooklyn Museum, New York.
Watching Holy Week Unfold
with paintings by James J. Tissot of the Life and Passion of Christ, Good Friday, and the Resurrection
Christian Art and Paintings:
Abraham Art | Agnus Dei Art | Angel Art | Annunciation Art |
Celtic Stone Cross Art |
Christian Symbols and Art |
Christmas Art |
Easter Art |
Elijah |
Passion of Christ
by Tissot |
Gideon |
Hebrew-Jewish Art | Holy Week Art | Jacob | Jesus' Ministry Art | Jesus' Teaching Art |
Jesus Portraits and Art | John the Baptist
| John the Apostle
| Lamb of God Art | Last Supper Art | Madonna & Child Art |
Moses and the
Exodus | Names of God Art | OT Misc Art | Psalms Art | Palm Sunday Art | Paul Art and Paintings | Day of Pentecost Art | Peter Art and Paintings |
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Timothy Art and Paintings
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